Monitor the Progress of a Volume Backup or Restore

A volume backup is a backup of an Exascale volume snapshot, which provides a consistent point-in-time copy of the volume. Exascale volume backups are stored in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) object storage container.

The operation to create or restore a volume backup may take some time to complete. You can monitor the ongoing progress by viewing the completion percentage.

  • To display the completion percentage for a volume backup operation, use the ESCLI lsvolumebackup command to display information about the desired volume backup operation and examine the state and progress attributes. For example:

    @> lsvolumebackup 2b1:7476692b2499488794951dfe59606e1b --attributes state,progress --detail
    state           CREATING
    progress        27%

    In the example, 2b1:7476692b2499488794951dfe59606e1b is the volume backup identifier for the backup operation being monitored.

    You can also use the lsvolumebackup command to find the identifier for each volume backup.

  • To display the completion percentage for a volume restore operation, use the ESCLI lsvolume command to display information about the new volume that is being created as part of the volume restore operation and examine the state and progress attributes. For example:

    @> lsvolume 3:4f71bc664cdb47e3928083505819aafa --attributes state,progress --detail
    state           RESTORING
    progress        59%

    In the example, the identifier for the new volume being created by the restore operation is 3:4f71bc664cdb47e3928083505819aafa.

    You can also use the lsvolume command to find the identifier for each volume being created as part of the volume restore operation.

During a backup operation, the state attribute contains the value CREATING. During a restore operation, the state attribute contains the value RESTORING. During both operations, the progress attribute contains the current completion percentage.

Upon successful completion, the state changes to AVAILABLE, and the progress attribute contains no value. If the operation fails, then the state attribute indicates the failure, and the progress attribute reflects the point of failure for a while before it is reset.