name Attribute


The name attribute identifies the entity that is the subject of the directive.


   catplan = (( name=category_name, ... ) ... )
   dbplan = (( name={ db_name | profile_name }, ... ) ... )
   clusterplan = (( name=cluster_name, ... ) ... )

Usage Notes

  • For directives in a category plan (catplan), the name attribute specifies the category name. Oracle Database manages intra-database resources using Database Resource Manager (DBRM). DBRM manages resources across consumer groups, and each consumer group is associated with a category. The catplan category name is associated with any DBRM category having the same name.

  • For directives in a database plan (dbplan), the name attribute usually identifies the database that is associated with the directive. However, when the directive includes type=profile, the name attribute specifies the profile name.

    In directives that identify a database, the name value usually matches with the value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter. The exception is where the directive uses the role attribute to manage an Oracle Data Guard configuration. For further details, see role Attribute.

  • For directives in a cluster plan (clusterplan), the name attribute identifies the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster that is associated with the directive. The cluster plan (clusterplan) uses ASM-scoped security for cluster identification. The value of the name attribute must match the asm field in the cellkey.ora file, which is part of the ASM-scoped security definition for the cluster.

  • The name attribute must be the first attribute in a directive.

  • The name attribute value cannot start with an underscore (_).

  • Each name must be followed by at least one other attribute, for example:

    • (name=sales, share=8)
    • (name=oltpdg, limit=80)
    • (name=dwh, flashcachesize=50G)
  • There are two special name values:

    • OTHER: names a special directive that defines the resource allocation for all other entities that are not specified in the plan. All entities that are not explicitly named in the plan share the resources associated with the OTHER directive.

      The OTHER directive is used in database plans and category plans that use allocation-based resource management; that is, resource allocation defined using the level and allocation attributes. Plans with allocation-based directives must also include an OTHER directive.

      In a database plan, the limit attribute can also be defined in the OTHER directive.

    • DEFAULT: names a special directive that defines the resource allocation for each entity that is not specified in the plan. Every entity that is not explicitly named in the plan receives the resources in the DEFAULT directive.

      The DEFAULT directive is available in database plans and cluster plans that use share-based resource allocation; that is, resource allocation defined using the share attribute.

      If ASM-scoped security is not configured, then all databases in the cluster are associated with the DEFAULT cluster.

Example 7-41 Using the name Attribute in a Database Plan

CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN                                        -
         dbplan=((name=db1, limit=50),                         -
                 (name=db2, limit=50),                         -
                 (name=OTHER, level=1, allocation=25))

Example 7-42 Setting a Database Plan with a DEFAULT Directive

This example shows how to use the DEFAULT directive to set the default share allocation for all databases except dev01 and dev02.

CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN                                             -
         dbplan=((name=dev01, share=1, limit=50, flashlog=off),     -
                 (name=dev02, share=1, limit=25, flashcache=off),   -
                 (name=DEFAULT, share=4))