
Start, stop, restart, or disable a software service.


The chservice command allows you to start, stop, restart, or disable an Exascale software service. A chservice command can only perform one operation on one service instance.


chservice --attributes name=service_cell[,frontend={true|false}] { --start | --stop | --restart | --disable [ --force ]}
chservice --attributes name=service_compute { --start | --stop | --restart | --disable [ --force ]}

Command Options

The options for the chservice command are:

  • --attributes: Primarily identifies the server and service that is the subject of the operation. This option is also used to specify optional attribute settings.

    • name: Identifies the server and service that is the subject of the operation.

      For a service on an Exadata storage server, specify the name attribute using the format: name=service_cell. In the attribute value:

      • service: Specifies the service that you want to act on, which is one of the following:

        • cellsrv: Specifies the core Exadata cell services (CELLSRV, MS, and RS).

        • egs: Specifies the Exascale cluster service, also known as Exascale global service (EGS).

        • ers: Specifies the Exascale control service, also known as Exascale RESTful service (ERS).

        • syseds: Specifies the system vault manager service.

        • usreds: Specifies the user vault manager service.

        • bsm: Specifies the block store manager service.

        • bsw: Specifies the block store worker service.

      • cell: Specifies the name of the storage server (cell) that hosts the service.

        The cell must be identified by its name. Use the lscell command to find all cell names.

      For a service on an Exadata compute server, specify the name attribute using the format: name=service_compute. In the attribute value:

      • service: Specifies the service that you want to act on, which is one of the following:

        • egs: Specifies the Exascale cluster service, also known as Exascale global service (EGS).

        • bsw: Specifies the block store worker service.

      • compute: Specifies the name of the compute server (dbserver) that hosts the service.

        Depending on the required service location, specify either the name of a specific compute node virtual machine (VM) or the Exadata compute node host domain (KVM host or Dom0).

    • frontend: Optionally specifies whether to start ERS front-end server processes. This option is only valid when starting or restarting an ERS instance.

      To start the front-end server processes on the ERS instance, specify frontend=true. To not start the front-end server processes on the ERS instance, specify frontend=false.

  • You must also specify one of the following operations:
    • --start: Starts a service. The service is also enabled if it was previously disabled.

    • --stop: Stops a service.

    • --restart: Restarts a service. The service is also enabled if it was previously disabled.

    • --disable: Disables a service. A disabled service is stopped and prevented from automatically restarting on the associated server.

      You can also add the --force option to forcibly disable the service, even if the server hosting the service is unavailable. This option only applies when disabling a service.


Example 6-7 Start the System Vault Manager Service (SYSEDS)

In this example, the system vault manager service is started on CELL1.

@> chservice --attributes name=syseds_CELL1 --start

Example 6-8 Restart the Exascale Control Service (ERS)

In this example, ERS is restarted on CELL2, along with the front-end ERS server processes.

@> chservice --attributes name=ers_CELL2,frontend=true --restart