4 Known Issues with Oracle Database Appliance in This Release

The following are known issues deploying, updating, and managing Oracle Database Appliance in this release.

Known Issues When Deploying Oracle Database Appliance

Understand the known issues when provisioning or deploying Oracle Database Appliance.

Error in creating a DB system

When creating a DB system, an error may be encountered.

Problem Description

When creating a DB system, the following errors may be encountered:
  • The odacli create-dbsystem job may be stuck in the running status for a long time.
  • Other DB system or application VM lifecycle operations such as create, start, or stop VM jobs may be stuck in the running status for a long time.
  • Any virsh command such as virsh list command process may not respond.
  • The command ps -ef | grep libvirtd displays that there are two libvirtd processes. For example:
    # ps -ef |grep libvirtd
    root      5369     1  0 05:27 ?        00:00:03 /usr/sbin/libvirtd
    root     27496  5369  0 05:29 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/libvirtd  <<<

    The second libvirtd process (pid 27496) is stuck and causes the job hang.

Command Details

# odacli create-dbsystem

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Delete the second libvirtd, that is, the one spawned by the first libvirtd, for example, pid: 27496 in the above example.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 34715675.

Error in creating vnetwork on a DB System

When creating a vnetwork on a DB system, an error may be encountered.

Problem Description

When creating a vnetwork with name length of 14 or 15 without providing a bridge name, an error message may be displayed.

Failure Message

The following error message may be displayed in dcs-agent.log:

Device xxxxx does not seem to be present, delaying initialization. 

Command Details

# odacli create-vnetwork

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Use a vnetwork name with 13 or less characters or provide a bridge name with less than 15 characters

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35668001.

Error in DB System creation

When provisioning a DB system with uppercase letters in the node name, an error may be encountered.

Command Details

# odacli create-dbsystem

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X10 hardware models


Use node names with only lowercase letters in the DB system payload.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35660324.

Error in displaying firmware version

There may be an error when displaying the version for the CX6 network controller.

Failure Message

When running the command odacli describe-component, the following error message may be displayed:

OS                                        8.8                   up-to-date
                                          84030200              up-to-date
                                          E2MU200               up-to-date
                                          -                     26.37.1014.  

The dbvm agent logs may contain the following entries:

PRCR-1028 : Failed to remove resource ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr
PRCR-1072 : Failed to unregister resource ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr
CRS-2586: Deletion of a running resource 'ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr' requires the force option
2023-07-21 03:28:28,092 ERROR [Remove listeners for network {dbs_vlan}] [] c.o.d.a.r.s.n.NetworkLifecycleUtils: 
PRCR-1028 : Failed to remove resource ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr 

Command Details

# odacli describe-component

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X10 hardware models


Run the operating system command ethool to get the firmware version for the CX6 controller:
# ethtool -i p5p1
driver: mlx5_core
version: 5.0-0
firmware-version: 26.37.1014 (ORC0000000011) <--- Firmware Version
bus-info: 0000:21:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: no
supports-priv-flags: yes

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35702981.

Error in detaching vnetwork on a DB System

When detaching a vnetwork on a DB system, an error may be encountered.

Failure Message

The following error message may be displayed:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Could not delete network 'dbs_vlan': null. 

The dbvm agent logs may contain the following entries:

PRCR-1028 : Failed to remove resource ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr
PRCR-1072 : Failed to unregister resource ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr
CRS-2586: Deletion of a running resource 'ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr' requires the force option
2023-07-21 03:28:28,092 ERROR [Remove listeners for network {dbs_vlan}] [] c.o.d.a.r.s.n.NetworkLifecycleUtils: 
PRCR-1028 : Failed to remove resource ora.SCAN_LISTENER2_SCAN1_NET2.lsnr 

Command Details

# odacli modify-dbsystem

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Run the odacli modify-dbsystem command again.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35628863.

Error in running odacli modify-dbsystem on a DB System

When running the odacli modify-dbsystem command on a DB system, an error may be encountered.

Failure Message

The following error message may be displayed:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Invalid nodeId, the format is as 'node_#'.

Command Details

# odacli modify-dbsystem

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Do not run the odacli modify-dbsystem command in a failed state.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35630118.

Error in attaching vnetwork on a DB System

When attaching a vnetwork that was previously attached on a DB system, an error may be encountered.

Failure Message

The following error message may be displayed:

DCS-10045:Validation error encountered: The scan name specified is not consistent with the corresponding network {dbs_vlan} on node 1. 

Command Details

# odacli modify-dbsystem

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


None. Contact Oracle Support.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35630911.

Error in DB System creation

When creating a DB system with mixed-case letters in the oracle user name, an error may be encountered.

Failure Message

The following error message may be displayed in the DBCA trace file:

ORA-15260: permission denied on ASM disk group

Command Details

# odacli create-dbsystem

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Do not specify mixed-case letters in the oracle user name when you create a DB system.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35647573.

Error in creating database

When creating a database on Oracle Database Appliance, an error may be encountered.

Problem Description

When creating a database on Oracle Database Appliance, the operation may fail after the createDatabaseByRHP task. However, the odacli list-databases command displays the status as CONFIGURED for the failed database in the job results.

Failure Message

When you run the odacli create-database command, the following error message is displayed:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Failed to clear all listeners from database

Command Details

# odacli create-database

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Check the job description of the odacli create-database command using the odacli describe-job command. Fix the issue for the task failure in the odacli create-database command. Delete the database with the command odacli delete-database -n db_name and retry the odacli create-database command.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 34709091.

Error in creating two DB systems

When creating two DB systems concurrently in two different Oracle ASM disk groups, an error is encountered.

When attempting to start the DB systems, the following error message is displayed:
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'vm_name.kvm' on 'oda_server'
CRS-5017: The resource action "vm_name.kvm start" encountered the following
CRS-29200: The libvirt virtualization library encountered the following
Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock (held by
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in
CRS-2674: Start of 'vm_name.kvm' on 'oda_server' failed
CRS-2679: Attempting to clean 'vm_name.kvm' on 'oda_server'
CRS-2681: Clean of 'vm_name.kvm' on 'oda_server' succeeded
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Do not create two DB systems concurrently. Instead, complete the creation of one DB system and then create the other.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 33275630.

Error in creating DB system

When creating a DB system on Oracle Database Appliance, an error may be encountered.

When running the odacli create-dbsystem command, the following error message may be displayed:
DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: ASM network is not online in all nodes

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Follow these steps:
  1. Manually bring the offline resources online:
    crsctl start res -all
  2. Run the odacli create-dbsystem command.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 33784937.

Error in provisioning appliance after running cleanup.pl

Errors encountered in provisioning applince after running cleanup.pl.

After running cleanup.pl, provisioning the appliance fails because of missing Oracle Grid Infrastructure image (IMGGI191100). The following error message is displayed:

DCS-10042:User oda-cliadmin cannot be authorized.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models for bare metal deployments


After running cleanup.pl, and before provisioning the appliance, update the repository as follows:

# odacli update-repository -f /**gi** 

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 32707387.

Error encountered after running cleanup.pl

Errors encountered in running odacli commands after running cleanup.pl.

After running cleanup.pl, when you try to use odacli commands, the following error is encountered:

DCS-10042:User oda-cliadmin cannot be authorized.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models for bare metal deployments


Run the following commands to set up the credentials for the user oda-cliadmin on the agent wallet:

# rm -rf /opt/oracle/dcs/conf/.authconfig  
# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/setupAgentAuth.sh 

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 29038717.

Errors in clone database operation

Clone database operation fails due to errors.

If the source database is single-instance or Oracle RAC One Node, or running on the remote node, the clone database operation fails, because the paths are not created correctly in the control file.

Clone database operation may also fail with errors if the source database creation time stamp is too close to the clone operation (at least within 60 minutes).

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance high-availability hardware models for bare metal deployments


Create the clone database from the source database instance that is running on the same node from which the clone database creation is triggered.

For Oracle Database 12c and later, synchronize the source database before the clone operation, by running the command:
SQL> alter system checkpoint;

This issue is tracked with Oracle bugs 29002563, 29002004, 29001906, 29001855, 29001631, 28995153, 28986643, 30309971, and 30228362.

Known Issues When Managing Oracle Database Appliance

Understand the known issues when managing or administering Oracle Database Appliance.

Oracle HAMI error after node crash

After a node crash occurs on Oracle Database Appliance, Oracle HAMI ensemble may be unresponsive and ODACLI commands may not work.

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X10 hardware models


Restart Oracle HAMI ensemble and DCS agent on both nodes:

On Node0:

# /opt/oracle/dcs/hami/bin/hamictl.sh restart --member ODA_DCS0
# systemctl restart initdcsagent
On Node1:
# /opt/oracle/dcs/hami/bin/hamictl.sh restart --member ODA_DCS1
# systemctl restart initdcsagent
Verify that the DCS agent is communicating properly with Oracle HAMI ensemble:
# odacli ping-agent
"Agent is ready to serve the requests.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35651793.

Error in displaying firmware version

On Oracle Database Appliance X10 where secure boot is enabled, there may be an error in displaying the CX6 firmware version when you run fwupdate.

Failure Message

The following error message may be displayed:

# fwupdate list controller

WARNING: Due to strict MMIO memory settings in the running kernel some network controllers may not be accessible.
         See Hardware Management Pack documentation regarding iomem kernel settings required for
         firmware update of these devices.

ID    Type   Manufacturer   Model     Product Name               FW Version     BIOS Version   EFI Version    FCODE Version  Package Version  NVDATA Version    XML Support
c0    NVMe   Micron         0x51c3    Micron_7450_MTFDKBA480TFR  E2MU122        -              -              -              -                -                 N/A
c1    NVMe   Micron         0x51c3    Micron_7450_MTFDKBA480TFR  E2MU122        -              -              -              -                -                 N/A
c2    SAS    LSI Logic      0x00e6    ORCL_9500-8e         -              -             N/A
c3    SAS    LSI Logic      0x00e6    ORCL_9500-8e         -              -             N/A
c4    NET    Mellanox       0x101f    Oracle Dual Port CX6-LX Ad -              -              -              -              -                -                 N/A
c5    NET    Mellanox       0x101f    Oracle Dual Port CX6-LX Ad -              -              -              -              -                -                 N/A

Note: The FW Version listed in the Mellanox CX6 controller is empty "-"

Command Details

# fwupdate list all 
# fwupate list controller

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X10 hardware models


Run the OS command ethool to get the firmware version for the CX6 controller.
# ethtool -i p5p1
driver: mlx5_core
version: 5.0-0
firmware-version: 26.37.1014 (ORC0000000011) <--- Firmware Version
bus-info: 0000:21:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: no
supports-priv-flags: yes

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35684231.

Error in recovery of database

When recovering an Oracle Database Enterprise Edition High Availability database from node 0, with target node as 1, an error may be encountered.

Failure Message

The following error message is displayed:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: null

Command Details

# odacli recover-database

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Retry the operation from the target node number of the database.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 34785410.

Error in switchover operation on Oracle Data Guard

When running the odacli switchover-dataguard command, an error may be encountered.

Problem Description

The odacli switchover-dataguard job sometimes fails at step "Postcheck switchover DataGuard" but switchover operation is in fact successful.

Failure Message

The following error message is displayed:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Index: 0, Size: 0

Command Details

# odacli switchover-dataguard

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Ignore the error. Verify from DGMGRL to see if Oracle Data Guard switchover operation was successful.
 DGMGRL> show configuration;

Run odacli list-dataguardstatus to update Oracle Data Guard status metadata.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35675411.

Error in Oracle Data Guard operations on Oracle Database Appliance

When running switchover, failover, or reinstate operations on Oracle Data Guard, an error may be encountered.

Problem Description

On Oracle Database Appliance high-availability deployments, for databases with dbType SI and RACOne, the switchover-dataguard, failover-dataguard, and reinstate-dataguard job may fail at step "Check if DataGuard config is updated" after a waiting time.

Failure Message

The following error message is displayed:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Unable enqueue Id and update DgConfig.

Command Details

# odacli switchover-dataguard
# odacli failover-dataguard
# odacli reinstate-dataguard

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Ignore the error. Verify from DGMGRL to see if Oracle Data Guard switchover, failover, or reinstate operation was successful.
 DGMGRL> show configuration;

Run odacli list-dataguardstatus to update Oracle Data Guard status metadata.

Bug Number

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 35676752.

Error in configuring Oracle Data Guard

When running the command odacli configure-dataguard on Oracle Database Appliance, an error may be encountered at the upload password file to standby database step.

When running the command odacli configure-dataguard on Oracle Database Appliance, the following error message may be displayed at CONFIGUREDG - DCS-10001: UNABLE TO CONFIGURE BROKER DGMGRL> SHOW CONFIGURATION;:
ORA-16783: cannot resolve gap for database tgtpodpgtb

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Manually copy the password file from primary to standby system and retry the command odacli configure-dataguard with the --skip-password-copy option.
  1. On the primary system, locate the password file:
    srvctl config database -d dbUniqueName | grep -i password
    If the output is the Oracle ASM directory, then copy the password from the Oracle ASM directory to the local directory.
    su - grid
    ASMCMD> pwcopy +DATA/tiger2/PASSWORD/orapwtiger /tmp/orapwtiger

    If the output is empty, then check the directory at /dbHome/dbs/orapwdbName. For example, the orapwd file can be at /u01/app/oracle/product/

  2. Copy the password file to the standby system. Back up the original password file.
  3. Change the standby orapwd file permission.
    chown -R oracle /u01/app/oracle/product/
    chgrp oinstall /u01/app/oracle/product/
  4. Check the password file location on the standby system and copy to the Oracle ASM directory, if necessary.
    srvctl config database -d tiger2 | grep -i password
    Password file: +DATA/tiger2/PASSWORD/orapwtiger
    In this example, copy the password from the local directory to the Oracle ASM directory.
    su - grid
    ASMCMD> pwcopy /u01/app/oracle/product/

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 34484209.

Error in backup of database

When backing up a database on Oracle Database Appliance, an error is encountered.

After successful failover, running the command odacli create-backup on new primary database fails with the following message:
DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Unable to get the
rman command status commandid:xxx

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Follow these steps:
  1. On the new primary database, connect to RMAN as oracle and edit the archivelog deletion policy.
    rman target /
  2. On the new primary database, as the root user, take a backup:
    odacli create-backup -in db_name -bt backup_type

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 33181168.

Error in cleaning up a deployment

When cleaning up a Oracle Database Appliance, an error is encountered.

During cleanup, shutdown of Clusterware fails because the NFS export service uses Oracle ACFS-based clones repository.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with DB systems


Follow these steps:
  1. Stop the NFS service on both nodes:
    service nfs stop
  2. Clean up the bare metal system. See the Oracle Database Appliance Deployment and User's Guide for your hardware model for the steps.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 33289742.

Error in display of file log path

File log paths are not displayed correctly on the console but all the logs that were generated for a job have actually logged the correct paths.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with virtualized platform



This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 33580574.

Error in reinstate operation on Oracle Data Guard

When running the command odacli reinstate-dataguard on Oracle Data Guard an error is encountered.

Following are the errors reported in dcs-agent.log:
DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Unable to reinstate Dg." and can 
further find this error "ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of  
service requested  

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Ensure that the database you are reinstating is started in MOUNT mode.

To start the database in MOUNT mode, run this command:
srvctl start database -d db-unique-name -o mount

After the command completes successfully, run the command odacli reinstate-dataguard job. If the database is already in MOUNT mode, this can be an temporary error. Check the Data Guard status again a few minutes later with odacli describe-dataguardstatus or odacli list-dataguardstatus, or check with DGMGRL> SHOW CONFIGURATION; to see if the reinstatement is successful.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 32367676.

Error in the enable apply process after upgrading databases

When running the enable apply process after upgrading databases in an Oracle Data Guard deployment, an error is encountered.

The following error message is displayed:
Error: ORA-16664: unable to receive the result from a member

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Follow these steps:
  1. Restart standby database in upgrade mode:
    srvctl stop database -d <db_unique_name> 
    Run PL/SQL command: STARTUP UPGRADE; 
  2. Continue the enable apply process and wait for log apply process to refresh.
  3. After some time, check the Data Guard status with the DGMGRL command:

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 32864100.

Error in creating Oracle Data Guard status

When configuring Oracle Active Data Guard on Oracle Database Appliance, an error is encountered.

When configuring Oracle Data Guard, the odacli configure-dataguard command fails at step NewDgconfig with the following error on the standby system:

Verify the status of the job with the odacli list-jobs command.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with Oracle Data Guard configuration


Follow these steps:

  1. On the standby system, run the following:
    export DEMODE=true; 
    odacli create-dataguardstatus -i dbid -n dataguardstatus_id_on_primary -r configdg.json 
    export DEMODE=false; 
    configdg.json example   
Example configdg.json file for a single-node system:
  "name": "test1_test7",
  "protectionMode": "MAX_PERFORMANCE",
   "replicationGroups": [
      "sourceEndPoints": [
          "endpointType": "PRIMARY",
          "hostName": test_domain1",
          "listenerPort": 1521,
          "databaseUniqueName": "test1",
          "serviceName": "test", 
          "sysPassword": "***", 
          "ipAddress": "test_IPaddress"
      "targetEndPoints": [
          "endpointType": "STANDBY",
          "hostName": "test_domain2",
          "listenerPort": 1521,
          "databaseUniqueName": "test7",
          "serviceName": "test", 
          "sysPassword": "***", 
          "ipAddress": "test_IPaddress3"
      "transportType": "ASYNC"

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 32719173.

Error in Reinstating Oracle Data Guard

When reinstating Oracle Data Guard on Oracle Database Appliance, an error is encountered.

The odacli reinstate-dataguard command fails with the following error:
Unable to reinstate Dg. Reinstate job was executed within 24hrs after failover job.  

The dcs-agent.log file has the following error entry:

DGMGRL> Reinstating database "xxxx", 
 please wait... 
Oracle Clusterware is restarting database "xxxx" ... 
Connected to "xxxx" 
Continuing to reinstate database "xxxx" ... 
Error: ORA-16653: failed to reinstate database 

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with Oracle Data Guard configuration


Follow these steps:

  1. On the primary machine, get the standby_became_primary_scn:
    SQL> select standby_became_primary_scn from v$database; 
  2. On the old primary database, flashback to this SCN with RMAN with the backup encryption password:
    RMAN> set decryption identified by 'rman_backup_password' ; 
    executing command: SET decryption 
    Finished flashback at 24-SEP-20 
    RMAN> exit 
  3. On the new primary machine, run the odacli reinstate-dataguard command.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 31884506.

Failure in Reinstating Oracle Data Guard

When reinstating Oracle Data Guard on Oracle Database Appliance, an error is encountered.

The odacli reinstate-dataguard command fails with the following error:
DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Unable to reinstate Dg.   

The dcs-agent.log file has the following error entry:

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with Oracle Data Guard configuration


Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the database you are reinstating is started in MOUNT mode. To start the database in MOUNT mode, run this command:
    srvctl start database -d db-unique-name -o mount 
  2. After the above command runs successfully, run the odacli reinstate-dataguard command.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 32047967.

Error in updating Role after Oracle Data Guard operations

When performing operations with Oracle Data Guard on Oracle Database Appliance, an error is encountered in updating the Role.

The dbRole component described in the output of the odacli describe-database command is not updated after Oracle Data Guard switchover, failover, and reinstate operations on Oracle Database Appliance.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with Oracle Data Guard configuration


Run odacli update-registry -n db --force/-f to update the database metadata. After the job completes, run the odacli describe-database command and verify that dbRole is updated.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 31378202.

Inconsistency in ORAchk summary and details report page

ORAChk report summary on the Browser User Interface may show different counts of Critical, Failed, and Warning issues than the report detail page.

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance hardware models bare metal deployments


Ignore counts of Critical, Failed, and Warning issues in the ORAchk report summary on the Browser User Interface. Check the report detail page.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30676674.

The odaeraser tool does not work if oakd is running in non-cluster mode

After cleaning up the deployment, the Secure Eraser tool does not work if oakd is running in non-cluster mode.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance Hardware bare metal systems


After cleanup of the deployment, oakd is started in the non-cluster mode, and it cannot be stopped using "odaadmcli stop oak" command. In such a case, if the Secure Erase tool is run, then the odaeraser command fails.

Use the command odaadmcli shutdown oak to stop oakd.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 28547433.