
The DROP CELL command resets a cell to its original state.



Usage Notes

  • This command is run from within the cell.

  • All cell disks, grid disks, and thresholds are dropped. The interdatabase plan is reset to its default state. All cell attributes are set to default values.

  • The FORCE option is required if the grid disks are configured on any cell disks when DROP CELL is issued. Otherwise, an error is reported.

  • Flash cache compression must be disabled before securely erasing a drive.

  • The ERASE option erases the content on the disk by overwriting the content. The values are as follows:

    • 1pass: One pass, and the content is overwritten with zeros. This value is not available for flash drives.

    • 3pass: Three passes, and the content is overwritten with set data patterns. This option follows the recommendations of NNSA. This value is not available for flash drives.

    • 7pass: Seven passes, and the disk is overwritten with set data patterns. This option follows the recommendations from DOD.

  • When dropping all cells using the 1pass or 3pass option, it necessary to drop the flash disks first using the 7pass option, and then drop the cells. The following is an example of the commands:

    CellCLI> DROP CELL ERASE=1pass 
  • Starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0, if you specify to erase hard disks or flash disks using 1pass, 3pass, or 7pass method on Oracle Exadata Database Machine X5 or later, Oracle Exadata System Software automatically invokes Secure Eraser to erase the disks. Secure Eraser determines whether or not the disks can be erased using the better and faster cryptographic erasure method. If some of the disks are eligible, then the cryptographic erasure method is used to erase those disks, and the originally requested method (1/3/7 pass) is used on the other disks. This feature is not used on system disks.

    See Table 7-3 for a list of the erasure methods available for each type of device.

The following table shows approximate time needed to securely erase a drive using the supported algorithms. When multiple grid disks or cell disks are dropped with the ERASE option, the command runs in parallel on all disks and flash drives. However, the recommended method of erasing data from a cell is to use Secure Erase. See Securely Erasing Database Servers and Storage Servers in Oracle Exadata Database Machine Security Guide.

Table 7-2 Estimated Erasure Times for Devices by Erasure Method

Type of Device 1pass 3pass 7pass Cryptographic

600 GB hard drive

1 hour

3 hours

7 hours

not available

1.2 TB hard drive

1.67 hours

5 hours

11.67 hours

not available

2 TB hard drive

5 hours

15 hours

35 hours

not available

3 TB hard drive

7 hours

21 hours

49 hours

not available

4 TB hard drive

8 hours

24 hours

56 hours

not available

8 TB hard drive

13.17 hours

39.5 hours

92.17 hours

1 min

10 TB hard drive

14 hours

42 hours

98 hours

1 min

14 TB hard drive

18 hours

54 hours

126 hours

1 min

22.875 GB flash drive

not available

not available

21 minutes

not available

93 GB flash drive

not available

not available

32 minutes

not available

186 GB flash drive

not available

not available

36 minutes

not available

1.6 TB flash drive

not available

not available

5.5 hours

1 min

3.2 TB flash drive

not available

not available

8 hours

1 min

Persistent Memory (PMEM) device

not available

not available

not available

1 min

4 GB Internal USB

not available

30 minutes

not available

not available

8 GB Internal USB

not available

1 hour

not available

not available

150 GB M.2 device

not available

not available

not available

1 minute


not available

not available

not available

1 minute

Example 7-126 Dropping a Cell


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