
The CREATE DIAGPACK command creates a diagnostic package, which contains logs and traces that you can use to troubleshoot problems in your system. You can also send the generated package to Oracle Support Services, as needed.


CREATE DIAGPACK packStartTime=time, [durationInHrs=duration]


CREATE DIAGPACK alertName=alertName

Usage Notes

When an alert occurs, a diagnostic package is created automatically. This package contains logs and traces related to the alert.

The CREATE DIAGPACK command enables you to generate diagnostic packages manually.

  • The packStartTime parameter specifies when to start collecting the logs and traces. The format of packStartTime is yyyy_MM_ddTHH_mm_ss, For example: 2015_07_07T09_00_00.

    You can also specify the keyword nowfor packStartTime. The packStartTime cannot be in the future and cannot be older than 7 days. The value of packStartTime is used as part of the name of the diagnostic package.

  • The durationInHrs parameter specifies the number of hours of logs and traces to include in the diagnostic package. Valid values are from 1 (default) to 6.

    Every diagnostic package includes logs 1 hour before and 1 hour after the packStartTime. For example, if you specify a time of 12_00_00, then logs will collected from 11_00_00 to 13_00_00, unless the end time is in the future.

  • The alertName parameter specifies the alert name for which to create the diagnostic package. You can run the LIST ALERTHISTORY command to view the alert names.

Name of Diagnostic Packages

The name of the diagnostic package is formed as: hostname_diag_packStartTime_unique package ID

For example: testcell1_diag_2015_07_07T09_00_00_3

For alerts, the name of the diagnostic package is formed as: hostname_timestamp of when the package was created_alert ID. For example: testcell1_2015_09_30T13_13_00_2_1

Location of Diagnostic Packages

The location of the diagnostic packages is $LOG_HOME.

Status of Diagnostic Packages

You can run the LIST DIAGPACK command to get a list of diagnostic packages in your system, and their status.

Privileges Needed to Create, List, and Download Diagnostic Packages

There are certain privileges that are needed for working with diagnostic packages. Use CellCLI to grant the following privileges to a role:

  • Privilege to create diagnostic packages:

    grant privilege CREATE ON DIAGPACK to ROLE role
  • Privilege to list diagnostic packages and check their status:

    grant privilege LIST ON DIAGPACK to ROLE role
  • Privilege to download diagnostic packages:

    grant privilege DOWNLOAD ON DIAGPACK to ROLE role

You can then grant the role to users. For example, if you named your role diagpack_role, the following command grants the role to fred.

CellCLI> GRANT ROLE diagpack_role TO USER fred

During deployment, Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) creates an Exadata storage software user called CELLDIAG. You can use this user to connect to a cell remotely using ExaCLI or REST API. This user has privileges to create, list, and download diagnostic packages.

Downloading Diagnostic Packages

You can download diagnostic packages using any of the following methods. Note that you need the DOWNLOAD ON DIAGPACK privilege before you can download diagnostic packages.

  • Using the REST API

    • To download the diagnostic package by name, use the following URL, where hostname specifies the host name of the cell and diagpackname specifies the name of the diagnostic package:

      If the user is not already logged in, the URL will prompt for a user name and password.

      Diagnostic packages can also be accessed at https://hostname/diagpack . For example: https://cell1.example.com/diagpack.

      The page then prompts the user to log in:

      User: fred
      Password: ********

      Based on the user's privileges, various sections of this page could be hidden:

      • The form to create a new diagpack will not be shown if the user does not have the CREATE ON DIAGPACK privilege.

      • Similarly, the list of alerts and their diagnostic packages will not be shown if the user does not have the LIST ON DIAGPACK privilege.

    • To download the diagnostic package by alert name, use the following URL, where hostname specifies the host name of the cell and alertName specifies the alert name of the diagnostic package:


      The alert name is the same alert name that is used in AlertHistory. It looks like 1, 2, 3 for stateless alerts, and 1_1, 2_1, 3_1, 3_2 for stateful alerts.

  • Using the download ExaCLI command

    ExaCLI enables you to run CellCLI commands on storage nodes remotely from compute nodes.

    To run the download command, run the following commands on a compute node:

    1. Start up ExaCLI and connect to the cell containing the diagnostic pack. For example, use a command similar to the following where hostname specifies the host name of the cell:

      exacli -l celladministrator -c hostname
    2. Run the download command using a command similar to the following where name specifies the name of the diagnostic package to download and destinationFolder specifies the directory where you want to save the downloaded diagnostic package:

      exacli> download diagpack name destinationFolder
  • Getting the diagnostic package from the alert emails

    The alert emails include diagnostic packages for all alerts except INFO, CLEAR, and WARNING. Diagnostic packages are generated for critical alerts only.

Re-triggering Package Creation from the Web Page

You can use the following URL to re-trigger package creation:


If the diagnostic package for an alert does not exist on disk, then the web page shows a Create Package link instead of a Download link.

Click the Create Package link to add the alert to the list for creating a diagnostic package. Once the diagnostic package has been created, and the web page is refreshed, the page will display a Download link that you can use to download the newly created diagnostic package.

Turning Off the Diagnostic Pack Attachment in Emails

To turn off the diagnostic pack attachment in emails, run ALTER CELL diagPackEmailAttach=FALSE. The diagnostic packs are still generated and stored on the storage servers. To download the diagnostic packs, see "Downloading Diagnostic Packages".


Example 7-80 Using "now" for packStartTime

This example creates a diagnostic package using now as the start time and the default duration of 1 hour.

The output is 1 compressed file under $LOG_HOME.

CellCLI> CREATE DIAGPACK packStartTime="now"
    Processing: scab01cel11_diag_2015_07_08T17_53_58_1
    Use 'list diagPack' to check its status.

Example 7-81 Specifying a duration

This example creates 3 diagnostic packages under $LOG_HOME:

The first package has a start time of 2015_07_07T09_00_00.

The second package has a start time of 2015_07_07T10_00_00.

The third package has a start time of 2015_07_07T11_00_00.

CellCLI> CREATE DIAGPACK packStartTime="2015_07_07T09_00_00", durationInHrs=3
    Processing: scab01cel11_diag_2015_07_07T09_00_00_1
    scab01cel11_diag_2015_07_07T10_00_00_1 (In queue...)
    scab01cel11_diag_2015_07_07T11_00_00_1 (In queue...)
    Use 'list diagPack' to check its status.