
Create a storage pool.


The mkstoragepool command creates a pool of Exascale storage.


mkstoragepool storagepool-name [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ] [ --nowait ]

Command Options

The options for the mkstoragepool command are:

  • --attributes: Optionally specifies one or more attribute settings for the storage pool.

    Use the describe mkstoragepool command to view details about the storage pool attributes you can specify with mkstoragepool.

  • --nowait: Specifies that the command returns immediately while the operation completes in the background. Without this option, the command does not return until the storage pool is created.

Usage Notes

Before you create a storage pool, you need some pool disks that are already associated with the storage pool name.


Example 6-62 Create a Storage Pool

The following example shows creating a storage pool named POOL1.

@> mkstoragepool POOL1