9.8.4 Repurposing Sparse Griddisks

You can change sparse griddisks back to normal griddisks.

If you previously created sparse griddisks, but now want to use them as normal griddisks, you can drop and recreate the disks.
  1. Drop the snapshot database that is currently using the sparse griddisks.
    RMAN> startup mount force;
    RMAN> delete database;
  2. Using SQL*Plus or ASMCMD, drop the Oracle ASM disk group that contains the sparse griddisks.
  3. Using CellCLI, drop the griddisks in the storage cells.
    cellcli -e drop griddisk all harddisk prefix=SPARSEC1
  4. Recreate the griddisks.

    When you create the griddisks, use a similar size as the other disks and add back to the disk group of your choice. Do not specify the sparse attribute. See CREATE GRIDDISK for the command syntax.

  5. Add the recreated griddisks to an Oracle ASM disk group.

    Use the SQL ALTER DISKGROUP command with the ADD DISK clause to add the disk to the Oracle ASM disk group using syntax similar to the following:

    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP disk_group_name ADD DISK 'o/cell_IPaddress/data*';