5.2 Using Exascale Block Storage with iSCSI
This topic outlines the procedure for using Exascale block storage in conjunction with iSCSI.
The Exascale block store provides capabilities to create and manage arbitrary-sized raw block volumes based on Exascale storage.
You can use standard iSCSI protocols and tools to utilize an Exascale volume as an iSCSI target. The iSCSI target is implemented on an Exadata compute node and supports iSCSI initiators that may be external to Exadata.
iSCSI is recommended for use-cases where a client wants to use the volume outside the Exadata RDMA Network Fabric or requires a bootable volume.
Before you can use Exascale block storage with iSCSI, note the following:
The block store manager (BSM) service must be running in the Exascale cluster.
The block store worker (BSW) service must be running on each Exadata compute node that you want act as an iSCSI initiator.
To display information about Exascale storage services running across the Exascale cluster, use the ESCLIlsservice
command. For example:@> lsservice --detail
The block store virtual IP addresses (VIPs) must be configured by the Exascale administrator.
To begin, you can create an Exascale block volume and iSCSI volume attachment.
For example:
@>mkvault myvault
Vault @myvault created.
@>mkvolume 2g --attributes name=ivol1 --vault myvault
Created volume with id 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2
@>lsvolume 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2 --detail
id 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2
name ivol1
blockSizeIOPS 8192
burstDurationSec 120
burstIOPS 2000
burstIOPSCreditPerSec 0
burstInitialDurationSec 60
burstInitialMBPS 0
burstMBPS 16
contentType DATA
creationTime 2021-08-29 20:53:57 PDT
filePath @myvault/vol.2ccedfbe32404fcca1859b4421aeb58a
mediaType HC
numAttachments 0
iopsProvisioned 10
bandwidthProvisioned 1
redundancyType normal
size 2G
owners exa01
vault @myvault
vipId 897
burstInitialIOPS 2000
@>mkvolumeattachment 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2 iqn.1988-12.com.example.exa01 --protocol iscsi --attributes chapUserId=X1234567-user-1,chapPassword=X1234567-pass-1,chapMutualUserId=X1234567-user-2,chapMutualPassword=X1234567-pass-2
Created attachment with id 2-2:9a7bced09e514bd9bb701d0556020c1c
@>lsvolumeattachment --protocol iscsi 2-2:9a7bced09e514bd9bb701d0556020c1c --detail
id 2-2:9a7bced09e514bd9bb701d0556020c1c
attachTime 2021-08-29 21:00:13 PDT
initiatorIQN iqn.1988-12.com.example.exa01
targetIQN iqn.2017-01.com.example.exa01.x8664:sn.dae3f3e1-ef8d-47f9-ae5b-3707b15b2072
volume 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2
user exa01
An iSCSI attachment creates a association between the Exascale block volume (iSCSI target) and an iSCSI initiator.
In the example, the volume ID is
, which corresponds to the
Exascale block volume that was created at
the beginning of the example. The iSCSI initiator ID is
. This value is an attribute of
the iSCSI initiator.
After attachment, the iSCSI initiator can use standard iSCSI protocols and commands to interact with the target.
The following example shows the use of iSCSI client tools on Linux to
access the attachment from the previous example. In the example, note the use of the
attribute values that are derived directly from the volume attachment details in the
# # Set variables for required attributes. Values come from Exascale volume attachment attributes.
# export ip=
# export port=3260
# export target=iqn.2017-01.com.example.exa01.x8664:sn.dae3f3e1-ef8d-47f9-ae5b-3707b15b2072
# export username=X1234567-user-1
# export password=X1234567-pass-1
# export mutual_username=X1234567-user-2
# export mutual_password=X1234567-pass-2
# # Discover the iSCSI target.
# iscsiadm --mode discoverydb --type sendtargets --portal $ip:$port --discover,1 iqn.2017-01.com.example.exa01.x8664:sn.dae3f3e1-ef8d-47f9-ae5b-3707b15b2072
# # Configure CHAP.
# iscsiadm --mode node --portal $ip:$port --op=update --name node.session.auth.authmethod --value=CHAP
# iscsiadm --mode node --portal $ip:$port --op=update --name node.session.auth.username --value=$username
# iscsiadm --mode node --portal $ip:$port --op=update --name node.session.auth.password --value=$password
# iscsiadm --mode node --portal $ip:$port --op=update --name node.session.auth.username_in --value=$mutual_username
# iscsiadm --mode node --portal $ip:$port --op=update --name node.session.auth.password_in --value=$mutual_password
# # Connect to the iSCSI target.
# iscsiadm --mode node -T $target --portal $ip:$port --login
Logging in to [iface: default, target: iqn.2017-01.com.example.exa01.x8664:sn.dae3f3e1-ef8d-47f9-ae5b-3707b15b2072, portal:,3260] (multiple)
Login to [iface: default, target: iqn.2017-01.com.example.exa01.x8664:sn.dae3f3e1-ef8d-47f9-ae5b-3707b15b2072, portal:,3260] successful.
# # The Exascale volume is now attached using iSCSI as /dev/sda.
# lsscsi
[2:0:0:0] disk ORACLE ExascaleVolume 1.0 /dev/sda
# # Confirmation that the unit serial number for /dev/sda maps back to Exascale volume ID 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2.
# sg_inq -p 0x80 /dev/sda
VPD INQUIRY: Unit serial number page
Unit serial number: 2:390535212ea7448299bcc7bc7f7653b2
# # Now use the device to create and mount a file system.
# mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda
mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
/dev/sda is entire device, not just one partition!
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=16 blocks, Stripe width=16 blocks
131072 inodes, 524288 blocks
26214 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=536870912
16 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
8192 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912
Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (16384 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
# mkdir /mnt/ivol1
# mount /dev/sda /mnt/ivol1
# df /mnt/ivol1
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda 1998672 6144 1871288 1% /mnt/ivol1
Depending on your use case, you may need to modify the permissions on the iSCSI device files before using them. For example, to use the iSCSI device files as Oracle ASM grid disks, you may need to configure them using udev rules similar to the following:
# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-oracle-asmdevices.rules
KERNEL=="sda", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="asmdba", MODE="0660"
Parent topic: Using Exascale Block Storage