2.2.4 Adding a Disk to an Oracle ASM Disk Group

You can add a disk to an Oracle ASM disk group.

You might need to do this if you are adding a new Oracle Exadata Storage Server or managing a custom disk group.

Do not add Oracle Exadata Storage Server grid disks to an Oracle ASM disk group that is not on an Oracle Exadata Storage Server unless you are planning to migrate the disk group to an Oracle Exadata Storage Server disk group.

  1. Determine which disks are available by querying the V$ASM_DISK view on the Oracle ASM instance.

    If the header status is set to CANDIDATE, then the disk is a candidate for a disk group.

  2. Use the SQL command ALTER DISKGROUP with the ADD DISK clause to add the disk to the Oracle ASM disk group.

    For example:

    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_name 
    ADD DISK 'o/cell_IP_address/grid_disk_prefix*';

After the disk is added, Oracle ASM rebalances the disk group. Oracle ASM monitors the rebalance operation, and Oracle Exadata System Software sends an e-mail message when the operation is complete.

You can query the V$ASM_OPERATION view for the status of the rebalance operation.