1 Oracle Database Appliance Checklists

Use these checklists to ensure you have completed the tasks required for setting up, deploying, and patching Oracle Database Appliance.

Checklist for System Requirements

Before you begin the deployment, ensure that you have the system information described in this checklist ready. This checklist applies to baremetal and virtualized platform deployments.

Table 1-1 Checklist for System Configuration Information for Oracle Database Appliance

Component Information Required Comments

Host Name

The name for the Oracle Database Appliance System. The name must conform with the RFC 952 standard, which allows alphanumeric characters and hyphens ( - ), but does not allow underscores ( _ ). The name should not begin with a numeral or hyphen and should not end in a hyphen. Oracle recommends that you use all lowercase characters for the host name.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Host Name:

Domain Name

Your domain name.

For example: example.com

Domain Name:


The region where you plan to operate the Oracle Database Appliance system.



The time zone where you plan to operate the Oracle Database Appliance system.


Diskgroup Redundancy

Determine the redundancy level for DATA, RECO, and FLASH:

If there are up to two disks, then you can select the disk group redundancy as Normal or Flex. If there are more than two disk drives, then you can select the redundancy as Normal (two way mirror), High (three way mirror), or Flex. If you select High redundancy, then DATA, RECO, and FLASH are all High Redundancy.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.
Number of Enabled CPU Cores

Based on your capacity-on-demand (CoD) license, this value specifies the number of enabled CPU cores

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.


Determine the backup location. For external backup, you need an NFS device.

Backup location:

Percentage of Storage Reserved for Data

Determine the amount of reserves for DATA storage. The percentage must be a whole number between 10 and 90, and determines how the disks are partitioned between DATA and RECO. For example, if you specify 80, then 80% of storage is reserved for DATA and the remaining 20% is for RECO.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

System Password

The password set for the root user of the system, operating system users, database users, and pdbadmin. The password is also used to set the database SYS and SYSTEM passwords. Ensure that the password you provide is in compliance with common security practices.

You must provide a system password when you deploy your appliance.

DNS Server

(Optional) DNS server details. If configuring DNS, a minimum of one DNS Server IP is required.

DNS Server details:

NTP Server

(Optional) Network Time Protocol (NTP) server details.

NTP Server details:

Network Information for the client access network

Obtain the following network information:

  • Node 0 Name: such as example0

  • Node 0 Public IP Address

  • Node 1 Name (For HA Models): such as example1

  • Node 1 Public IP Address (For HA Models)

  • Node 0 Virtual IP Name (For HA Models): for example, example0-vip

  • Node 0 Public Virtual IP Address (For HA Models)

  • Node 1 Virtual IP Name (For HA Models): for example, example1-vip

  • Node 1 Public Virtual IP Address (For HA Models)

  • SCAN Name (For HA Models): for example, example-scan

  • SCAN IP Addresses: Two SCAN IP addresses are required

  • Netmask

  • Gateway IP

The Public and private network must not be in same subnet, they must be in non-related separate subnet.

Obtain the following additional network information for virtualized platforms:

  • OVM Node0 Dom0 Host Name

  • OVM Node0 Dom0 IP Address

  • OVM Node1 Dom0 Host Name

  • OVM Node1 Dom0 IP Address

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Network Information for the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) network

Obtain the following ILOM network information:

  • ILOM host name

  • ILOM IP address

  • Subnet mask

  • Gateway IP

  • ILOM Password: default is changeme.

For HA systems, ensure that you have the information to configure two ILOM networks.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

User and group information

Determine how you want to configure your users and groups and whether or not you want to allow operating system role separation. The default is two users with six groups.

Operating System Role Separation: Yes/No

Customization of Users and Groups: Yes/No

Groups and IDs:
  • Grid Infrastructure User
  • Grid Infrastructure User ID
  • Database User
  • Database User ID
  • Install Group
  • Install Group ID
  • DBA Operating System Group
  • DBA Operating System Group ID
  • ASM Admin Group
  • ASM Admin Group ID
  • ASM Operating System Group
  • ASM Operating System Group ID
  • ASM DBA Group
  • ASM DBA Group ID

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Initial Database Details (if you want to create one during deployment)

(Optional) If you choose to create an initial database during deployment, determine the following configuration details:

  • Database name

  • Database unique name

  • Database version (based on the database clones that are registered with the Oracle Database Appliance)

  • Determine the Oracle Database edition licensing that you have, either Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition. You cannot mix editions.

  • Database deployment, whether Oracle RAC or single-instance database
  • CDB (Container Database): Yes or No

  • PDB name
  • Shape (for example, odb1, odb2, and so on)

  • Database Class: Enterprise Edition, OLTP, DSS, or IMDB. Standard Edition OLTP only.

  • Data files on Flash storage: Yes/No
  • Database file size
  • Database characterset

  • National characterset
  • Database language

  • Storage (Oracle ASM or Oracle ACFS). databases are supported only on Oracle ACFS storage.

  • Database redundancy
  • Configure Oracle Enterprise Manager console. If you are using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control with this appliance, do not choose this option.

  • Password for the database

The DB Name and DB Unique name can contain alphanumeric characters and must start with an alphabet. It can contain underscores ( _ ), but cannot contain characters such as "!@%^&*()+=\\|`~[{]};:'\",<>/?".

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) information

(Optional) Do you want to configure and enable Oracle ASR at deployment or later? If required, then ensure that you have the following information.
  • ASR Type
  • ASR User Name
  • ASR Password
  • SNMP Version
  • Proxy Server Name
  • Proxy Port
  • Proxy User Name
  • Proxy Password
Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) information for your appliance
Information for Virtualized Platform Deployments Only

Base Memory: Memory allocated to the ODA_BASE domain.

Use this space to note your values.

Deployment Checklist for Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal Installations

This checklist provides an overview of the tasks to setup and deploy Oracle Database Appliance for the first time.

Table 1-2 Deployment Checklist for Baremetal Installations

Component Tasks
Register your hardware Support Identifier (SI) Add your hardware Support Identifier (SI) to your My Oracle Support account profile. Your hardware SI is supplied when you purchase Oracle Database Appliance. If you acquire new software licenses, then you must also register your new software SIs. The SI registration process can take up to 24 hours to complete.
Plug in the Appliance
  • Plug in all the cables including the power cords, and then wait for the SP OK light to become solid green. Do not power up yet.

  • If there is no video port available on your Oracle Database Appliance hardware model, then use the Server Management Serial Port to connect to a laptop, or determine the DHCP address assigned to it. Note: Serial port must be set to 115200, so make sure the baud rate speed matches.

Configure Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) on Node0 and Node1

Before you configure Oracle ILOM:

  • Connect an Ethernet cable from the NET MGT port to your site's management network. The NET MGT port is a 1 GbE port for Oracle ILOM and by default, is configured for DHCP.

  • Obtain the Oracle ILOM host name and IP address, the netmask, and the gateway addresses from the DHCP server.

  • Have a new password ready to replace the default Oracle ILOM password

Log into the Oracle ILOM console and follow the procedure in the topic Configuring Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager.

Power ON
  • Power on each node and log in as root user with welcome1 password.

  • Verify cabling: # /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli validate-storagetopology

  • Verify interconnect networking. Run the commands # ethtool p1p1 and # ethtool p1p2.

Follow the steps described in the topic Verifying Cabling and Network Connections.

Plumb the network

Ensure that you have recorded the IP address and netmask address.

Set up a temporary network connection to Oracle Database Appliance. Use the command odacli configure-firstnet on Node0, for both single- and multi-node systems.

Log into the Oracle ILOM console and follow the procedure in the topic Plumbing the Network.

Download Oracle Database Appliance Software

Log into My Oracle Support and download the software files for deployment. Refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the latest software.

Install Oracle Database Appliance

Upload the zip files to a temporary location on Oracle Database Appliance and then update the repository and install the software.

Follow the steps and run the commands described in the topic Installing Oracle Database Appliance Software.

Create Appliance
  • Set the Browser User Interface password for the oda-admin user.

  • Log into the Browser User Interface and configure system, network, and users and groups.

    Ensure that you have the information mentioned in Checklist for System Requirements available to you.

Follow the steps described in the topic Creating an Appliance.

Perform postinstallation tasks

Configure CPU core count.

Change the passwords for Browser User Interface, Oracle users and groups, and Oracle ILOM.

Follow the steps described in the chapter Oracle Database Appliance Postinstallation Tasks.

Cleanup Deployments

If your deployment failed for some reason, then run the cleanup script and redeploy the appliance.

For steps to run the cleanup script, see the topic Running the Cleanup Script for Incomplete or Failed Installations.

Deployment Checklist for Virtualized Platforms

This checklist provides an overview of the tasks to setup and deploy Oracle Database Appliance for Virtualized Platforms for the first time.

Table 1-3 Deployment Checklist for Virtualized Platform for X8-2/X7-2HA

Component Tasks
Register your hardware Support Identifier (SI) Add your hardware Support Identifier (SI) to your My Oracle Support account profile. Your hardware SI is supplied when you purchase Oracle Database Appliance. If you acquire new software licenses, then you must also register your new software SIs. The SI registration process can take up to 24 hours to complete.
Connect to Oracle Database Appliance
  • Plug in the hardware, and then wait for the SP light to become solid green. Do not power up yet.

  • There is no video port on High-Availability models. Use the Server Management Serial Port to a laptop, or determine the DHCP address assigned to it. Note: Serial port must be set to 115200, so make sure the baud rate speed matches.

Configure Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) on Node0 and Node1

Before you configure Oracle ILOM, ensure that you have following information available:

  • A name and IP address

  • A password to replace the default Oracle ILOM password

  • Access to a management network, using an assigned netmask

  • An Ethernet cable connected from the NET MGT port to the management network

Log into the Oracle ILOM console and follow the procedure in the topic Configuring Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager.

Power ON
  • Power on each node and log in as root user with welcome1 password.

  • Verify interconnect networking. Run the commands # ethtool eth0 and # ethtool eth1.

Follow the steps described in the topic Verifying Cabling and Network Connections.

Download and deploy Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized ISO Image and Configure Network

Log into My Oracle Support and download the Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized OS ISO Image for deployment. Refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the latest software.

Log into the Oracle ILOM console and follow the procedure in the topic Installing the Virtualized Platform Template.

Install Virtualized Platform Software and Deploy the Appliance

Download the Oracle Database Appliance VM Template for deployment and copy the files to /OVS directory on Node 0.

Set up ODA_BASE.

Use the oakcli update command to update the server and storage components.

Start Oracle Appliance Manager and provide your configuration options.

Follow the steps and run the commands described in the topic Installing Virtualized Platform and Deploying the Appliance.

Cleanup Deployments

If your deployment failed for some reason, then run the cleanup script and redeploy the appliance.

For steps to run the cleanup script, see the topic Running the Cleanup Script for Incomplete or Failed Installations.

Checklist for Patching Oracle Database Appliance

Follow the checklist items to apply patches to Oracle Database Appliance.

Table 1-4 Checklist for Patching Oracle Database Appliance Deployments

Component Tasks
Verify Appliance is running and network and cabling are correctly configured

On High-Availability systems only: Verify cabling: # /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli validate-storagetopology

Verify interconnect networking. Run the commands # ethtool p1p1 and # ethtool p1p2.

Check the current version

Checking the current version enables you to verify if a patch is applicable to your appliance. You can then determine whether to upgrade directly to the target patch version or whether you need to upgrade to an interim version. Run:

# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli describe-component -v
Download the Patches from My Oracle Support

Log into My Oracle Support and download the bundle patches for the release. Refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the latest software.

Run Patching Pre-checks and Patch Oracle Database Appliance Using the Browser User Interface

Upload the zip files to a temporary location on Oracle Database Appliance and unzip the patch. Run the command on Node0. The patches are propagated to the other node automatically.

Log into the Browser User Interface with the oda-admin user name and password.

Follow the steps described in the topic Patching Oracle Database Appliance Using the Browser User Interface.

Run Patching Pre-checks and Patch Oracle Database Appliance Using the CLI
  1. Upload the zip files to a temporary location on Oracle Database Appliance and unzip the patch. Run the command on Node0. The patches are propagated to the other node automatically.

  2. Update the repository:

    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-repository -f /opt/software_file1,software_file2,software_file3
  3. Confirm update:

    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli describe-job -i job_ID
  4. Run the create-prepatchreport command to generate a pre-check report. View the report using the describe-prepatchreport command.

  5. Update the DCS agent, DCS admin, and DCS components:
    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-dcsagent -v version
    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-dcsadmin -v version
    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-dcscomponents -v version
  6. Update the Server:

    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-server -v version
  7. Update Storage:

    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-storage -v version
  8. Update Database:

    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-database -v version

Follow the steps and run the commands described in the topic Patching Oracle Database Appliance Using the CLI.

Run the Cleanup Script (Optional)

If your patch failed for some reason, then run the cleanup script and redeploy the appliance.

For steps to run the cleanup script, see the topic Running the Cleanup Script for Incomplete or Failed Installations.

Checklist for Custom Network Address Configuration

Use the checklist to identify the IP addresses required for Oracle Database Appliance.


Oracle does not recommend changing the default Host Private Address. You cannot change the private network after deploying the appliance.

Table 1-5 Default IP Address Requirements for Oracle Database Appliance

Type of IP IP Address Default Values Your Values As Applicable

Client Access Network

No default

No default

Additional Network

No default

No default

Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)

No default

No default

Host Private Addresses

InfiniBand has bonded interface ibbond0 . The system configures icbond0 on non-InfiniBand High-Availability systems. The subnet is configured.

Not applicable: the private addresses are defined before deployment and should not be changed