4.7.3 The ibdiagtools Utilities

The ibdiagtools utilities are a series of utility programs that perform monitoring and diagnostic functions on the RDMA Network Fabric.

The following ibdiagtools utilities reside under /opt/oracle.SupportTools/ibdiagtools/:

  • verify-topology checks the correctness and health of InfiniBand Network Fabric connections. For example, it can determine if both cables from the server go to the same switch in the Oracle Exadata Rack. When both cables go to the same switch, the system loses the ability to fail over to another switch if the first switch fails.

  • checkbadlinks.pl reports InfiniBand Network Fabric links that are operating at suboptimal speed. This is often an indication that a cable is loose, and needs to be reseated.

  • verify_roce_cables.py checks that hosts and switches are correctly connected in the RoCE Network Fabric. The utility performs essentially the same function on the RoCE Network Fabric as verify-topology does for the InfiniBand Network Fabric.

  • infinicheck checks and reports the base RDMA Network Fabric performance between servers in Oracle Exadata, such as expected minimum throughput between the database server and storage server, between storage servers, and between a database server and another database server. This utility can help to identify issues in the RDMA Network Fabric. Because the utility runs stress tests on the RDMA Network Fabric, Oracle recommends using the utility when the system is idle and with all cell services shut down. This utility works on both the InfiniBand Network Fabric and RoCE Network Fabric.

  • configure_roce_hostinfo.sh scans the RoCE Network Fabric and labels each RoCE switch port, identifying the hostname, IP address, and port number of the link target. This information makes it easy to understand what each RoCE switch port is connected to and can be used to construct a map of the RoCE Network Fabric.

  • rocelinkinfo scans the RoCE Network Fabric and presents real-time status information for each link. The output is presented using the same format as the output of the Linux iblinkinfo command. This utility does not depend on configure_roce_hostinfo.sh. However, the output from rocelinkinfo is more informative after all of the RoCE switch ports have been labeled by running configure_roce_hostinfo.sh.

  • setup-ssh configures SSH user equivalence across the RDMA Network Fabric. Many of the other utilities require SSH user equivalence to operate across the servers and switches connected to the RDMA Network Fabric.

See Also:

  • For command syntax and usage information run the command with the --help option and no other arguments or options. Additional usage information for some of the ibdiagtools utilities is included in /opt/oracle.SupportTools/ibdiagtools/README.

  • Sample output from some of the ibdiagtools utilities is provided in /opt/oracle.SupportTools/ibdiagtools/SampleOutputs.txt.