
Display information stored in a wallet.


The lswallet command displays ESCLI authentication data that is stored in a wallet.


lswallet [ --wallet wallet-location ] [ --detail ] [ --private-key-file pem-file ] [ --public-key-file pem-file ] [ --public-key-file8 pem-file ] [ --attributes attribute[,attribute] ... ] [ --trusted-cert-file cert-file ]

Command Options

The options for the lswallet command are:

  • --wallet: Identifies the wallet that you want to display information about. The wallet-location must be specified as a directory location or SSO file location. If not specified, the command displays information about the wallet used to authenticate the current ESCLI session.

  • --detail: Displays the user ID and fingerprint of the public key from the wallet.

  • --private-key-file: Extracts the private key from the wallet and stores it in the specified PEM file.

  • --public-key-file: Extracts the public key from the wallet and stores it in the specified PEM file.

  • --public-key-file8: Extracts the public key from the wallet in PKCS8 format and stores it in the specified PEM file.

  • --attributes: Lists the specific attributes to display.

  • --trusted-cert-file: Extracts the trusted certificates from the wallet and saves them in PEM format files.

    Files are created with numeric suffixes 1, 2, 3, and so on. For example, if you specify --trusted-cert-file cert_file, then the certificates are stored in the files cert_file1, cert_file2, cert_file3, and so on.


Example 6-42 List Wallet Information

The following example displays essential information from the wallet used to authenticate the current ESCLI session.

@> lswallet

Example 6-43 List Detailed Wallet Information

The following example displays detailed information from the wallet used to authenticate the current ESCLI session.

@> lswallet --detail

Example 6-44 Extract a Private Key

The following example extracts the private key from the wallet used to authenticate the current ESCLI session. The private key is stored in /home/user/privatekey.pem

@> lswallet --private-key-file /home/user/privatekey.pem

Example 6-45 Extract a Public Key

The following example extracts the public key from the wallet used to authenticate the current ESCLI session. The public key is stored in /home/user/publickey.pem

@> lswallet --public-key-file /home/user/publickey.pem

Example 6-46 Extract Certificates to Files

The following example extracts the trusted certificates from the wallet used to authenticate the current ESCLI session. The certificates are stored in regular files /home/user/cert1, /home/user/cert2, /home/user/cert3, and so on.

@> lswallet --trusted-cert-file /home/user/cert