2.5.1 Create a Storage Pool

This topic describes how to create a new Exascale storage pool.

An Exascale storage pool is a collection of pool disks that provides persistent physical storage for Exascale vaults and files. Each storage pool is a collection of pool disks using only one type of storage media (for example, HC). You cannot define a storage pool with pool disks having a mixture of media types (for example, HC and EF).

Before you create a storage pool, you need some pool disks that are already associated with the storage pool name.

To create a storage pool, use the ESCLI mkstoragepool command and specify the name for the new storage pool.

The essential command syntax is:

@> mkstoragepool storagepool-name

Additionally, you can specify the --nowait option to instruct the command to return immediately instead of waiting until the storage pool is created.

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