
Generate and write keys in PEM format.


The mkkey command generates and writes a private key to a regular file in PEM format. You can also generate and write the corresponding public key to a regular file in PEM format.


mkkey [ --private-key-file pem-file ] [ --public-key-file pem-file ] [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the mkkey command are:

  • --private-key-file: Specifies a regular file location for the private key.

  • --public-key-file: Optionally specifies a regular file location for the corresponding public key.

  • --attributes: Optionally specifies attributes to change. This option provides an alternative method for specifying the key file names.


Example 6-47 Generate a Key Pair

The following examples generate a key pair and stores the private and public keys in /home/user/privatekey.pem and /home/user/publickey.pem, respectively.

@> mkkey --private-key-file /home/user/privatekey.pem --public-key-file /home/user/publickey.pem
@> mkkey --attributes privateKeyFile=/home/user/privatekey.pem,publicKeyFile=/home/user/publickey.pem