
Execute a DBMCLI command on a compute server.


The dbmcli command enables you to run a DBMCLI command on a specified compute server.


dbmcli --compute compute-name [ --xml ] [ -e ] dbmcli-command

Command Options

The options for the dbmcli command are:

  • compute-name: Specifies the name of compute server that is the subject of the operation.

    The compute server must be identified by its name. Use the lscomputeserver command to find all compute server names.

  • --xml: Generates XML-formatted command output.

  • -e dbmcli-command: Specifies the DBMCLI command. The -e argument is optional.

Usage Notes

To run the dbmcli command in ESCLI, the Exascale user must have the cl_admin privilege. On the Exadata compute server, the command runs with the privilege of the dbmadmin user.


Example 6-9 Run a DBMCLI command

In the following examples, the list dbserver command is run on DB01. Both commands perform the same function. However, the second command specifies the optional -e argument.

@> dbmcli --compute DB01 list dbserver
@> dbmcli --compute DB01 -e list dbserver

Example 6-10 Run a DBMCLI command and generate XML-formatted output

In this example, the list dbserver command is run on DB01 and the command output is rendered using XML.

@> dbmcli --compute DB01 --xml list dbserver