
The DESCRIBE CELL command displays a list of attributes for the CELL object type.



Usage Notes

The following list contains the attributes for the DESCRIBE CELL command.

  • accessLevelPerm: Specifies the access level at which the cell runs by default. Value is either remoteLoginEnabled or remoteLoginDisabled.

  • accessLevelTemp: Duration of time in which the access level is temporarily changed from the setting of accessLevelPerm

  • accountLockInDays: Number of days after a password expires before a user account is locked. Available with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0 or later.

  • bbuStatus: Status of hard disk controller battery-backed unit (BBU)

  • cellsrvStatus: Status of Cell Server

  • cellVersion: Release number of the cell software

  • columnarCachePersMode: Controls the persistent columnar cache feature
  • comment: User-supplied text string

  • cpuCount: Number of CPUs on the cell

  • dbPerfDataSuppress: Specifies which databases should not have their statistics reported in Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reports

  • diagHistoryDays: Number of days ADR files are retained. The default is 7 days.

  • diagPackEmailAttach: Whether a diagpack is included as an attachment in the alert email or not. The default is true.

  • diagPackUploadEnabled: Whether the auto diagpack upload feature is enabled or not. The default is true.

  • doNotServiceLEDStatus: Status of the cell DoNotService LED. The value can be on or off.

  • eighthRack: Specifies whether Oracle Exadata Database Machine Eighth Rack configuration for storage cells is enabled or disabled

  • emailFormat: File format for email messages. The value can be html or text.

  • emailSubscriber: List of names that subscribe to the alert notifications

  • events: String for events++ that is passed to Cell Server for debugging and trace information purposes

  • exacliEnabled: Specifies whether exacli is enabled or disabled. The default value is true (enabled).

  • fanCount: Count of working fans and total fans, displayed as working/total

  • fanStatus: Status of the fan. The value can be normal, warning, or critical.

  • flashCacheMode: Setting for flash cache. The value can be writethrough or writeback. The default is writethrough.

  • httpsAccess: Control list of IP addresses for HTTPs port access to the Exadata RESTful Service. Available with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0 or later.

  • id: Global unique identifier (GUID) supplied by the hardware vendor

  • interconnect[1-8]: Interconnect1 to interconnect8 for the cell. For example: bondeth0 or bondib0.

  • interconnectCount: Number of active InfiniBand network interconnects

  • iormBoost: Ratio of the cumulative number of positions in the I/O queue that were skipped because of IORM scheduling to the number of I/Os that where scheduled. This ratio is calculated by sampling the changes each minute in the two numbers.

  • IOTimeoutThreshold: Specifies the timeout threshold. If cell I/O takes longer than the defined threshold, then the I/O is canceled, and Oracle ASM redirects the I/O to another mirror copy of the data.

  • ipaddress[1-8]: ipaddress1 to ipaddress8 for the cell

  • kernelVersion: Version of the host kernel software

  • location: Physical location of the cell hardware supplied by the user

  • locatorLEDStatus: Status of cell LOCATE LED. The value can be on or off.

  • mailServer: Fully qualified domain name of the email relay server used to send alert notifications
  • makeModel: Make and model of the cell hardware supplied by the vendor

  • memoryGB: The memory in gigabytes for the cell

  • metricCollection: Indicator for whether Management Server performs metric collection. Values are TRUE or FALSE. If set to FALSE, then all collection and alert mining is stopped. The default setting is TRUE.

  • metricHistoryDays: Number of days that regular metric history files are retained. The default is 7 days.

  • msStatus: Status of Management Server

  • name: Unique name for the cell

  • notificationMethod: Notification method for alerts. The value should be mail, snmp, none, or both mail and snmp.

  • notificationPolicy: Indicator for severity alerts to be sent to subscribers. The value for notificationPolicy should be none or any combination of critical, warning, and clear.

  • offloadGroupEvents: Used only under the guidance of Oracle Support

  • pmemCacheMode: PMEM cache mode.

    The default is writethrough. Commencing with Oracle Exadata System Software release 23.1.0, writethrough is the only supported mode for PMEM cache. Previously, writeback mode was available but was not generally recommended.

  • powerCount: Count of power supplies, displayed as working/total

  • powerStatus: Status of the power. The value can be normal, warning, or critical.

  • pwdExpInDays: The number of days before a user's password expires. Available with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0 or later.

  • pwdExpWarnInDays: The number of days before a user's password expires that a warning message is issued during login attempts. Available with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0 or later.

  • rackName: The name of the rack

  • releaseImageStatus: Indicator for knowing whether imaging is successful

  • releaseTrackingBug: Patch number for the cell software, such as 30441371

  • releaseVersion: Release number for the cell software, such as

  • remotePwdChangeAllowed: Whether or not a user password can be changed remotely through REST services. Available with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0 or later.

  • rescuePlan: A list of commands that you can run after a server rescue to restore settings, such as IORM plans, thresholds, and notifications, to the last known values.

  • rollbackVersion: The inactive image version that the cell maintains. If patchmgr rollback is invoked for the cell, the value displayed by rollbackVersion is the software version that will be reinstated.

  • rpmVersion: The RPM version of the cell

  • rsStatus: Status of Restart Server

  • securityCert: The certified identity of the cell. Either CA-certified identity or the default self-certified identity.

  • siteName: The site name for the cell

  • smtpFrom: User name that appears in the From: header of the alert notifications
  • smtpFromAddr: Email address that appears in the From: header of the alert notifications. This email address is not authenticated with the email server.
  • smtpPort: Email server port used to send alert notifications

  • smtpToAddr: Address to which email is sent. It can be a comma-delimited list in quotation marks to allow multiple subscribers to alerts.

  • smtpUseSSL: Specification to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption for alert notifications.

  • snmpSubscriber: List of hosts that subscribe to the SNMP alert notifications

  • snmpUser: Defines the user who receives SNMP alerts

  • status: Status of the cell

  • storageIndexPersMode: Controls the persistent storage index feature
  • syslogConf: Designates syslog messages that should be forwarded to a specified management server. Uses the following syntax for the attribute, where selector is the message type, and node is the specified server:

    syslogconf = (selector @node' [, 'selector @node']... )

    Both selector and node follow syslog.conf standard syntax rules.

  • syslogFormat: A string representing the format for syslog messages. Available with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0 or later.
  • temperatureReading: Current temperature (Celsius) of the cell obtained from the BMC

  • temperatureStatus: Status of the temperature. The value can be normal, warning, or critical.

  • traceLevel: The level for which trace messages are written. The default is FINE. The value can be:

    • A valid Java logging level

      • SEVERE
      • WARNING
      • INFO
      • CONFIG
      • FINE
      • FINER
      • FINEST
    • A valid Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) logging level

      • ERROR:1
      • WARNING:1
      • TRACE:1
      • TRACE:16
      • TRACE:32
  • upTime: Time (days, hours:minutes) since the system was restarted

  • usbStatus: Status of the USB device


The following example shows the DESCRIBE command with the CELL object.

Example 7-97 Describing the CELL Object


	name                   modifiable
	accessLevelPerm        modifiable
	accessLevelTemp        modifiable
	accountLockInDays      modifiable
	comment                modifiable
	dbPerfDataSuppress     modifiable
	diagHistoryDays        modifiable
	diagPackEmailAttach    modifiable
	diagPackUploadEnabled  modifiable
	eighthRack             modifiable
	emailFormat            modifiable
	emailSubscriber        modifiable
	events                 modifiable
	exacliEnabled          modifiable
	flashCacheMode         modifiable
	httpsAccess            modifiable
	interconnect1          modifiable
	interconnect2          modifiable
	interconnect3          modifiable
	interconnect4          modifiable
	interconnect5          modifiable
	interconnect6          modifiable
	interconnect7          modifiable
	interconnect8          modifiable
	IOTimeoutThreshold     modifiable
	location               modifiable
	mailServer             modifiable
	metricCollection       modifiable
	metricHistoryDays      modifiable
	notificationMethod     modifiable
	notificationPolicy     modifiable
	offloadGroupEvents     modifiable
	pmemCacheMode          modifiable
	pwdExpInDays           modifiable
	pwdExpWarnInDays       modifiable
	rackName               modifiable
	remotePwdChangeAllowed modifiable
	rescuePlan             hidden
	securityCert           modifiable
	siteName               modifiable
	smtpFrom               modifiable
	smtpFromAddr           modifiable
	smtpPort               modifiable
	smtpToAddr             modifiable
	smtpUseSSL             modifiable
	snmpSubscriber         modifiable
	snmpUser               modifiable
	syslogConf             modifiable
	syslogFormat           modifiable
	traceLevel             modifiable

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