9.6.3 oclumon chmdiag

Use the oclumon chmdiag to get a detailed description of all the supported events and actions, query CHMDiag events/actions sent by various components and generate an HTML or a text report, and to collect all events/actions data generated by CHMDiag into the specified output directory location. oclumon chmdiag description

Use the oclumon chmdiag description command to get a detailed description of all the supported events and actions.


oclumon chmdiag description 
[-f {text,html} | --format {text,html}] 
[--outdir OUTDIR]


Table 9-136 oclumon chmdiag description Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-f {text,html} | --format {text,html}

Specify to generate a report in the Text or HTML format. Note that you need to specify the --outdir if you need the report in the HTML format.

HTML report is an interactive html page, which has support for easy navigation and filtering of data. It also has built-in help, which describes the events/actions.

--outdir OUTDIR

Specify the location of the directory where the description data (text/html) will be written. oclumon chmdiag query

Use the oclumon chmdiag query command to query CHMDiag events/actions sent by various components and generate an HTML or a text report.


oclumon chmdiag query 
[-f {text,html} | --format {text,html}]
[--outdir OUTDIR] 
[-s S] 
[-e E] 
[--last LAST] 
[--evtids EVTIDS [EVTIDS,...]] 
[--actids ACTIDS [ACTIDS,...]] 
[--compids COMPIDS [COMPIDS,...]]
[--inputdir INPUTDIR] 
[--logdir LOGDIR]


Table 9-137 oclumon chmdiag query Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-f {text,html} | --format {text,html}

Specify to generate a report in the Text or HTML format. Note that you need to specify the --outdir if you need the report in the HTML format.

HTML report is an interactive html page, which has support for easy navigation and filtering of data. It also has built-in help, which describes the events/actions.

--outdir OUTDIR

Specify the location of the directory where the queried data report (text/html) will be written.


Specify to display only the summary of the query result.

-s S

Specify the start timestamp for the query in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS-z format.

-e E

Specify the end timestamp for the query in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS-z format.

--last LAST

Specify to query logs for a specific duration.The duration can be specified as nd|h|m|s.

  • d stands for Days
  • h stands for Hours
  • m stands for Minutes
  • s stands for Seconds
  • n can be a floating number

For example, --last 1d2h3m1s.

--evtids EVTIDS

Specify to query only the events with the specified event IDs.

--actids ACTIDS

Specify to query only the actions with the specified action IDs.

--compids COMPIDS

Specify to query all events/actions generated by the specified set of components.

--inputdir INPUTDIR

Specify the absolute path of the directory that contains chmdiag logs files.

--logdir LOGDIR

Specify the absolute path of the directory, whcih will contain the script run logs.

Action Status can be one of the following:
  • Succeeded: Action completed with success return code.
  • Failed: Action returned a non-success return code
  • NotRunExceededMaxLimit: Action has not been run as the maximum number of allowed concurrent runs for this action has been exceeded.
  • Purged: Action results have been purged, that is, the results have been recycled based on the set retention policy for this Action ID.
  • ExceededMaxRunTime: This action has not completed within the configured maximum run time and hence the action has been killed. Whatever the output that gets generated by the command will be captured in the cmd.out file.

Example 9-130 oclumon chmdiag query

oclumon chmdiag query -f html --outdir /outdir/path/
oclumon chmdiag query --last 1h30m
oclumon chmdiag query -s 2018-06-20T10:30:00 -e 2018-06-20T11:30:00 oclumon chmdiag collect

Use the oclumon chmdiag collect command to collect all events/actions data generated by CHMDiag into the specified output directory location. This command will primarily be used by Oracle Trace File Analyzer to collect all events/actions that fall within a problematic window.


oclumon chmdiag collect 
[--outdir OUTDIR] 
[-s S] 
[-e E] 
[--last LAST] 
[--evtids EVTIDS [EVTIDS,...]] 
[--actids ACTIDS [ACTIDS,...]] 
[--compids COMPIDS [COMPIDS,...]] 
[--inputdir INPUTDIR]
[--logdir LOGDIR]


Table 9-138 oclumon chmdiag collect Command Parameters

Parameter Description

--outdir OUTDIR

Specify the location of the directory where the collected data will be written.


Specify to compress the output directory data into a gzip file.

-s S

Specify the start timestamp for the collection in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS-z format.

-e E

Specify the end timestamp for the collection in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS-z format.

--last LAST

Specify to collect logs for a specific duration.The duration can be specified as nd|h|m|s.

  • d stands for Days
  • h stands for Hours
  • m stands for Minutes
  • s stands for Seconds
  • n can be a floating number

For example, --last 1d2h3m1s.

--evtids EVTIDS

Specify to collect only the events with the specified event IDs.

--actids ACTIDS

Specify to collect only the actions with the specified action IDs.

--compids COMPIDS

Specify to collect all events/actions generated by the specified set of components.

--inputdir INPUTDIR

Specify the absolute path of the directory that contains chmdiag logs files.

--logdir LOGDIR

Specify the absolute path of the directory, whcih will contain the script run logs.

Example 9-131 oclumon chmdiag collect

oclumon chmdiag collect --outdir /outdir/path/
oclumon chmdiag collect --last 1.5h --outdir /outdir/path/