3.1.2 Create a Wallet

Exascale user credentials are contained in a digital key store, also known as a wallet.

For maximum security, an Exascale user should create and manage their own wallet.

Before you can associate a wallet with an Exascale user, you must know the user identifier for the Exascale user. Consult with your Exascale administrator to determine the required value.

To create a wallet for an Exascale user:

  1. Create an empty wallet.

    Use the ESCLI mkwallet command and specify the directory location for the new wallet. For example:

    @> mkwallet --wallet /home/user/user.wallet
  2. Associate the wallet with the Exascale user.

    Use the ESCLI chwallet command and specify:

    • The user ID for the user that is being associated with the wallet.
    • The wallet directory location.

    For example:

    @> chwallet --wallet /home/user/user.wallet --attributes user=theuserID