List Volume Clones

An Exascale volume clone is a thinly-provisioned read-write point-in-time copy of a volume snapshot.

To display information about existing volumes, including volume clones, use the ESCLI lsvolume command.

To focus on snapshot-based volume clones, look for volumes that contain a value for the volumeSnapshot attribute. For example:

@> lsvolume --detail --filter volumeSnapshot!=""

Without any other arguments or command options, the previous command displays detailed information about all of the snapshot-based volume clones associated with the Exascale cluster.

Likewise, to focus on clones that are based directly on other volumes, look for volumes that contain a value for the volumeSource attribute. For example:

@> lsvolume --detail --filter volumeSource!=""

Using the other command options available with the lsvolume command, you can:

  • Display information about specific volumes or volume clones.
  • Filter the output according to your specified conditions.
  • Sort the output using specific attributes.
  • Choose to display output with different levels of detail.