22 Troubleshooting Data Preserving Reprovisioning on Oracle Database Appliance

Understand tools you can use to validate changes and troubleshoot issues that may occur when using Data Preserving Reprovisioning on Oracle Database Appliance.

Errors When Running odaupgradeutil on Oracle Database Appliance

Troubleshooting errors that may occur during initialization of the utility.

Errors that can occur during initialization of the odaupgradeutil utility

Cause of the failure: odaupgradeutil fails to initialize.

When you run the odaupgradeutil tool, it discovers basic parameters and saves them in /opt/oracle/oak/restore/init.params. In case of failures, the error is reported on the screen and is also logged in /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_init_timestamp.log. A successful run is as follows:

[root@node1 odaupgradeutil]# ./odaupgradeutil run-prechecks
########################## ODAUPGRADEUTIL - INIT - BEGIN ##########################
Please check /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_init_30-03-2022_22:30:28.log for details.
Get System Version...BEGIN
System Version is:
Get System Version...DONE
Get Hardware Info...BEGIN
Hardware Model: X5-2, Hardware Platform: HA
Get Hardware Info...DONE
Get Grid home...BEGIN
Grid Home is: /u01/app/
Get Grid home...DONE
Get system configuration details...BEGIN
Grid user is: grid
Oracle user is: oracle
Get system configuration details...DONE
########################## ODAUPGRADEUTIL - INIT - END ##########################

The failures can display as follows:

########################## ODAUPGRADEUTIL - INIT - BEGIN ##########################
Please check /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_init_30-03-2022_22:39:13.log for details.
Get System Version...BEGIN
System Version is:
Get System Version...DONE
Get Hardware Info...BEGIN
Hardware Model: X5-2, Hardware Platform: HA
Get Hardware Info...DONE
Get Grid home...BEGIN
Grid Home is: /u01/app/
Get Grid home...DONE
Get system configuration details...BEGIN

Exception occurred: Failed to find configured databases, Cause: Error processing command output: list.index(x): x not in list

As explained in the following occurrence, the log file indicates Oracle Clusterware was not running and hence the utility could not collect the information about the databases.

2022-03-30 22:39:13,956 - DEBUG - CMD: /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli show databases
2022-03-30 22:39:14,461 - DEBUG - Output:
^[[1m^[[35mWARNING: ^[[0m2022-03-30 22:39:14: Clusterware is not running on one or more nodes of the cluster
^[[1m^[[34mINFO: ^[[0m2022-03-30 22:39:14: Start the clusterware before running this command again
Name     Type       Storage   HomeName             HomeLocation                                       Version
-----    ------     --------  --------------       ----------------                                   ----------
2022-03-30 22:39:14,461 - ERROR - Exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/odaupgradeutil/src/init.py", line 291, in get_configuration
    name_index = headers.index("Name")
ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list
2022-03-30 22:39:14,461 - ERROR - Exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/odaupgradeutil/src/init.py", line 394, in main
  File "/root/odaupgradeutil/src/init.py", line 294, in get_configuration
    raise UtilException("Failed to find configured databases", "Error processing command output: %s" % (str(e)))
UtilException: Failed to find configured databases, caused by: Error processing command output: list.index(x): x not in list
2022-03-30 22:39:14,462 - ERROR - Exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/odaupgradeutil/src/init.py", line 415, in <module>
  File "/root/odaupgradeutil/src/init.py", line 398, in main
    raise ue
UtilException: Failed to find configured databases, caused by: Error processing command output: list.index(x): x not in list

Resolution: Errors in this phase are typically caused by issues on the system. The causes include run-time errors related to Oracle Grid Infrastructure software or DCS software. You must review the causes, fix them, and rerun the command.

Errors Detected by the Prechecks Option of the Upgrade Utility

Troubleshooting errors that are detected by the prechecks option of the odaupgradeutil utility.

Prechecks run by the odaupgradeutil utility

The following checks are run by the odaupgradeutil utility:
[root@node1 odaupgradeutil]# ./odaupgradeutil describe-precheck-report
Version :
  Build :

COMPONENT       STATUS  MESSAGE                                                                                         ACTION                                                                                          
SYSTEM VERSION  PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
SYSTEM CONFIG   PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
REQUIRED FILES  PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
DISK SPACE      PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
OAK             PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
ASM             PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
DATABASES       PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE                                                                                            
AUDIT FILES     WARNING Audit files found under ['/u01/app/oracle/product/', '/u01/app/    These files will be lost after reimage. Backup the audit files to a location outside the ODA    
                        oracle/admin', '/var/log']                                                                      system.                                                                                         
OS RPMS         PASSED  PASSED                                                                                          NONE  

Errors Detected by the System Version Precheck

Cause of the failure: The Oracle Database Appliance system software version is not among the supported versions. Following are the supported source Oracle Database Appliance releases:
COMPONENT       STATUS  MESSAGE                            ACTION                                                                                          
SYSTEM VERSION  FAILED  System version not supported.      NONE
Check the log file /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgraeutil_precheck_timestamp.log for the following log entry:
2022-03-30 23:00:21,276 - INFO - System version precheck...BEGIN
2022-03-30 23:00:21,276 - ERROR - System version found:, Supported system versions: ['', '', '', '', '', '']
2022-03-30 23:00:21,276 - INFO - System version precheck...FAILED

Resolution: Patch to a supported system version and then run the command odaupgradeutil reinitialize. This regenerates the metadata in the init.params file.

Errors Detected by the Required Files Precheck

Cause of the failure: A mandatory file essential for completing the detach operation was found to be missing in the system.
COMPONENT       STATUS  MESSAGE                                                         ACTION                                                                                          
REQUIRED FILES  FAILED  Required file /opt/oracle/extapi/asmappl.config not found.      No advisable action. Unsafe to continue

Resolution: Investigate why the file is missing. Recreate the file manually with the right format and content. Contact Oracle Support, if needed.

Errors Detected by the Disk Space Precheck

Cause of the failure: Available space in Oracle ASM disk groups will potentially exhaust.

The precheck report shows the detailed error. The target version for upgrade is 19.15 or later and the odacli restore-node command will be run in that target system. In such a target Oracle Database Appliance system, the database homes are created on Oracle ACFS. Hence, the required space, at the time of running odacli restore-node -d can be deduced using the following expression:
Space required for database homes = Number of database homes in the system to be upgraded X approximate space for each database home to be created on target version 
Note: The approximate space for each database home re-created during the odacli restore-node -d command is about 15 GB. Additionally, the database clones are also unzipped on Oracle ACFS. Therefore, the space consumed on Oracle ACFS, after running the odacli update-repository command also consumes space from Oracle ACFS volume. The Oracle ACFS volume is created out of the DATA disk group.
Total space required on Oracle ASM disk group = Space required for database homes + (Space required for database clones X Number of database clones needed) 
To ensure successful reprovisioning Oracle Database Appliance on 19.15 or later, it is essential that the space available on Oracle ASM disk groups is able to accommodate such consumption.
COMPONENT       STATUS  MESSAGE                                                                                         ACTION                                                                                          

DISK SPACE      FAILED  Insufficient space for DB homes on DATA and RECO disk group(s). On target ODA environment, D    Free up space on DATA or RECO disk group(s).                                                    
                        B homes are on ACFS for which space is allocated from ASM disk groups ( DATA or RECO for ODA                                                                                                    
                        HA and DATA for ODA Lite ).Total space required is: 15GB * 1 (no. of DB homes on this syste                                                                                                     
                        m) = 16106127360 MB. Usable space on DATA disk group = 6819749 MB. Usable space on RECO disk                                                                                                    
                        group = 9022620 MB.                                                                                                                                                                             

                        Insufficient space for clones repository on DATA disk group. On target ODA environment, clon    Free up space on the DATA disk group.                                                           
                        es repository is mounted on ACFS for which space is allocated from the DATA disk group. Addi                                                                                                    
                        tional space required = 16099461211 MB.   

Resolution: The approximate space required is explained in the ACTION column of the report. The required space must be freed up on Oracle ASM disk group to ensure databases are restored successfully.

Errors Detected by the OAK and Oracle ASM Precheck

Possible causes of the failure: Invalid disk configuration or disks in bad status. These prechecks validate the disk configuration and the status of the disks, which should be in GOOD state. The Oracle ASM disk headers are also checked and ideally they must be in MOUNTED state. Errors in this case are most likely related to CRS being offline or not being able to communicate with Oracle ASM.
OAK             FAILED  Cluster is not online                                                                           Please start the cluster                                                                        
                        Failed to acquire disk info                                                                     Check oakd status                                                                               
                        Failed to get valid disk configurations for current hardware                                    Check /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_prechecks_30-03-2022_23:30:24.log              
ASM             FAILED  Cluster is not online                                                                           Please start the cluster                                                                        
                        Failed to run command /bin/su grid -c ' /opt/oracle/oak/bin/stordiag/asm_script.sh 1 6 ' | /    Check /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_prechecks_30-03-2022_23:30:24.log for ASM e    
                        bin/grep -E /dev/mapper/.*D_.*p.*                                                               rrors                                                                                           
                        Failed to get valid disk configurations for current hardware                                    Check /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_prechecks_30-03-2022_23:30:24.log  

Resolution: The ACTION column in the report point the log file names. They must be reviewed and the causes of such issues must be fixed. After that, re-run the command odaupgradeutil run-prechecks to confirm that the validation can be completed.

Errors Detected by the Databases Precheck

Possible causes of the failure: The database whose state must be saved is not in the required status. On Oracle Database Appliance systems using DCS software, an error is raised if a database is not in CONFIGURED status.
DATABASES       FAILED  Database mydb is not running.  Investigate why the database is down. Fix the cause and start the database. The utility cannot collect metadata if database is not running.                                                 

                        Database tdb is not running.   Investigate why the database is down. Fix the cause and start the database. The utility cannot collect metadata if database is not running.                                                 

                        Database test is not running.  Investigate why the database is down. Fix the cause and start the database. The utility cannot collect metadata if database is not running. 

Resolution: The database must be in a RUNNING status for the utility to collect metadata. The instances must be fixed and restarted.

Errors Detected by the Audit Files Precheck

Cause of the failure: The database audit files are present on the root file system. Since the feature involves re-imaging as the 2nd step, the root file system will be wiped out. These include the database audit files. The precheck gives a warning to back up these files, if necessary.
AUDIT FILES     WARNING Audit files found under
    ['/u01/app/oracle/product/', '/u01/app/     These files will be lost after reimage. Backup the audit files to a  location outside the ODA oracle/product/',
    '/u01/app/oracle/product/    system.        
    bms/audit', '/u01/app/oracle/admin', '/var/log']

Resolution: The check is a warning to alert users so that files can be copied outside of the Oracle Database Appliance system. This alert does not prevent the command odaupgradeutil detach-node from running successfully.

Errors Detected by the Custom RPMs Precheck

If there are user-installed operating system RPMs on the system, this precheck raises a warning and save the list on such RPMs under /opt/oracle/oak/restore/prechecks/custom-rpms.list. If these RPMs are required to be present, you must reinstall the appropriate RPMs for Oracle Linux 7 on the target environment.

Resolution: The check is a warning to alert users about the loss of additional RPMs. The warning does not prevent the command odaupgradeutil detach-node from running successfully. You can re-install the RPMs after the command odacli restore-node -d runs successfully.

Errors When Running odaupgradeutil detach-node Command on Oracle Database Appliance

Troubleshooting errors that may occur when running the odaupgradeutil detach-node command.

Errors that can occur due to inability to discover databases

The command odaupgradeutil detach-node has two phases of operation. The first phase saves the configuration of the Oracle Database Appliance system and the second performs the detach operation.

Potential causes of the failure: Inability to communicate with database or run time failures

The database discovery can fail with the error message not all components discovered. This is the generic error message when database configuration discovery fails. The following error message is displayed and is also available in the log at /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_saveconf_timestamp.log
########################## ODAUPGRADEUTIL - SAVECONF - BEGIN ##########################
Please check /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_saveconf_04-06-2023_23:22:13.log for details.
Setting up passwordless SSH login on node2...BEGIN
root@node2's password: 
Setting up passwordless SSH login...SUCCESS
Backup files to /opt/oracle/oak/restore/bkp...BEGIN
Backup files to /opt/oracle/oak/restore/bkp...SUCCESS
Get provision instance...BEGIN
Need to scan database homes for os user/group discovery
Get Database homes...BEGIN
  Database Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/, Database Home Name: OraDb12102_home1, Database Home Version:
  Database Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/, Database Home Name: OraDb12102_home2, Database Home Version:
  Database Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/, Database Home Name: OraDb12102_home3, Database Home Version:
Get Database homes...SUCCESS
Get provision instance...SUCCESS
Get network configuration...BEGIN
Get network configuration...SUCCESS
Get databases...BEGIN
  Database Name: mydb
  Oracle Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/
  Database Name: tdb
  Oracle Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/
  Database Name: test
  Oracle Home: /u01/app/oracle/product/
  Failed to find configuration info for database 'test'
Exception occurred: DB discovery failed, Cause: Not all components discovered for database 'test'
Resolution: Review the log entries at /opt/oracle/oak/restore/log/odaupgradeutil_saveconf_timestamp.log for potential causes.
2022-04-04 23:23:06,274 - DEBUG - Target node found:
    scaoda415c1n12023-06-04 23:23:06,275 - INFO - Could not find passwd file from
    srvctl2023-06-04 23:23:06,275 - INFO - Database test is configured on local node, looking
    for passwd file inside $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ ...2023-06-04 23:23:06,275 - INFO - Looking for
    file /u01/app/oracle/product/ 23:23:06,275 -
    ERROR - passwd file not found2022-04-04 23:23:06,275 - INFO - Failed to find configuration
    info for database 'test'

For example, in the above case, the utility was looking for the database password file orapwtest in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ directory, but could not find it. In this case, the password file must be created with the same path name and then the odaupgradeutil detachnode command should be re-run.

Errors in discovery of Oracle ACFS volumes or file systems

Potential causes of the failure: Oracle ACFS volumes or file system discovery can fail because either the volume is not in RUNNING status or the file system is not mounted.
Get Volumes...BEGIN
Exception occurred: Volumes discovery failed, Cause: Volume on device '/dev/asm/datastore-2' is not running

Resolution: Use srvctl status volume or srvctl status filesystem or the relevant CRSCTL commands to investigate why the volume or file system is not available. Once the issues are fixed, the volumes or file systems can be started by srvctl start volume or srvctl start filesystem respectively. If the issue persists, contact Oracle support.

Errors When Running odacli restore-node Command on Oracle Database Appliance

Troubleshooting errors that may occur when running the odacli restore-node command.

Error: Server archive files not unpacked

Cause of the failure: If the command odacli restore-node -g is run without unpacking the server archives, the following error is displayed:
DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Failed to get source system version from /opt/oracle/oak/restore/init.params: File does not exist. 
Possible cause:update-repository was not done for server archives.
Resolution: Run the command odacli update-repository with the server archives.
/opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-repository -f serverarchivefile_node0, serverarchivefile_node1, serverarchive_common

Error: GI clone not unpacked

Cause of the failure: The Oracle Database Appliance release 19.20 Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone must be updated in the repository before running the command odacli restore-node -g or else an error message is displayed.

Resolution: The command odacli update-repository must be run with the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone:
/opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-repository -f p30403673_1920000_Linux-x86-64.zip

To run the -g option with the command odacli restore-node, only the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone is required. It is recommended to run the command odacli update-repository with the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone. After the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone is updated in the repository, then run the command odacli update-repository with database clones. The Oracle Grid Infrastructure restore creates an Oracle ACFS filesystem and mount the clones repo /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/clones on it. This means that the space availability becomes 150 GBs (size of the Oracle ACFS clones repo) and space check failures does not occur while unpacking database clones.

Validation errors when running the command odacli restore-node -g

Cause of the failure: Incorrectly configured public network.

The node specific server archives ( named as serverarchive_nodename.zip ) contain the configure-firstnet.rsp file. The files can be viewed on a terminal by running the command unzip -p serverarchive restore/configure-firstnet.rsp. The values in this file must be used to run the command odacli configure-firstnet to set up the public network after reimage. If not done, the public network does not match the network on the source and a validation error is displayed:
DCS-10045: Validation error encountered: No existing network matches this public network on (detached) source: string representation of the network. 
Possible cause: configure-firstnet was not done correctly 

Resolution: Delete all the networks in DCS metadata using the command odacli list-networks and odacli delete-network. Rerun the command odacli configure-firstnet using the values in configure-firstnet.rsp and restart DCS agent using systemctl restart initdcsagent. In some cases, another reimage may be required.

Possibility of system reboot when running the command odacli restore-node -g

This step also reconfigures the CPU core count on the target environment. If the number of active CPUs is equal to the number of licensed CPUs, then reboot does not happen. This is the case when you have licensed the maximum number of CPU cores. Else, if the licensed CPU count is lesser than that available on the Oracle Database Appliance system, the nodes restart to enable the CPU count at the BIOS level.

Validation errors when running the command odacli restore-node -g

Potential causes of the failure: Runtime failures while setting up Oracle Grid Infrastructure

The -g option for the command odacli restore-node cannot be run again. Hence, if a failure is encountered during this operation, then follow these steps:
  1. Locate the cause of failure using odacli describe-job and the dcs-agent log at /opt/oracle/dcs/log/dcs-agent.log.
  2. Use the utility /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/cleanup.pl to clean up the failed system. Note that the nodes are restarted after the operation is successful.

    On an environment where odacli restore-node -g has been attempted, running cleanup.pl is as follows:

    [root@node1 ~]#  /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/cleanup.pl -griduser ygrid
    INFO: Log file is
    INFO: Log file is
    INFO: *******************************************************************
    INFO: ** Starting process to cleanup provisioned host scaoda7s002      **
    INFO: *******************************************************************
    WARNING: DPR environment detected. DPR specific cleanup involves
    WARNING: deconfiguring the ODA software stack without touching ASM
    WARNING: storage to allow rerunning of the 'odacli restore-node -g'
    WARNING: command. If regular cleanup(which erases ASM disk headers)
    WARNING: is intended, rerun cleanup.pl with '-nodpr' option.
    Do you want to continue (yes/no) : yes
    INFO: nodes will be rebooted
    Do you want to continue (yes/no) : yes
    INFO: /u01/app/
    INFO: *************************************
    INFO: ** Checking for GI bits presence
    INFO: *************************************
    INFO: GI bits /u01/app/ found on system under /u01/app
    INFO: *************************************
    INFO: ** DPR Cleanup
    INFO: *************************************
    INFO: ** Disabling AFD filtering
    SUCCESS: AFD filtering disabled on all devices
    INFO: Cleaning up acfsclone filesystem...
    INFO: Deconfiguring GI on this node...
    SUCCESS: DPR cleanup actions completed.
    INFO: Cleanup was successful
    INFO: Log file is
    WARNING: After system reboot, please re-run "odacli update-repository" for GI/DB
    WARNING: before running "odacli restore-node -g".
    Connection to scaoda7s002 closed by remote host.
    Connection to scaoda7s002 closed. 

    Note that this cleanup does not remove the Oracle ASM disk headers, to allow odacli restore-node -g to be reattempted.

  3. Update repository with GI clones and rerun restore-node -g after node(s) have rebooted.

Note: The script cleanup.pl also provides a -nodpr flag which overrides the default behaviour on environments using the Data preserving reprovisioning feature. Using this flag runs regular cleanup and all the disks are formatted. This option can be used if a full reset of the appliance is required.

Validation errors when running the odacli restore-node -g command: System not provisioned

Cause of the failure: The command odacli restore-node -g was not run.

If the system is not provisioned, then the following error is displayed.
[root@oak bin]# odacli restore-node -d 
DCS-10037:System is not yet Provisioned. 
Resolution: Run the command odacli restore-node -g and then run the command odacli restore-node -d.

Error: No disk group configured for storing database homes

The mandatory step after successfully running the command odacli restore-node -g, is to specify the name of the Oracle ASM disk group, where database homes can be created, using Oracle ACFS. The following error is displayed if they do not set up the same.
[root@node1 ~]# odacli restore-node -d 
DCS-10601:The system is not set up to create database homes on ACFS. 
Resolution: Run the following command:
[root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli configure-dbhome-storage -dg DATA -s 80

Error in unpacking required clones

For the the command odacli restore-node -d to succeed, all the database homes need a clone, that must be present in the repository. The list of clones that must be unpacked are listed in /opt/oracle/oak/restore/metadata/dbVersions.list. If the user does not update the repository with all the required clones, then the following error is displayed:
[root@oak bin]# odacli restore-node -d 
DCS-10237:The DB clone for version, is not registered.
Resolution: Unpack all the required clones using odacli update-repository.

Error: Insufficient space error during odacli update-repository

If a large number of unique database homes must be restored, then you can fill up the space on the clones volume. The following error may be displayed when you run the command odacli update-repository. For example:
[root@scaoda7m001 clones]# odacli update-repository -f odacli-dcs- 
DCS-10802:Insufficient disk space on file system: /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/orapkgs/clones. 
Expected free space: 8.3 Gb, available space: 1.16 Gb
Resolution: To allocate additional space to this volume, run the following:
acfsutil size +<value>G /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/orapkgs/clones
For example, to add an additional 10 GB of space, use the command:
acfsutil size +10G /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/orapkgs/clones

Error: Insufficient space for database homes

After the detach and reimage operations, all the databases homes are erased. Databases homes are now created in a shared Oracle ACFS file system. If the space allocated to the file system is small, the following error may be displayed when running the command odacli restore-node.
[root@scaoda703c1n1 ~]# odacli restore-node -d 
DCS-10609:The configured size for Database homes storage is insufficient to create all database homes. 
Current size 25 GB is less than expected size of 46 GB. 
Resolution: More space needs to be allocated to the file system. Run the command odacli configure-dbhome-storage to allocate more space to the file system. Note that the file system is created only when the first database home is created.
In the above example, to allocate 100GB of space to the file system, run the command:
odacli configure-dbhome-storage -dg DATA -s 100