3.3.3 List Files

To display information about files inside an Exascale vault, use the ESCLI ls command and specify the vault name followed by the slash character (/). For example:

@> ls @myvaultname/

As shown in the example, a simple form of the command displays basic information about all of the files inside the specified vault.

Alternatively, you can change the working directory in the ESCLI session by using the cd command, and then run the ls command within the context of the specified vault. For example:

@> cd @myvaultname
@myvaultname/> ls

Using the command options available with the ls command, you can also:

  • Specify the files that you want to display.
  • Filter the output according to your specified conditions.
  • Sort the output using specific attributes.
  • Choose to display output with different levels of detail.