role Attribute


The role attribute enables you specify different plan directives based on the Oracle Data Guard database role. The directive for a database is applied only when the database is in the specified role. New directives are automatically applied by IORM when a database changes roles because of an Oracle Data Guard switchover or fail-over.


   dbplan=(( name=db_name, ... role={primary|standby} ... ) ... )

Usage Notes

  • Directives using the role attribute must be defined in matched pairs, using the same name value. That is, for each directive that specifies role=primary, you must have a corresponding directive that specifies role=standby. Likewise, each standby directive must have a matching primary directive.

  • You must use the same name value to identify the database in both the primary directive and the standby directive. To achieve this, you can:

    • Set the name attribute to the value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter in the standby database, and set the DB_NAME parameter in the primary database to the same value. This option allows you to define specific directives to manage multiple standby databases.

    • Set the name attribute to the value of the DB_NAME database parameter, which will be the same in the primary and standby databases. This option is not recommended for cases supporting multiple standby databases because all of the cell metrics relating to the standby databases are aggregated under one name.

  • If the role attribute is not specified, then the directive applies regardless of the database role.

  • For allocation-based resource management (using the level and allocation attributes), the sum of the allocation values (including OTHER) cannot exceed 100 for every combination of level and role.

  • The role attribute cannot be specified in DEFAULT or OTHER directives.

Example 7-54 Using the role Attribute with Allocation-Based Resource Management

CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN                                                     -
         dbplan=((name=sales_prod, level=1, allocation=30, role=primary),   -
                 (name=sales_prod, level=1, allocation=20, role=standby),   -
                 (name=sales2, level=1, allocation=20),                     -
                 (name=other, level=3, allocation = 50))

Example 7-55 Using the role Attribute with Share-Based Resource Allocation

CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN                                               -
         dbplan=((name=salesprod, share=4, role=primary),             -
                 (name=salesprod, share=1, limit=50, role=standby),   -
                 (name=finance, share=4),                             -
                 (name=hr, share=2))