2.3.1 Naming Conventions for Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid Disks

Using a consistent naming convention helps to identify Exadata components.

The name of the grid disk should contain the cell disk name to make it easier to determine which grid disks belong to a cell disk. To help determine which grid disks belong to an Oracle ASM disk group, a subset of the grid disk name should match all or part of the name of the Oracle ASM disk group to which the grid disk will belong.

For example, if a grid disk is created on the cell disk CD_03_cell01, and that grid disk belongs to an Oracle ASM disk group named data0, then the grid disk name should be data0_CD_03_cell01.

When you use the ALL PREFIX option with CREATE GRIDDISK, a unique grid disk name is automatically generated that includes the prefix and cell name. If you do not use the default generated name when creating grid disks, then you must ensure that the grid disk name is unique across all cells. You cannot have multiple disks with the same name in an Oracle ASM disk group.