9.4.11 Running Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) Compliance Checks

Run Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) to perform system checks in preparation for installation, patch updates, or other system changes.


You can run CVU check as root or a non-root user. Currently, running CVU checks are limited to Linux and Solaris.
CVU is integrated into Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk. By default,
  • CVU health checks are run when you run Oracle Orachk on Oracle RAC, Oracle Restart, and Oracle Database Appliance (ODA).
  • A full Oracle Exachk run includes CVU health checks.

Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk include the Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) compliance check results in the following reports:

  • Oracle RAC Assessment Report
  • Oracle RAC Upgrade Readiness Report
  • Oracle Exadata Assessment Report

When you run the -profile preinstall command, preinstallation related CVU checks are run for Oracle Database and Oracle Clusterware.

When you run Oracle Orachk and Oracle EXAchk in pre-upgrade mode, pre-upgrade related CVU checks are run for Oracle Database and Oracle Clusterware.

When you run Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk in normal or pre-upgrade mode, CVU will only be used if the tools find CVU is available, recent and valid for the situation you are using it in.

These are the checks performed to validate CVU:
  • CVU exists in ahf_dir/common/cvu directory or the path specified using the -cvuhome option.
  • The CVU pack is less than 180 days. Note that you can modify this value by setting the RAT_STALE_DAYS=n environment variable.
  • If the CVU version is equal or higher than the CRS version.
  • If the CVU version is equal or higher than the upgrade target version.

If you are running as root and one of the above validations fail, then the tools will prompt to download the latest CVU from My Oracle Support. If My Oracle Support credentials are already configured in the wallet, then these will be used. If not, then the tools will prompt for My Oracle Support username and password.

After downloading a new CVU pack the tools automatically distribute this to all nodes in the cluster. By default this cluster distribution is done through the TFA secure socket connection. Distribution through the TFA secure socket connection is only possible if:
  • The tools were installed through a full installation and not using the -extract option, or installed as non-root.
  • The Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon has not been shutdown.
CVU pack cluster distribution can be done through passwordless SSH if the originating Oracle Orachk or Oracle Exachk command was run with the -usessh option for example:
orachk -usessh 
orachk -preupgrade -usessh
exachk -usessh 
exachk -preupgrade -usessh
You can prevent the prompting for CVU upgrade using any one of the following options:
  • Set the RAT_NOCVU_UPGRADE environment variable to 1, for example, RAT_NOCVU_UPGRADE=1.
  • Set the RAT_NOUPGRADE environment variable to 1, for example, RAT_NOUPGRADE=1.
  • Run Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk with the -noupgrade option.
    For example:
    orachk -noupgrade
    orachk -preupgrade -noupgrade
    exachk -noupgrade
    exachk -preupgrade –noupgrade

Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk report includes the CVU version and the CVU checks result.

If CVU pack is not found or if the latest version is not available, then Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk logs the message and add an entry within the report.


orachk [-cvuhome] [-cvuonly] [-includecvu] [-excludecvu]
exachk [-cvuhome] [-cvuonly] [-includecvu] [-excludecvu]


Table 9-123 Running CVU Compliance Checks

Option Description


Specify the location of the zipped file cvupack.zip or the directory where you have unzipped the cvupack.zip file.
orachk -cvuhome gi_home
exachk -cvuhome gi_home
orachk -cvuhome path to cvu_zip
exachk -cvuhome path to cvu_zip
orachk -cvuhome path to unzipped cvupack
exachk -cvuhome path to unzipped cvupack
orachk -cvuhome location_of_file_or_directory
exachk -cvuhome location_of_file_or_directory
orachk -profile preinstall -cvuhome location_of_file_or_directory
exachk -profile preinstall -cvuhome location_of_file_or_directory
orachk -preupgrade -cvuhome location_of_file_or_directory
exachk -preupgrade -cvuhome location_of_file_or_directory
For example:
orachk -cvuhome /tmp/cvupack.zip
orachk -cvuhome /tmp/cvupack
orachk -profile preinstall -cvuhome /tmp/ cvupack.zip
orachk -profile preinstall -cvuhome /tmp/cvupack
orachk -preupgrade -cvuhome /tmp/cvupack.zip
orachk -preupgrade -cvuhome /tmp/cvupack


Use the -cvuonly command option to run only the CVU checks. Running the -cvuonly command does not run Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk related compliance checks.


Use the -excludecvu command option to exclude CVU checks.

Reviewing Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) Output

By default, a full Oracle Exachk run calls CVU and displays the results in a separate section of the report. To review the CVU output, run Oracle Exachk and review the provided report. Also by default, only the FAIL items are displayed, so the expected output (all PASS results) in the Oracle Exachk report displays only the header information similar to:

Cluster Verification Utility (CVU ) result
Status    Type    Message    Status On    Details

If you wish to view the specific CVU verifications, select PASS or ALL in the Oracle Exachk report header section, and you will see output similar to:

Cluster Verification Utility (CVU ) result
Status    Type    Message    Status On    Details
PASS   OS Check   Node Connectivity check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Multicast or broadcast check check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Time zone consistency check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Cluster Manager Integrity check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Cluster Integrity check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   CRS Integrity check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Node Application Existence check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Single Client Access Name (SCAN) check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   OLR Integrity check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   ASM Integrity check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   User Not In Group "root": grid check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Clock Synchronization check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   VIP Subnet configuration check check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Network configuration consistency checks check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   Package: psmisc-22.6-19 check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   File system mount options for path GI_HOME check passed   random01client01   View
PASS   OS Check   ACFS device special file check passed   random01client01   View

In this section of the report, click the View link to view more details. For example, in the Node Connectivity check passed entry above:

Description   This is a prerequisite condition to test whether connectivity exists amongst all the nodes. 
The connectivity is being tested for the subnets "98.450.312.0,98.450.312.0,98.450.312.0,99.475.0.0"

Links   None

Needs attention on   -
Passed on   random01client01

Status on random01client01:
PASS => Node Connectivity check passed

If there are any CVU issues reported, then the default report will show an expanded table similar to the following:

Cluster Verification Utility (CVU ) result
Status    Type    Message    Status On    Details
FAIL   OS Check   Node Connectivity check failed   random01client01   View

Examine the additional information in the View detail section for root cause and take appropriate corrective action.


For additional information on the Cluster Verification Utility, see Cluster Verification Utility Referece section of the appropriate Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide for the installed Oracle Database version.


If you wish to review the CVU output without a full Oracle Exachk run after completing the corrective actions, then as root run the following command in the directory in which Oracle Exachk was installed:

exachk -cvuonly