3.6.2 Set an Extended Attribute

A user-defined extended attribute is non-standard metadata that is associated with an Exascale vault or file.

You can set new extended attributes for a vault or a file, or you can overwrite the value for existing user-defined extended attributes.


Extended attributes with names that start with a dollar sign ($) are reserved for internal use by Exascale services and tools. You cannot create, modify, or delete these extended attributes.

To set a user-defined extended attribute and associate it with an Exascale vault or file, use the ESCLI chxattr command:

  • To set an extended attribute with a string value, use the chxattr command and specify:
    • The name of the vault or file that is associated with the extended attribute.
    • The extended attribute name.
    • The extended attribute value.

    For example:

    @> chxattr @myvaultname/myfile --name myattribute --value myattributevalue
  • To set an extended attribute with a binary value, use the chxattr command and specify:
    • The name of the vault or file that is associated with the extended attribute.
    • The extended attribute name.
    • The name of the file that contains the binary extended attribute value.

    For example:

    @> chxattr @myvaultname/myfile --name mybinaryattribute --bin-value-file /home/mybinaryfile