
Change attributes for a deferred feature update.


The chfeatureupdate command allows you to change attributes associated with a deferred feature update.


chfeatureupdate name [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the chfeatureupdate command are:

  • name: Identifies the deferred feature update that is the subject of the operation.

  • --attributes: Specifies one or more attribute settings for the deferred feature update.

    Use the describe chfeatureupdate command to view details about the deferred feature update attributes you can modify with chfeatureupdate.


Example 6-6 Change the Time When a Deferred Feature Update Takes Effect

The following example shows how to change the time when a deferred feature update is scheduled to take effect.

@> chfeatureupdate deferred_update_1_1684214264 --attributes expiryTime=2024-01-01T12:31:01