
Create a snapshot of a volume.


The mkvolumesnapshot creates a snapshot of the specified Exascale volume.


mkvolumesnapshot volume-id [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the mkvolumesnapshot command are:

  • volume-id: Identifies the volume that you want to snapshot. You can use the lsvolume command to find the identifier for each volume.

  • --attributes: Optionally specifies attributes for the volume snapshot.

Usage Notes

The mkvolumesnapshot command fails if the specified volume supports Exascale Direct Volume (EDV) attachments and Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (ACFS) is currently mounted. To create a volume snapshot in this situation, you must either:
  • Unmount the affected file system on all servers before you use the mkvolumesnapshot command. Then, mount the file system again afterward.
  • Use the Oracle ACFS command-line utility (acfsutil) to synchronize the file system and create the volume snapshot. On an EDV client node, run the acfsutil volsnap create command as the root user and specify the ACFS mountpoint or EDV device.

    For example:

    # acfsutil volsnap create /mnt/myacfs


Example 6-179 Create a Volume Snapshot

This example shows creating a snapshot of volume 1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e.

@> mkvolumesnapshot 1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e

Example 6-180 Create a Volume Snapshot with Attribute Settings

This example shows creating a snapshot of volume 1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e with specific attribute settings.

@> mkvolumesnapshot 1:50e52177583f4be4bad68ac20b65001e --attributes name=snap1,compartmentId=myCompartment123