4.5 Customizing the File Storage Attributes for Oracle Database Files

Every Exascale file is associated with file storage attributes that govern how the file is stored and managed.

By default, when a file is created, Exascale automatically applies the attributes from the template that matches the file type. For example, when Oracle Database creates a data file, the DATAFILE template is automatically used by default. You cannot change the file storage attributes after the file is created.

However, you can override the default template by specifying the template name in an Oracle Managed Files (OMF) specification or fully-qualified file name. In the following examples, mytemplate is used instead of the default template:

  • OMF parameter example:

  • OMF data file example:

  • Fully-qualified data file name example:

    SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE mytbs3 DATAFILE '@MYVAULT(mytemplate)/mydbfiles/data/mytbs3.dbf' SIZE 10G;

By specifying a non-default template, you can customize the Exascale file storage attributes for specific databases or files within a database. For example, if the vault contains High Capacity (HC) and Extreme Flash (EF) storage media, you can choose EF storage instead of the default (HC) by using a template with mediaType=EF.