3.8.2 List Resource Profiles

Resource profiles govern how resources are managed within a vault. Each resource profile defines a set of resource limits and settings, which can be associated with various Exascale clients (Oracle databases and block store volumes).

To display information about resource profiles, use the ESCLI lsresourceprofile command.

For example, the following command displays basic information about all resource profiles associated with the specified vault (myvault):

@> lsresourceprofile --filter vault=myvault

And the following command displays detailed information about the specified resource profile (myvault/myresourceprofile):

@> lsresourceprofile myvault/myresourceprofile --detail

Using the command options available with the lsresourceprofile command, you can also:

  • Filter the output according to your specified conditions.
  • Sort the output using specific attributes.
  • Choose to display output with different levels of detail.