3 Scenario: Configure Oracle Data Guard using ODACLI Commands

This scenario describes setting up Oracle Data Guard on Oracle Database Appliance using ODACLI commands.


Understand the primary and standby database environment topologies used in the subsequent Data Guard setup example using Oracle Database Appliance.

Description of oda_with_data_guard.png follows
Description of the illustration oda_with_data_guard.png
Component Primary Oracle Database Appliance Standby Oracle Database Appliance
Host Names proddb1, proddb2 stbydb1, stbydb2
Database Name hun hun
Database Unique Name buda pest
Instance Name budapest1, budapest2 budapest1, budapest2
SCAN Name and IPs proddb-scan (, stbydb-scan (,
Grid Infrastructure Software Installation /u01/app/ /u01/app/
Oracle Database Software Installation /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/
Database storage ASM ASM

Configuring Oracle Data Guard

Understand the steps to configure Oracle Data Guard.

Configure remote database backup for the source database either on NFS or on the cloud-based Oracle Object Store


If the NAS or external NFS server is not already configured, then follow the steps described in the Configuring NFS Server on Oracle Database Appliance topic in this document.
  • The NFS file system must be mounted on all source and target nodes.
  • For a TDE-enabled database, the database and TDE backup folders must be readable and writeable by the oracle operating system user.
  • For a database without TDE encryption, the database must be readable and writeable by the oracle operating system user.
  • The NFS file system must be shared with the no_root_squash option.
  • When configuring the backup location on Oracle Object Storage, for a TDE-enabled database, create dedicated buckets for database and TDE backups. For database without TDE encryption, create a bucket for the database backups.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a backup configuration.
    If you use NFS file system as the backup location, then run the following command:
    • For a TDE-enabled database:
      # odacli create-backupconfig -d NFS -n nfs -cr -c /odabackup/db -f /odabackup/tde -w 7
    • For a non-TDE database with an RMAN backup password:
      # odacli create-backupconfig -d NFS -n nfs -cr -c /odabackup/db -w 7
    If you use Oracle Object Storage as your backup location, then perform the following steps:
    1. Update the DCS agent configuration with the internet proxy, if required.
      [root@proddb1] # odacli update-agentconfig-parameters -n HttpProxyHost -v proxy.oracle.com -n HttpProxyPort -v 80 -u
    2. Create Object Storage credential details.
      [root@proddb1] # odacli create-objectstoreswift -e https://swiftobjectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/v1 -n oosswift -t mytenant -u firstname.lastname@oracle.com 
    3. Create a backup configuration.
      [root@proddb1] # odacli create-backupconfig -d ObjectStore -c dbbackups -on oosswift -w 7 -f tdebackups -cr -n backupConfig2ObjectStorage
  2. Verify that the backup configuration is available. For example:
    [root@proddb1] # odacli list-backupconfigs 
    ID Name RecoveryWindow CrosscheckEnabled BackupDestination 
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- 
    c0bc22a2-b9c0-4b3e-a4fb-1e69c661cfbf backupConfig2ObjectStorage 7 true ObjectStore 
    251aadf9-34ea-4579-aab7-d0e0c8f27dc7 nfs 7 true NFS
  3. Assign the backup configuration to the source database.
    For a TDE-enabled database:
    [root@proddb1] # odacli modify-database -in hun -bin nfs
    For a non-TDE database with an RMAN backup password:
    [root@proddb1] # odacli modify-database -in hun -bin nfs -bp

Create a Level 0 database backup and keep archive logs

  1. Create a backup configuration:
    [root@proddb1] # odacli create-backup -in hun -bt Regular-L0 -ka 
    { "jobId" : "2ff6931c-aa69-4529-92fa-379dda6e6a36", 
    "status" : "Created", 
    "message" : null, 
    "reports" : [ ], 
    "createTimestamp" : "March 18, 2022 16:15:57 PM CET", 
    "resourceList" : [ ], 
    "description" : "Create Regular-L0 Backup[TAG:auto][Db:hun][NFS:/odabackup/db/orabackups/primaryODA-c/database/2894792645/buda]", 
    "updatedTime" : "March 18, 2022 16:15:57 PM CET" }
  2. Verify that the job completed successfully:
    [root@proddb1] # odacli describe-job -i 2ff6931c-aa69-4529-92fa-379dda6e6a36 
    Job details 
    ID: 2ff6931c-aa69-4529-92fa-379dda6e6a36 
    Description: Create Regular-L0 Backup[TAG:auto][Db:hun][NFS:/odabackup/db/orabackups/primaryODA-c/database/2894792645/buda] 
    Status: Success 
    Created: March 18, 2022 4:15:57 PM CET 
    Task Name                        Start Time                                End Time                        Status 
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 
    Validate TDE Wallet Existence            March 18, 2022 4:16:00 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:16:01 PM CET Success 
    Validate backup config                   March 18, 2022 4:16:01 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:16:01 PM CET Success 
    NFS location existence validation        March 18, 2022 4:16:01 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:16:02 PM CET Success 
    Backup Validations                       March 18, 2022 4:16:02 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:16:07 PM CET Success 
    Recovery Window validation               March 18, 2022 4:16:07 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:16:10 PM CET Success 
    Archivelog deletion policy configuration March 18, 2022 4:16:10 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:16:14 PM CET Success 
    Database backup                          March 18, 2022 4:16:14 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:17:41 PM CET Success 
    Password Protected TDE Wallet Backup     March 18, 2022 4:17:41 PM CET     March 18, 2022 4:17:42 PM CET Success
  3. Identify the ID of the backupreport that belongs to the L0 backup.
    [root@proddb1]# odacli list-backupreports 
    Backup Report Id Database Resource Id Database DbId DB Name DB Unique Name Backup Type Backup Tag Create Time Updated Time Status 
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ------------ ----------------------------- 
    13faba84-d83f-499d-ae4a-4bb451f4702c c0409b01-03da-4326-b268-29a48d8d617f 2894792645 hun buda Regular-L0 auto March 18, 2022 4:16:14 PM CET March 18, 2022 4:17:42 PM CET Configured
  4. Take a backup of the backup report in JSON format and copy it to the standby system backup on NFS:
    [root@proddb1]# odacli describe-backupreport -i 13faba84-d83f-499d-ae4a-4bb451f4702c > /odabackup/backupreport_hun_20220318.json
    Backup on Oracle Object Storage:
    [root@proddb1]# odacli describe-backupreport -i 13faba84-d83f-499d-ae4a-4bb451f4702c > /tmp/backupreport_hun_20220318.json
    Copy the JSON file to the standby systm:
    [root@proddb1]# scp /tmp/backupreport_hun_20220318.json root@stbydb1:/tmp
  5. Verify that the Object Storage Swift or NFS was configured on the standby side. For NFS, verify with the command df -h that the file system is mounted on both target nodes. For Oracle Object Storage, verify with the command odacli list-objectstoreswifts that Swift credentials are configured.
  6. Restore the database as a standby on the target. The target could be a bare metal or DB system. If the target is a DB system, then ensure that no database is configured on the DB system.
    Identify the ID of the home for an existing home:
    [root@stdbydb1 ~]# odacli list-dbhomes 
    ID Name DB Version Home Location Status 
    ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------
    e8a36f29-7fcf-49fc-8575-c599dc28949d OraDB19000_home1 /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ CONFIGURED

    Restore the database with the odacli irestore-database command.

    Backup on NFS using an existing database home:
    [root@stdbydb1 ~]# odacli irestore-database -r /odabackup/backupreport_hun_20220318.json -u pest -ro STANDBY -t -dh 
    e8a36f29-7fcf-49fc-8575-c599dc28949d --backupLocation /odabackup/db
    Backup on Oracle Object Storage creating a new database home:
    [root@stdbydb1 ~]# odacli irestore-database -r backupreport_hun_20220318.json -u pest -on odabackups -ro STANDBY -t
    Replace -t with -bp in the above commands for a non-TDE database. For example:
    [root@stdbydb1 ~]# odacli irestore-database -r /odabackup/backupreport_hun_20220318.json -u pest -ro STANDBY -t -dh e8a36f29-7fcf-49fc-8575-c599dc28949d --backupLocation /odabackup/db 
    Enter SYS user password: 
    Retype SYS user password: 
    Enter TDE wallet password: 
    "jobId" : "6d36ebdf-2b31-4d19-a75f-5d997286ed9f", 
    "status" : "Created", 
    "message" : null, 
    "reports" : [ ], 
    "createTimestamp" : "March 18, 2022 16:32:16", 
    "resourceList" : [ ], 
    "description" : "Database service recovery with db name: hun", 
    "updatedTime" : "March 18, 2022 16:32:16" 
  7. Verify that the job completed successfully.
    [root@stbydb1]# odacli describe-job -i "0a35a4af-13bc-4a03-bfe6-ec4ae4e43dc6" 
    Job details 
    ID: 6d36ebdf-2b31-4d19-a75f-5d997286ed9f 
    Description: Database service recovery with db name: hun 
    Status: Success 
    Created: March 18, 2022 4:32:16 PM CET 
    Task Name Start Time End Time Status 
    ---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
    Check if cluster ware is running March 18, 2022 4:32:17 PM CET March 18, 2022 4:32:17 PM CET Success … 
    Enable New Tablespace Encryption March 18, 2022 4:49:22 PM CET March 18, 2022 4:49:23 PM CET Success
  8. Verify that the database is in CONFIGURED status.
    [root@stbydb1]# odacli list-databases
    ID DB Name DB Type DB Version CDB Class Shape Storage Status DbHomeID 
    ---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- ------------
    9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 hun RAC true OLTP odb2 ASM CONFIGURED e8a36f29-7fcf-49fc-8575-c599dc28949d

Configure Oracle Data Guard from the first node of the primary Oracle Database Appliance system

  • Listener port and port 7070 must be open to configure Oracle Data Guard between two appliances.
  • Configuring Oracle Data Guard requires Oracle Database Appliance release 19.15 when either the primary or standby database, or both, are configured on a DB system.
  1. Configure Oracle Data Guard:
    [root@ proddb1]# odacli configure-dataguard 
    Standby site address: stbydb1 
    BUI username for Standby site. If Multi-user Access is disabled on Standby site, enter 'oda-admin'; otherwise, enter the name of the user who has irestored the Standby database (default: oda-admin): 
    BUI password for Standby site: 
    root@stbydb1's password: 
    Database name for Data Guard configuration: 
    hun Primary database SYS password: 
    Data Guard default settings 
    Primary site network for Data Guard configuration: 
    Public-network Standby site network for Data Guard configuration: 
    Public-network Primary database listener port: 1521 
    Standby database listener port: 1521 
    Transport type: ASYNC 
    Protection mode: MAX_PERFORMANCE 
    Data Guard configuration name: buda_pest 
    Active Data Guard: disabled 
    Do you want to edit this Data Guard configuration? (Y/N, default:N): y 
    Primary site network for Data Guard configuration [Public-network] (default: Public-network): 
    Standby site network for Data Guard configuration [Public-network] (default: Public-network): 
    Primary database listener port (default: 1521): 
    Standby database listener port (default: 1521): 
    Transport type [ASYNC, FASTSYNC, SYNC] (default: ASYNC): 
    Data Guard configuration name (default: buda_pest): 
    Enable Active Data Guard? (Y/N, default:N): n 
    Standby database's SYS password will be set to Primary database's after Data Guard configuration. Ignore warning and proceed with Data Guard configuration? (Y/N, default:N): y 
    Configure Data Guard buda_pest started 
    Step 1: Validate Data Guard configuration request (Primary site) Description: Validate DG Config Creation for db hun Job ID: 1cdcc4d9-f869-49ed-90a7-651a0a76db03 Started March 18, 2022 17:02:17 PM CET Validate create Data Guard configuration request Finished March 18, 2022 17:02:21 PM CET 
    ******************************************************************************************* Step 2: Validate Data Guard configuration request (Standby site) Description: Validate DG Config Creation for db hun Job ID: c9dcb3fc-90d7-495e-860d-d3fdd421aad0 Started March 18, 2022 17:02:22 PM CET Validate create Data Guard configuration request Finished March 18, 2022 17:02:27 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* Step 3: Download password file from Primary database (Primary site) Description: Download orapwd file from Primary database Started March 18, 2022 17:02:27 PM CET Prepare orapwd file for Primary database hun Finished March 18, 2022 17:02:32 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* Step 4: Upload password file to Standby database (Standby site) Description: Upload orapwd file to Standby database Started March 18, 2022 17:02:32 PM CET Write orapwd file to Standby database hun Finished March 18, 2022 17:02:43 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* Step 5: Configure Primary database (Primary site) Description: DG Config service for db hun – ConfigurePrimary Job ID: ed2e490d-f3e4-40b5-adee-ec5a31c6cdc6 Started March 18, 2022 17:02:44 PM CET Configure host DNS on primary env Configure Data Guard Tns on primary env Enable Data Guard related Db parameters for primary env Enable force logging and archivelog mode in primary env Enable FlashBack Configure network parameters for local listener on primary env Restart listener on primary env Create services for primary db Finished March 18, 2022 17:05:46 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* Step 6: Configure Standby database (Standby site) Description: DG Config service for db hun – ConfigureStandby Job ID: 989931fb-c7ec-4f36-9e8e-7cbe932af96c Started March 18, 2022 17:05:47 PM CET Configure Data Guard Tns on standby env Configure host DNS on standby env Clear Data Guard related Db parameters for standby env Enable Data Guard related Db parameters for standby env Enable force logging and archivelog mode in standby env Populate standby database metadata Configure network parameters for local listener on standby env Reset Db sizing and hidden parameters for ODA best practice Restart Listener on standby env Create services for standby db Finished March 18, 2022 17:07:27 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* Step 7: Configure and enable Data Guard (Primary site) Description: DG Config service for db hun – ConfigureDg Job ID: 0616ad61-a6fe-4e33-b9a9-f0ea1698022f Started March 18, 2022 17:07:28 PM CET Config and enable Data Guard Post check Data Guard configuration Finished March 18, 2022 17:08:03 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* Step 8: Enable Flashback (Standby site) Description: DG Config service for db hun – EnableFlashback Job ID: 1104e7ab-de51-4477-9a03-0cc37fc0431f Started March 18, 2022 17:08:04 PM CET Enable FlashBack Finished March 18, 2022 17:11:55 PM CET ******************************************************************************************* 
    Step 9: Re-enable Data Guard (Primary site) 
    Description: DG Config service for db hun – ReenableDg 
    Job ID: 6aea76eb-e51a-4517-ae85-ba6b108804a4
    Started March 18, 2022 17:11:56 PM CET 
    Re-enable Data Guard if inconsistent properties found Post check Data Guard configuration 
    Finished March 18, 2022 17:12:53 PM CET 
    Step 10: Create Data Guard status (Primary site) 
    Description: DG Status operation for db hun – NewDgconfig 
    Job ID: df82b9d3-9a7e-4545-888f-29d678879870 Started March 18, 2022 17:12:53 PM CET 
    Create Data Guard status Finished March 18, 2022 17:13:00 PM CET 
    Step 11: Create Data Guard status (Standby site) 
    Description: DG Status operation for db hun – NewDgconfig 
    Job ID: 9a70c3b8-5edb-406e-99e8-e03c44000d03 Started March 18, 2022 17:13:01 PM CET 
    Create Data Guard status Finished March 18, 2022 17:13:08 PM CET 
    Configure Data Guard buda_pest completed 

In the interactive CLI configuration steps, the parameters are as follows:

  • Standby site address is IP address or host name of the standby host. Provide the fully qualified domain name and hostname if the primary and the standby systems are in the same domain and DNS is configured.
  • Select Oracle Data Guard protection modes to meet availability, performance, and data protection requirements. Oracle Data Guard Protection Modes are Maximum Availability, Maximum Performance, and Maximum Protection. The log transport modes are ASYNC, SYNC, and FASTSYNC.

The following table indicates the default supported pair and the FASTSYNC mode is available only in Oracle Database 12.1 or later:

Protection Mode/Transport Type ASYNC FASTSYNC SYNC

Performing Switchover on Oracle Data Guard

Understand the steps to switchover Oracle Data Guard.

Follow these steps on the primary:

  1. Use the odacli list-dataguardstatus command to verify on which system the database is running as the primary. The command also provides the ID of the Data Guard configuration which is needed in switchover and failover commands.
    [root@proddb1]# odacli list-dataguardstatus 
    Updated about 2 second(s) ago 
    ID Name Database Name Role Protection Mode Apply Lag Transport Lag Apply Rate Status 
    ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
    be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c buda_pest hun PRIMARY MAX_PERFORMANCE 0 seconds 0 seconds 14.00 KByte/s CONFIGURED
  2. Initiate switchover. Provide the Oracle Data Guard configuration ID and the database unique name of the primary system.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli switchover-dataguard -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c -u pest 
    Password for target database: 
    "jobId" : "02ddfc45-da95-4f70-8823-bcd30ce3b738", 
    "status" : "Created", 
    "message" : null, 
    "reports" : [ ], 
    "createTimestamp" : "March 18, 2022 17:24:11 PM CET", 
    "resourceList" : [ ], 
    "description" : "Dataguard operation for buda_pest - SwitchoverDg", 
    "updatedTime" : "March 18, 2022 17:24:11 PM CET" 
  3. Monitor the status of the switchover operation.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli describe-job -i "02ddfc45-da95-4f70-8823-bcd30ce3b738" 
    Job details 
    ID: 02ddfc45-da95-4f70-8823-bcd30ce3b738 
    Description: Dataguard operation for buda_pest – SwitchoverDg 
    Status: Success 
    Created: March 18, 2022 5:24:11 PM CET 
    Task Name Start Time End Time Status 
    ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
    Precheck switchover DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:24:12 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:24:15 PM CET Success 
    Switchover DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:24:15 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:25:24 PM CET Success 
    Postcheck switchover DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:25:24 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:26:19 PM CET Success 
    Check if DataGuard config is updated March 18, 2022 5:26:29 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:26:39 PM CET Success
  4. Verify the status of Oracle Data Guard on both nodes after the operation completes successfully. You may need to run the command a few times to verify the changes.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli describe-dataguardstatus -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Updated about 2 minute(s) ago Dataguard Status details 
    ID: be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c
    Name: buda_pest 
    Database Name: c0409b01-03da-4326-b268-29a48d8d617f 
    Role: STANDBY 
    Protection Mode: MAX_PERFORMANCE 
    Apply Lag: 0 seconds 
    Transport Lag: 0 seconds 
    Apply Rate: 1.35 MByte/s 
    Status: CONFIGURED 
    Updated Time: March 18, 2022 5:26:26 PM CET 
    [root@stbydb1 ~]# odacli describe-dataguardstatus -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Updated about 5 minute(s) ago 
    Dataguard Status details 
    ID: be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Name: buda_pest 
    Database Name: 9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 
    Role: STANDBY   <–------------------------// not updated yet 
    Protection Mode: MAX_PERFORMANCE 
    Apply Lag: 0 seconds 
    Transport Lag: 0 seconds 
    Apply Rate: 2.00 KByte/s 
    Status: CONFIGURED 
    Updated Time: March 18, 2022 5:23:15 PM CET
    Running the same command the second time:
    [root@stbydb1 ~]# odacli describe-dataguardstatus -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Updated about 34 second(s) ago 
    Dataguard Status details 
    ID: be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Name: buda_pest 
    Database Name: 9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 
    Role: PRIMARY <---------------------//role is updated and reflects the right status 
    Protection Mode: MAX_PERFORMANCE 
    Apply Lag: 0 seconds 
    Transport Lag: 0 seconds 
    Apply Rate: 274.00 KByte/s 
    Status: CONFIGURED 
    Updated Time: March 18, 2022 5:29:16 PM CET

Failover Oracle Data Guard

Understand the steps to failover Oracle Data Guard.

Follow these steps on the standby:

  1. Use the odacli list-dataguardstatus command to verify on which system the database is running as the standby. The command also provides the ID of the Data Guard configuration which is needed in switchover and failover commands.
    [root@proddb1]# odacli list-dataguardstatus 
    Updated about 2 second(s) ago 
    ID Name Database Name Role Protection Mode Apply Lag Transport Lag Apply Rate Status 
    ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
    633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c buda_pest hun STANDBY MAX_PERFORMANCE 0 seconds 0 seconds 14.00 KByte/s CONFIGURED
  2. Initiate failover. Provide the Oracle Data Guard configuration ID and the database unique name of the primary system.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli failover-dataguard -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c -u buda 
    Password for target database: 
    "jobId" : "3dd42271-2919-4cae-a801-1a4d635c3120", 
    "status" : "Created", 
    "message" : null, 
    "reports" : [ ], 
    "createTimestamp" : "March 18, 2022 17:31:12 PM CET", 
    "resourceList" : [ ], 
    "description" : "Dataguard operation for buda_pest - FailoverDg", 
    "updatedTime" : "March 18, 2022 17:31:12 PM CET" 
  3. Monitor the status of the failover operation.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli describe-job -i "3dd42271-2919-4cae-a801-1a4d635c3120" 
    Job details 
    ID: 3dd42271-2919-4cae-a801-1a4d635c3120 
    Description: Dataguard operation for buda_pest – FailoverDg 
    Status: Success 
    Created: March 18, 2022 5:31:12 PM CET 
    Message: Task Name Start Time End Time Status 
    ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------- 
    Precheck failover DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:31:12 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:31:13 PM CET Success 
    Failover DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:31:13 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:31:45 PM CET Success 
    Postcheck DataGuard status March 18, 2022 5:31:45 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:31:46 PM CET Success 
    Check if DataGuard config is updated March 18, 2022 5:31:56 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:32:06 PM CET Success
  4. Reinstate the former primary as standby. Provide the Oracle Data Guard configuration ID and the database unique name of the former primary system.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli reinstate-dataguard -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c -u pest 
    Password for target database: 
    "jobId" : "c53d2d6f-a128-4b16-a894-25fc6e73493e", 
    "status" : "Created",
    "message" : null, 
    "reports" : [ ], 
    "createTimestamp" : "March 18, 2022 17:33:24 PM CET", 
    "resourceList" : [ ], 
    "description" : "Dataguard operation for buda_pest - ReinstateDg", 
    "updatedTime" : "March 18, 2022 17:33:24 PM CET" 
  5. Monitor the reinstate job status.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli describe-job -i "c53d2d6f-a128-4b16-a894-25fc6e73493e" 
    Job details 
    ID: c53d2d6f-a128-4b16-a894-25fc6e73493e 
    Description: Dataguard operation for buda_pest – ReinstateDg 
    Status: Success 
    Created: March 18, 2022 5:33:24 PM CET 
    Message: Task 
    Name Start Time End Time Status 
    ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------- 
    Precheck reinstate DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:33:24 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:33:25 PM CET Success 
    Reinstate DataGuard March 18, 2022 5:33:25 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:35:07 PM CET Success 
    Postcheck DataGuard status March 18, 2022 5:35:07 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:36:30 PM CET Success 
    Check if DataGuard config is updated March 18, 2022 5:36:40 PM CET March 18, 2022 5:36:50 PM CET Success
  6. Verify the status of Oracle Data Guard on both nodes after the operation completes successfully. You may need to run the command a few times to verify the changes.
    [root@stdbydb1 ~]# odacli describe-dataguardstatus -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Updated about 34 second(s) ago Dataguard Status details 
    ID: be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Name: buda_pest 
    Database Name: 9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 
    Role: PRIMARY ←--------------------------//the status is not updated yet 
    Protection Mode: MAX_PERFORMANCE Apply 
    Lag: 0 seconds 
    Transport Lag: 0 seconds 
    Apply Rate: 274.00 KByte/s 
    Status: CONFIGURED 
    Updated Time: March 18, 2022 5:29:16 PM CET
    Running the same command the second time:
    [root@stdbydb1 ~]# odacli describe-dataguardstatus -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Updated about 3 second(s) ago 
    Dataguard Status details 
    ID: be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Name: buda_pest 
    Database Name: 9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 
    Role: STANDBY   <------------------------//updated and correct status 
    Protection Mode: MAX_PERFORMANCE 
    Apply Lag: 0 seconds 
    Transport Lag: 0 seconds
    Apply Rate: 386.00 KByte/s 
    Status: CONFIGURED 
    Updated Time: March 18, 2022 5:37:35 PM CET

Deconfiguring Oracle Data Guard

Understand the steps to deconfigure Oracle Data Guard.

Follow these steps on the primary:

  1. Use the odacli list-dataguardstatus command to verify on which system the database is running as the standby. The command also provides the ID of the Data Guard configuration which is needed in switchover and failover commands.
    [root@proddb1]# odacli list-dataguardstatus 
    Updated about 2 second(s) ago 
    ID Name Database Name Role Protection Mode Apply Lag Transport Lag Apply Rate Status 
    ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
    633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c buda_pest hun STANDBY MAX_PERFORMANCE 0 seconds 0 seconds 14.00 KByte/s CONFIGURED
  2. Running Data Guard deconfiguration is an interactive process.
    [root@proddb1 ~]# odacli deconfigure-dataguard -i be217130-633b-4eef-a4b7-3192028b853c 
    Standby site address: stbydb1 
    BUI username for Standby site. If Multi-user Access is disabled on Standby site, enter 'oda-admin'; otherwise, enter the name of the user who has irestored the Standby database (default: oda-admin): 
    BUI password for Standby site: 
    root@stbydb1's password: 
    Standby database will be deleted after Data Guard configuration is removed. Ignore warning and proceed with Data Guard deconfiguration? (Y/N): y 
    Deconfigure Dataguard Started 
    Step 1: Deconfigure Data Guard (Primary site) 
    Description: Deconfigure DG service 
    Job ID: ce9e0871-6630-452f-bf3a-44262b0d461d 
    Started March 18, 2022 17:39:04 PM CET 
    Deconfigure Data Guard service Cleanup broker resources Finished March 18, 2022 17:40:49 PM CET 
    Step 2: Delete Data Guard status (Primary site) 
    Description: DG Status operation for db - UpdateDgconfig 
    Job ID: 0aa8cebf-4cb5-4444-8426-991bab48eb6e 
    Started March 18, 2022 17:40:49 PM CET Finished March 18, 2022 17:40:49 PM CET 
    Step 3: Delete Data Guard status (Standby site) 
    Description: DG Status operation for db - UpdateDgconfig 
    Job ID: adcd8b6d-e514-45ee-8eb9-998e4968ef97 
    Started March 18, 2022 17:40:50 PM CET 
    Update Data Guard status 
    Finished March 18, 2022 17:40:51 PM CET 
    Step 4: Delete Standby database (Standby site) 
    Description: Database service deletion with db name: hun with id : 9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 
    Job ID: 9fd067c3-9a51-4db9-88d2-105e673143c7 Started March 18, 2022 17:40:54 PM CET 
    Validate db 9cec6f9a-5256-48c0-8386-4bda7ee6b393 for deletion 
    Database Deletion By RHP 
    Unregister Db From Cluster 
    Close Pmon Process 
    Database Files Deletion 
    TDE Wallet deletion 
    Finished March 18, 2022 17:43:16 PM CET 
    Data Guard configuration is removed

Configuring Additional Network on Oracle Data Guard

Understand how to set up additional network for Oracle Data Guard.

According to MAA best practices, it is recommended to use a dedicated network interface for Oracle Data Guard related traffic. The odacli configure-dataguard command supports configuration of an additional network. By default, Oracle Database Appliance uses public network configuration, but a different network can be assigned to it easily. If the database runs on bare metal system, then a new interface must be configured with Dataguard type and attached to the database.

Follow these steps:
  1. Create a new network on the desired interface.
    # odacli create-network -m network_name -n interface_name -p ip0, ip1 -w Dataguard -no-d -s subnet_mask -g gate_ip -vs vipname0:nodenumber0:vip0,vipname1:nodenumber1:vip1 -sn scan_name -sip scanip0,scanip1 
    (optional: -t VLAN -v vlan_id)
    For example:
    Example: # odacli create-network -m DataGuard -n bond1 -p "0:,1:" -w Dataguard -no-d -s -g -vs "dg-vip1:0:,dg-vip2:1:" -sn dg-scan -sip
  2. Attach the network to the database.
    # odacli modify-database -in dbname -an network name 
    For example:
    # odacli modify-database -in testdb -an DataGuard 

    Verify the network name with the odacli list-networks command.

If the database runs in a DB system, then you must configure a new virtual interface with Dataguard type and attached to the database:
  1. Create a new vnetwork on the interface you want to configure on the bare metal system:
    # odacli create-vnetwork -n vnetwork_name -t bridged|bridgedVLAN -br bridge_name -gw gateway -if interface_name -ip 
    For example:
    # odacli create-vnetwork -n DataGuard -t bridged -br DataGuard -gw -if btbond5 -ip "," -nm "" -u
  2. Assign the new vnetwork to the DB system as a Dataguard type network on the bare metal system.
    # odacli modify-dbsystem -n dbsystem_name -avn vnetwork_name -gw gateway -ip ip0,ip1 -nm netmask -sn scan_name -sip scanip0,scanip1 -vips vipname0:nodenumber0:vip0,vipname1:nodenumber1:vip1 -vt network_type
    For example:
    # odacli modify-dbsystem -n oda818c5 -avn DataGuard -gw "" -ip "," -nm "" -sn dg-scan -sip "," -vips "dg-vip1:0:,dg-vip2:1:" -vt dataguard
  3. Attach the network to the database on the DB system host:
    # odacli modify-database -in dbname -an network_name
    For example:
    # odacli modify-database -in testdb -an DataGuard

    Run the steps on both the primary and the standby systems, regardless of whether the database is on the bare metal system or in a DB system.

  4. Finally, provide the network name for the Oracle Data Guard configuration in the odacli configure-dataguard command. At the step “Do you want to edit this Data Guard configuration?” choose ‘y’ to change the Data Guard network.
    For example:
    Do you want to edit this Data Guard configuration? (Y/N, default:N): y 
    Primary site network for Data Guard configuration [Public-network] (default: Public-network): DataGuard 
    Standby site network for Data Guard configuration [Public-network] (default: Public-network): DataGuard