
Create a new user.


The mkuser command allows you to create a new Exascale user with the specified user name.


mkuser username [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the mkuser command are:
  • username: Specifies the name of the user. The user name must start with an alphanumeric character, and can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and periods (.).

  • --attributes: Optionally specifies attributes to change.

    Use the describe mkuser command to view details about all the user attributes you can set with mkuser.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • You can set the user identifier by specifying the id attribute.

    If specified, the user identifier must start with an alphanumeric character, and can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and periods (.).

    If none is specified, then a unique user ID is generated automatically and returned by the command. The user ID value is required when managing users using chuser, rmuser, and lsuser.

    The user ID is fixed at user creation time. There is no way to modify the user ID afterward.

  • You can set the user's privileges by specifying the privilege attribute.

    The privilege value is a list of one or more privileges of the form privilege-1|privilege-2|....

    A privilege is one of the following: no_privilege, cellsrv, egs, ers, syseds, usreds, bsm, bsw, ms, vlt_manage, vlt_use, vlt_read, vlt_inspect, cl_admin, cl_operator, cl_monitor, on_behalf_of, user_create, system_restore. For descriptions, see User Privileges.

    no_privilege cannot be combined with any other type of privileges, otherwise an error is returned.

    Vault top-level privileges (vlt_manage, vlt_use, vlt_read, and vlt_inspect) are mutually exclusive. If any two or more are combined, an error is returned.

    Cluster privileges (cl_admin, cl_operator, and cl_monitor) are mutually exclusive. If any two or more are combined, an error is returned.

    If the privilege attribute is not specified, then the user is created and assigned only the vlt_inspect privilege by default.


Example 6-48 Create a User

This example shows creating a user named CHERIE.

@> mkuser CHERIE

Example 6-49 Create a User with a Specific User Identifier

This example shows creating a user named SCOTT using SCOTT0123 as the user identifier.

@> mkuser SCOTT --attributes id=SCOTT0123

Example 6-50 Create a User with a Specific Privileges

This example shows creating a user named PETER with a specific set of privileges.

@> mkuser PETER --attributes privilege=vlt_read|ers