4.11 Monitoring syslog Messages Remotely

By default, storage server syslog messages are written to local log files.

A separate management server, known as a loghost server, can receive syslog messages from Oracle Exadata database servers and storage servers.

  • To monitor the syslog messages remotely, configure the syslog service on the loghost server to listen for incoming syslog messages by setting SYSLOGD_OPTIONS -r in the loghost server /etc/sysconfig/syslog file.

  • Use the ALTER CELL or ALTER DBSERVER command configure each server to forward specified syslog messages to the loghost server by setting the syslogconf attribute.

    The server configuration is maintained across restarts and updates.

  • Use the ALTER CELL VALIDATE SYSLOGCONF or ALTER DBSERVER VALIDATE SYSLOGCONF command to test message transmission from the Exadata servers to the loghost server.

Starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release 21.2.0, you can also configure each server to forward syslog messages from the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) service processor (SP). To configure this facility, use the ALTER CELL or ALTER DBSERVER command to set the ilomSyslogClients attribute.

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