Modify a Volume Clone

An Exascale volume clone is a thinly-provisioned read-write point-in-time copy of a volume snapshot.

To modify an existing Exascale volume clone, use the ESCLI chvolume command and specify:

  • The volume identifier for the volume clone. You can use the lsvolume command to find the volume identifier for each volume clone.

  • The attributes that you want to change.

For a volume clone, you can modify the following attributes:

  • name=clone_name: Modifies the name of the volume clone.

  • iopsProvisioned=integer_value: Modifies the I/O bandwidth provisioned for the volume clone. The I/O bandwidth is expressed as the number of I/Os per second (IOPS).

  • iopsInherited={true|false}: Specifies whether the volume clone inherits I/O bandwidth from the nearest ancestor in the volume hierarchy with provisioned I/O bandwidth (not inherited).

    If you change iopsInherited from true to false, then the volume clone is governed by the iopsProvisioned setting. If iopsProvisioned is not set to a value, then the default value is unlimited.

    If you change iopsInherited from false to true, then the volume clone inherits I/O bandwidth from its nearest ancestor and any previous iopsProvisioned setting is nullified.

For example, the following command changes the name of the specified volume clone:

@> chvolume 2:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e --attributes name=myNewName