2.7.3 Modify a Cluster Template

A cluster template is a named collection of file storage attribute settings defined at the cluster level. By using cluster templates, you can manage file storage attributes automatically and consistently across the Exascale cluster.

  • To modify an existing cluster template that is associated with a file type, use the ESCLI chtemplate command with the --cluster and --file-type options and specify the file storage attribute settings:

    • --media-type: Specifies the physical media type that is used to store the file. Exascale uses this attribute to place the file in a storage pool that uses the specified media type. Possible values are:
      • HC: Identifies high capacity storage media, which uses hard disk drives (HDDs).
      • EF: Identifies extreme flash storage media, which uses flash devices.
    • --redundancy: Specifies the number of data copies that are maintained. Possible values are:
      • normal: Maintains 2 mirrored copies of the file data.
      • high: Maintains 3 mirrored copies of the file data.
    • --content-type: Specifies the type of content in the file. Exascale internally uses this attribute to place file extents on physically separate devices in a way that maximizes availability if failures occurs. Possible values are:
      • DATA
      • RECO

    The command syntax is:

    @> chtemplate --cluster --file-type file-type --content-type content-type --media-type media-type --redundancy redundancy
  • To modify a user-defined cluster template, use the chtemplate command with the --cluster and --name options and specify the file storage attribute settings. The command syntax is:

    @> chtemplate --cluster --name template-name --content-type content-type --media-type media-type --redundancy redundancy