3.1.3 Store a Private Key in a Wallet

Exascale authentication uses a system of public and private key pairs. Each Exascale user is associated with a public key. To prove their identity, an Exascale user must supply the matching private key, which is stored inside a digital wallet.

Before you can store a private key in your wallet, you must already have the key and the wallet.

To store a private key in a wallet, use the ESCLI chwallet command and specify:

  • The wallet location.
  • The location of the file that contains the user's private key in PEM format.

For example:

@> chwallet --wallet /home/user/user.wallet --private-key-file

If the wallet did not contain a private key before the chwallet command, then the specified private key is inserted into the wallet. Otherwise, the existing private key is overwritten with the specified private key.