3.6.1 List Extended Attributes

An extended attribute is non-standard user-defined metadata that is associated with an Exascale vault or file.

To display information about extended attributes, use the ESCLI lsxattr command:

  • To display all of the extended attributes for a specific vault or file, use the lsxattr command and specify the desired vault or file name. For example:
    @> lsxattr @myvaultname/myfile
  • To display a specific extended attribute for a vault or file, use the lsxattr command and specify:
    • The name of the vault or file that is associated with the extended attribute.
    • The extended attribute name.

    For example:

    @> lsxattr @myvaultname/myfile --name myattribute
  • To write a binary extended attribute value to a local file, use the lsxattr command and specify:
    • The name of the vault or file that is associated with the extended attribute.
    • The extended attribute name.
    • The name of the file where you want to write the value of the extended attribute.

    For example:

    @> lsxattr @myvaultname/myfile --name mybinaryattribute --bin-value-file /home/myoutputfile