A Upgrading Oracle Exadata System Software

Oracle Exadata System Software, operating systems, and component firmware are upgraded and patched using Oracle utilities.

Patches include all required software updates, operating system updates, and firmware updates. Use the following utilities to upgrade and patch Oracle Exadata:

  • The patchmgr utility is used for Oracle Exadata System Software, and RDMA Network Fabric switches.

  • The DB Node Update utility (dbnodeupdate.sh utility) is used for database servers.

In addition, Oracle recommends running the Exachk utility before and after performing planned maintenance.

Upgrade and patching information is available from My Oracle Support note 888828.1. Additional information is available in the patch README, and associated support notes.

For detailed information about updating the Oracle Exadata System Software, operating systems, and component firmware, refer to Updating Exadata Software.