What to Look For When Monitoring Cell Disk I/O


In an Exadata environment, an even load distribution is expected across all cells or disks. However, there are situations that may cause an imbalance.

A load imbalance may by due to characteristics of the workload, such as:

  • Repeated small-table scans — This is often caused by a table on the right side of a nested loop join. Since the small table may only reside on a few disks or cells, repeated access means reading from a small set of devices, which may be flash devices if the data resides in Exadata Smart Flash Cache. To address the imbalance, you can identify affected SQL statements and review their execution plans. You can also consider the physical organization of the affected segments.

  • Repeated control file reads — Control file reads may be caused by queries against some database dynamic performance views. The control file is small and may only reside on a few disks or cells, so repeated access means reading from a small set of devices, usually flash. Repeated control file reads are evident in the IOStat by File Type section of the AWR report and using the control file sequential read wait event.

    To understand the cause of repeated control file reads, you can use the Exadata IO Reasons section of the AWR report to identify cells servicing many control file reads and correlate this with statistics from the Top Databases section to identify databases issuing the control file reads. You can also review Active Session History (ASH) to identify SQL statements that are experiencing waits for control file sequential read.

    Beware that control file reads may account for a disproportionate amount of small I/O on a lightly-loaded system. In this case, you can safely ignore the imbalance.

  • Repeated reads of a small segment, such as a LOB segment — To address this kind of imbalance, review database statistics for segment, or examine ASH to identify the responsible SQL commands. Then, examine the SQL and the surrounding application logic to see if the repeated reads can be avoided.

  • Repeated ASM metadata access — This is often caused by database queries related to space usage, which require access to ASM metadata. The ASM metadata is small and may only reside on a few disks or cells, so repeated access may show up as an imbalance. This can show up in the Exadata IO Reasons sections of the AWR report with reasons that are prefixed with ASM, such as ASM CACHE IO. You can use the Exadata IO Reasons section to identify affected cells and correlate this with statistics from the Top Databases sections to confirm ASM as the source of the I/O. To address the imbalance, review the need for and frequency of the ASM space usage queries that access the metadata.

Apart from workload-related causes, imbalances may also be caused by:

  • Uneven data distribution — Hot spots may occur when some disks contain more or less data than others. To check for balanced data distribution, you can query the V$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT view before and after running a SQL query that contains large full-table scans. In this case, the statistics in the read column and the read_bytes column should be approximately the same for all disks in the disk group. You can also check for balanced data distribution by using the script available in My Oracle Support document 367445.1.
  • Asymmetric grid disk configurations — If the grid disks are sized differently on different cells, then different amounts of data may reside on each cell, resulting in imbalance due to uneven data distribution. For this reason, symmetric configuration is recommended across all storage servers in a system.
  • Failures or recovery from failures — Some processing cannot spread evenly across the remaining disks or cells. For example, if a flash card fails, the cell containing the card has less available flash cache space, and this may show up as an imbalance when the flash cache statistics are compared with the other cells.

An imbalance often shows up in different statistics across the AWR report. By correlating different sections in the AWR report you may gain a deeper understanding of the imbalance.

High I/O Load

When database performance issues are related to I/O load on the Exadata storage servers, typically there will be increased latencies in the I/O related wait events, and increased database time in the user I/O or system I/O wait classes. When dealing with high I/O load, first understand the composition of the I/O load. Based on the composition of the I/O load you my be directed to different statistics to gain a deeper understanding.

In the AWR report, a good starting point is the Disk Activity section, which provides a high-level summary for potential sources of disk activity. The Disk Activity section is located in the AWR report under Exadata Statistics > Performance Summary. See Disk Activity.

Internal I/O

In the AWR report, if internal I/O is reported among the Top IO Reasons, then the AWR report also includes a section that summarizes the Internal IO Reasons. Use this section to understand the composition of internal I/O. Based on the composition of the internal I/O load you my be directed to different statistics to gain a deeper understanding. See Internal IO Reasons.