7 Re-imaging Oracle Database Appliance

Bare metal operating system re-imaging installs Oracle Database Appliance operating system software on the local (boot) drive.

Bare Metal is a non-virtualized Oracle Database Appliance configuration. Oracle Database Appliance ships from the factory with a bare metal configuration, default ISO image and Appliance Manager installed. Use the OS ISO Image to restore the OS to the "shipped from factory" state. Use only when necessary. Reimaging does not patch the firmware or update the component versions; it only re-images the local system disk from an operating system perspective. After imaging is completed, redeploy the End User image, then restore from backup, as needed.

Cleaning Up Incomplete or Failed Installations

Use the Oracle Database Appliance cleanup deploy utility, /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/cleanup.pl to uninstall Oracle Database Appliance components.

About the Cleanup Utility

Use the cleanup deploy utility to do the following:

  • Uninstall Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR)

  • Uninstall Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA)

  • Uninstall Oracle ORAchk Health Check Tool
  • Uninstall Oracle Grid Infrastructure and the Oracle stack

  • Reset or delete the Oracle Linux udev rules

  • Delete users and groups that were created when the appliance was created.

The script removes the firstnet config and the client access VLAN UNIX_DB, but does not delete any other VLANs. The script also resets any disabled CPU cores and enables all of the cores.

The cleanup utility runs in two modes: default and force mode. In the default mode, the commands used as part of cleanup do not use the force option. The ASM disk status is changed from MEMBER to FORMER, but ASM header on the disk is not erased. The default mode can be used only for cleaning up or re-provisioning of the same system.


For High-Availability systems, run the cleanup utility on both nodes sequentially. Ensure that the cleanup utility has completed on the first node, and then start the process on the second node.

Running the Cleanup Utility for a Baremetal Deployment

 # perl cleanup.pl [-griduser grid_user] 
[-dbuser db_user] [-groups comma separated list of groups]
[-erasedata] [f]

When the grid_user and db_user are the same (roleSeparation=false), you must run the script for each user (-gridUser and -dbUser).

Table 7-1 Command Options for Cleanup Utility

Option Description
grid_user Describes the Oracle Grid Infrastructure user name. The default user is grid.
db_user Describes the database user name. The default user is oracle

Example with grid and oracle users:

cleanup.pl -griduser oracle -dbuser oracle
groups Describes the comma-separated list of groups. The default groups are oinstall,dba,asmadmin,asmoper,asmdba.

Completely erases all disks on system. It is mandatory to run this option if intention of cleanup is to reuse or move these disks on other systems.

Example of secure erase:

cleanup.pl -erasedata
cleanDefNet Cleans up the default public network.
checkHeader Checks for OAK/ASM header on disks after successfully running the cleanup script. Use this to validate if the OAK/ASM header was erased by the cleanup script or not.

Example of checking disk header:

cleanup.pl -checkHeader

In the force mode, all commands use the force option. The ASM disk header is erased. The oakd header on the disk is erased in both default and force modes.

Example of default mode:


Example of force mode:

cleanup.pl -f

Running the Cleanup Script for a Virtualized Platform Deployment

Use this cleanup deploy script tool to clean up a Virtualized Platform deployment on Oracle Database Appliance.

Run the following command from dom0 on Node 0 to remove ODA_BASE and the initial network configuration.


Restoring an Oracle Database Appliance Baremetal System

Re-image Oracle Database Appliance to perform a bare metal restore of Oracle Database Appliance.

Bare metal restore uses Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) to re-image the Oracle Database Appliance node. The ILOM must be configured before performing a bare metal restore or re-image. Generally, the ILOM is configured as part of readying for deploying Oracle Database Appliance.

Download the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO image to your local machine before you launch the ILOM console.

Follow these steps to re-image your appliance. For Oracle Database Appliance High-Availability deployment, follow these steps on both nodes.
  1. Open a browser and connect to Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) on Node 0 as root.
  2. Launch the Remote Console.
    1. Expand Remote Control in the left navigation.
    2. Click the Redirection tab.
    3. Click Launch for the Remote Console in the Actions menu.
      The state of the system determines what appears on the Console page.
  3. Add the image.
    1. Click the KVMS tab, then select Storage.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Browse to the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO Image, highlight the image, then click Select.
    4. Click Connect.
      The mounting of the ISO image is successful when the Connect button changes to a Disconnect button.
    5. Click OK
      The CD-ROM icon in the top right corner is highlighted.
  4. Configure the CD-ROM as the next boot device.
    1. Expand Host Management in the left menu of the ILOM Remote Console tab.
    2. Click Host Control.
    3. Select CDROM from the Next Boot Device menu, then click Save.
  5. Power cycle the node.
    1. Click Power Control in the Host Management menu.
    2. Select Power Cycle , then click Save.

    When the node comes back after the power cycle, re-imaging starts automatically. The Oracle Linux page appears, followed by the Running Post-Install scripts page.

    The Running Post-Install scripts page is a static page and might give the impression that the re-imaging process is not progressing. The post-install process during re-imaging will wait until the synchronization between the partitions of the two mirrored local hard disks is complete, which can take 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

    To check the progress of re-synchronization, press the ALT-F2 key combination to open a second console and enter the following command:

    # cat /proc/mdstat

    When the re-synchronization is complete, re-imaging is completed and the machine restarts.

After the machine restarts, the system is ready for you to deploy the Oracle software on the appliance to create an Oracle Database Appliance bare metal platform.

Performing Secure Erase of Data on Storage Disks

With this release, you can securely erase data from storage devices. Running the secure erase tool deletes the data on the storage disk permanently.

You may want to consolidate storage disks between appliances. For example, you can use X7-2 disks on X6-2 models, and may want to consolidate all X6-2 disks on one system, and use all new X7-2 storage disks on another system. In such cases, use secure erase to erase headers from disks before re-imaging the disks, since the storage disks across the appliances may have different partition ratios.


Running the secure erase tool removes data from storage disks permanently. If you have any data on the disk, then take a backup of your storage disk before running the secure erase tool.
Follow the steps to run the secure erase tool:
  1. Stop oakd and the database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure before running the secure erase tool.
    On bare metal systems, run the command:
    # odaadmcli stop oak

    On Virtualized Platforms:

    # oakcli stop oak

    To stop Oracle Clusterware resources:

    # crsctl stop crs -f
  2. Run the secure erase tool:
    # /opt/oracle/oak/bin/odaeraser.py
  3. You can also run the secure erase tool when running the cleanup tool:
    # cleanup.pl -erasedata 

Example 7-1 Options for the Secure Erase Tool

Option Description
-a, --all Erases all disks. For example:
# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/odaeraser.py --all
--disk disk1,disk2 Erases specified disks. For example:
# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/odaeraser.py --disk e0_pd_00,e0_pd_01
--dryrun Runs the tool in the test mode
--type HDD|SSD|NVMe Erases the type of disk specified
-v, --verbose Displays verbose output
-h, --help Displays all CLI options for the tool