
Delete an Exascale-managed ACFS file system.


The rmacfsfilesystem command deletes an Exascale-managed implementation of Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (ACFS).


rmacfsfilesystem acfs-id

Command Options

The options for the rmacfsfilesystem command are:

  • acfs-id: Identifies the ACFS file system being deleted. You can use the lsacfsfilesystem command to find the identifier for each Exascale-managed ACFS file system.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • If the underlying EDV attachment is a cluster-wide attachment, the ACFS file system is dismounted and the mount point directory is removed on every node in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) cluster. If the EDV attachment is a node-specific attachment, the file system is dismounted and the mount point directory is removed on that node. The command also removes the ACFS file system registration in the GI cluster. Furthermore, the file system is removed from the underlying volume, effectively deleting the files in the file system. The command does not alter the underlying volume or volume attachment in any other way.