Monitoring PMEM Cache Using Database Statistics and Wait Events


  • The availability of a specific statistic or wait event is subject to the version of Oracle Database being used.

  • In Oracle Database versions that support Oracle Exadata System Software release 23.1.0 and later, all database statistics and wait events relating to PMEM cache are renamed to XRMEM cache (Exadata RDMA Memory Cache). However, these database statistics and wait events still correspond to PMEM cache when the underlying Oracle Exadata Storage Server contains PMEM cache.

The following table describes database statistics that are useful for monitoring PMEM cache. The statistics are available in various dynamic performance views, including V$SYSSTAT, and may be displayed in the Global Activity Statistics or Instance Activity Statistics section of an AWR report.

Statistic Description
cell RDMA reads The number of successful PMEM cache read requests using RDMA
cell RDMA reads eligible The number of database reads that meet basic eligibility criteria for RDMA
cell RDMA read hash table probes The total number of RDMA hash table probes issued to determine the presence of data in PMEM cache. Each eligible read is usually associated with a hash table probe.
cell RDMA reads issued The total number of RDMA reads issued to retrieve data from PMEM cache. An RDMA read is usually issued after each successful hash table probe.

cell RDMA probe failures - hash table buffer allocation failed

cell RDMA probe failures - IPCDAT metadata allocation failed

cell RDMA probe failures - IPCDAT errors

The total number of RDMA hash table probes that failed. Each statistic covers a specific failure reason.

The sum of these failures accounts for most of the difference between cell RDMA read hash table probes and cell RDMA reads issued.

Some RDMA hash table probe failures are normal while PMEM cache is being initialized. However, frequent failures or a large number of failures may indicate a problem requiring further investigation.

cell RDMA read failures - lease expired

cell RDMA read failures - client registration errors

The total number of RDMA reads that failed. Each statistic covers a specific failure reason.

The sum of these failures accounts for most of the difference between cell RDMA reads issued and cell RDMA reads.

Normally, some RDMA read failures may occur. However, frequent failures or a large number of failures may indicate a problem requiring further investigation.

cell RDMA reads rejected - ineligible The number of database reads that failed basic eligibility criteria for RDMA
cell RDMA writes The number of successful PMEM cache write requests using RDMA

cell xrmem cache read hits

cell pmem cache read hits

The number of non-RDMA read requests processed by cellsrv resulting in a PMEM cache hit

The statistic is named cell xrmem cache read hits in Oracle Database versions that support Oracle Exadata System Software release 23.1.0 and later. In earlier versions, it is named cell pmem cache read hits.

cell xrmem cache writes

cell pmem cache writes

The number of non-RDMA write requests processed by cellsrv resulting in a PMEM cache write

The statistic is named cell xrmem cache writes in Oracle Database versions that support Oracle Exadata System Software release 23.1.0 and later. In earlier versions, it is named cell pmem cache writes.

The following table describes database wait events that are useful for monitoring PMEM cache. The wait events are visible in various dynamic performance views, including V$SESSION, V$SYSTEM_EVENT and V$SESSION_EVENT, and may be displayed in the Wait Event sections of the AWR report.

Wait Event Description
cell list of blocks physical read

This wait event occurs during recovery or during buffer pre-fetching (rather than performing multiple single-block reads). It is used to monitor database blocks that must be changed as part of recovery and are read in parallel for the database.

In V$SESSION, records associated with this event include additional parameters:

  • P1 contains the relevant storage server hash number, which corresponds to V$CELL.CELL_HASHVAL.

  • P2 identifies the disk hash number for the grid disk that contains the data, which corresponds to V$ASM_DISK.HASH_VALUE.

  • P3 specifies the number of bytes processed during the I/O read operation.

This wait event is equivalent to db file parallel read for a cell.

cell list of blocks read request

This is a placeholder wait event associated with cell list of blocks physical read, which is visible only during the wait period. After the wait event ends, the placeholder is typically converted to cell list of blocks physical read.

cell multiblock physical read

This wait event represents the time taken to perform all the I/Os for a multi-block database read.

In V$SESSION, records associated with this event include additional parameters:

  • P1 contains the relevant storage server hash number, which corresponds to V$CELL.CELL_HASHVAL.

  • P2 identifies the disk hash number for the grid disk that contains the data, which corresponds to V$ASM_DISK.HASH_VALUE.

  • P3 specifies the number of bytes processed during the I/O read operation.

This wait event is equivalent to db file scattered read for a cell.

cell multiblock read request

This is a placeholder wait event associated with cell multiblock physical read, which is visible only during the wait period. After the wait event ends, the placeholder is typically converted to cell multiblock physical read.

cell single block physical read

This wait event represents the time taken to perform a single block database I/O, equivalent to db file sequential read for a cell.

Commencing with the May 2022 Oracle Database release updates (versions,, and later), this wait event no longer includes I/O from Exadata Smart Flash Cache, I/O from PMEM cache, or database I/O using a Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) read. With this change, another wait event (cell single block physical read: xrmem cache or cell single block physical read: pmem cache) represents the time taken to perform a single block database I/O from PMEM cache.

Before the May 2022 Oracle Database release updates, effective use of PMEM cache coincides with extremely low latency for this wait event, which is typical for operations using RDMA.

In V$SESSION, records associated with this event include additional parameters:

  • P1 contains the relevant storage server hash number, which corresponds to V$CELL.CELL_HASHVAL.

  • P2 identifies the disk hash number for the grid disk that contains the data, which corresponds to V$ASM_DISK.HASH_VALUE.

  • P3 specifies the number of bytes processed during the I/O read operation.

cell single block physical read: xrmem cache

cell single block physical read: pmem cache

This wait event represents the time taken to perform a single block database I/O from PMEM cache.

Effective use of PMEM cache coincides with extremely low latency for this wait event, which is typical for operations using RDMA.

This wait event was introduced in the May 2022 Oracle Database release updates and is present in Oracle Database versions,, and later. Previously, cell single block physical read included these waits.

The wait event is named cell single block physical read: xrmem cache in Oracle Database versions that support Oracle Exadata System Software release 23.1.0 and later. In earlier versions, it is named cell single block physical read: pmem cache.

In V$SESSION, records associated with this event include additional parameters:

  • P1 contains the relevant storage server hash number, which corresponds to V$CELL.CELL_HASHVAL.

  • P2 identifies the disk hash number for the grid disk that contains the data (not the cache location), which corresponds to V$ASM_DISK.HASH_VALUE.

  • P3 specifies the number of bytes processed during the I/O read operation.

cell single block read request

This is a placeholder wait event associated with a single block database I/O that is visible only during the wait period. After the wait event ends, the placeholder is converted to the appropriate wait event, which is typically one of the cell single block physical read events.

cell interconnect retransmit during physical read

This wait event appears during retransmission for an I/O of a single-block or multiblock read. The cell hash number in the P1 column in the V$SESSION_WAIT view is the same cell identified for cell single block physical read and cell multiblock physical read. The P2 column contains the subnet number to the cell, and the P3 column contains the number of bytes processed during the I/O read operation.