3 Oracle Database Appliance Simulator Lab Exercises

Perform these simulator lab exercises.

The lab exercises use a mix of command line and web-based administration tools. On the BUI, if you encounter any certificate warnings, simply accept them. Note in the output examples below, the text you type is in bold, and the text output in the simulator is not. Note that some examples in the lab may show steps for a 2-node high-availability simulator, and if you are running a single-node simulator, then you can ignore the information for the second node.

Lab 1 - Deploy Appliance

Simulator lab exercise to deploy Oracle Database Appliance.

Step 1 - Enable Multi-User Access

You can deploy the appliance using either the BUI or the command line. The command line is useful for scripted and silent installations. This lab uses the BUI.

After you configure the firstnet and update the repository, log into Oracle Database Appliance BUI using odaadmin and the previously-created password (for example, WELcome12##)

Multi-User access can only be enabled during initial provisioning of Oracle Database Appliance. Select the Enable Multi-User Access checkbox. Description of configure_oma_bui_login.png follows
Description of the illustration configure_oma_bui_login.png

Log into BUI.Description of login_after_configuring_oma.png follows
Description of the illustration login_after_configuring_oma.png

Step 2 - Add the Appliance to the Network

On an actual appliance, after you first install Oracle Database Appliance into your data center rack, you must configure it to use the IP address your network administrator has assigned it.

The easiest way to do this is to first configure ILOM using a network or serial connection. Oracle Database Appliance includes a command odacli configure-firstnet to make it very easy to get Oracle Database Appliance on the network. Once your appliance is on the network, you can complete the rest of the deployment steps from any networked computer.

Run the network configuration command odacli configure-firstnet at the Linux prompt. Respond to the prompts as in the example below. Since this is a simulation, to configure the network, you can use any IP address (for example, to complete this step.
[oracle@xx ~]$  odacli configure-firstnet
bonding interface is: 
Using bonding public interface (yes/no) [yes]:    
Select the Interface to configure the network on () [btbond1]:
Configure DHCP on btbond1 (yes/no) [no]:
INFO: You have chosen Static configuration 
Use VLAN on btbond1 (yes/no) [no]:
Enter the IP address to configure :
Enter the Netmask address to configure :
Enter the Gateway address to configure[] : 
INFO: Restarting the network
Shutting down interface :           [  OK  ]
Shutting down interface em1:            [  OK  ]
Shutting down interface p1p1:           [  OK  ]
Shutting down interface p1p2:           [  OK  ]
Shutting down loopback interface:               [  OK  ]
Bringing up loopback interface:    [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface :     [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface em1:    [  OK  ]
Bringing up interface p1p1: Determining if ip address is already in use for device p1p1...    [ OK  ]
Bringing up interface p1p2: Determining if ip address is already in use for device p1p2...    [ OK  ]
Bringing up interface btbond1: Determining if ip address is already in use for device btbond1...     [  OK  ]
INFO: Restarting the DCS agent


If this is an Oracle Database Appliance X8-2-HA system, then you must run the command odacli configure-firstnet on the second node (node1). Log into node1 and run the command odacli configure-firstnet again. You can use for the IP address for node1.

Step 3 - Update the Repository with the Oracle Database Appliance Software

When you receive your Oracle Database Appliance, you must download the Oracle software prior to deployment from My Oracle Support.

Refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the latest Oracle Database Appliance release, for details about the patches to download. Specifically, you must download the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Clone files, Oracle Database Clone files, and the Server Patch Bundle.

For our lab exercises, the simulated versions of these files in the simulator already exist. For the labs, you will first deploy the Oracle Database Appliance with the Oracle Database Appliance release 19.21 patches, and then in the third lab you will patch the Oracle Database Appliance and databases to the latest 19.22 release.  

The clone files are listed below. The other file in the directory contains patches, and will be used in the patching lab. Note about file paths: you must specify the full path of the files you specify in the odacli update-repository command.

Table 3-1 Oracle Database Appliance Patches

Filename Description
odacli-dcs- Oracle Database 19.21 Clone Files
odacli-dcs- Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19.21 Clone Files
odacli-dcs- DB 19.22 DB System Template (used in lab 4)
oda-sm- Oracle Database Appliance 19.22 Patch Bundle (used in lab 3)
odacli-dcs- DB 19.22 Clone Files (used in lab 3)
odacli-dcs- Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19.22 Clone Files (used in lab 3)

You must update the Oracle Database Appliance repository, so that Oracle Database Appliance knows about the files. Run the odacli update-repository command for each clone file. 

Hint: to reduce amount of manual typing and typing errors, use copy and paste functions to copy the file name or tab function to auto complete a file name. Also, use the up arrow to repeat the previous command, and then edit the file name.

Note: On an actual Oracle Database Appliance, you must update the DCS agent first, before updating the repositories. It is release dependent, so check the patching steps in the Oracle Database Appliance Deployment and User's Guide for your hardware model.

On an actual Oracle Database Appliance, local boot drive storage space is limited. It is recommended that you copy only the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone file first, update the repository, deploy the Oracle Database Appliance, and then copy the database clone files to Oracle ACFS storage to deploy databases. Check the latest Oracle Database Appliance documentation for the steps.

Go to the command line window and entering the following odacli commands.
$ odacli update-repository -f /opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-


  "jobId" : "4d428b05-a33f-4fe0-82ec-56849503aa28",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : "/opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 8, 2024 00:05:38 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Repository Update",
  "updatedTime" : "January 8, 2024 00:05:38 AM UTC"

$ odacli update-repository -f /opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-
  "jobId" : "bb1caa66-7d19-4de1-a074-f475f4a2505a",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : "/opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 8, 2024 00:08:58 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Repository Update",
  "updatedTime" : "January 8, 2024 00:08:58 AM UTC"

When you run commands using the ODACLI command line tool, most operations are asynchronous, meaning that they return a job ID immediately while the job runs in the background. This means that to get information on long running background jobs, you can query the status of the job.  At this point, the clone files are all loaded into the repository, so we are ready to deploy the appliance and create a database.

You can also use the Browser-based User Interface (BUI) to update the Oracle Database Appliance repository, by pasting the complete file path of the patch file or even clone file in the patch bundle location box of the Repository Manager in the web BUI. However, it is not necessary as you have used command line to update the repository (clone files) already.

Step 4 - Deploy the Appliance

You can deploy the appliance using either the BUI or the command line. The command line is useful for scripted and silent installations. This lab uses the BUI.

After you configure the firstnet and update the repository, log into Oracle Database Appliance BUI using odaadmin and previously created password (for example, WELcome12##).
https://OCI public IP Address>:xxxx/mgmt/index.html
Description of bui_login_page.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_login_page.png

This takes you to the Appliance tab in the BUI. It should show that the appliance is not yet deployed.

Click Create Appliance to start the deployment wizard. Fill in the first page of the form as shown below. Most fields are self-explanatory. A possible exception is the Data Storage Percentage. This will affect how much space is allocated for backups. By default, 80% is allocated for data and 20% is allocated for archive logs. You can also specify a different percentage. Select Disk Group Redundancy as Flex. You can specify individual database storage redundancy later, either Mirror (double mirroring) or High (triple mirroring). Create a password. Be aware there is a password complexity test that will reject simple passwords such as test and other common variants. However, WELcome12## will work if you want to use that password for these lab exercises.

You can also load a configuration file, for example, oda.json that was saved previously to avoid manual entries. To create a configuration file, you manually fill in all the information then click Save Configuration at the end.

Click on each tab. In the Network Information page, you can configure the network for the public Client Access network here. Since this is a single node simulator, the information is pre-populated from the configure-firstnet process. You can also configure the Oracle ILOM network if you choose. Enter values for the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and specify the interface to be used for the public network.

In the User and Group Selection screen, enter the 19xx ID. If multi-user access is enabled, you should enter the 9xxx IDs.

Next is the Database screen.  Specify the database name and other database related information as shown below. Select DB Version as

To configure Oracle ASR, specify credentials here. This is also where you can save the configuration file, for example, oda.json for later use.

Click Submit to continue and click Yes in the confirmation box. This will bring up a link to the job status. Similar to ODACLI, operations are asynchronous, and return immediately with a job ID. That job ID can then be used to monitor progress. This allows the administrator to perform other tasks, if desired while the operations completes.

Click the job ID to see the status.

In the simulation, the deployment job status will complete within 1-2 minutes. You can see the various steps running, and their status changing to Success as they complete. Click the Refresh button to more quickly refresh the screen. In an actual appliance, the deployment takes about 60-90 minutes to complete.

Step 5 - Validate the Deployment

Validate the deployment.

Click on the Database tab at the top right of the BUI. The deployed database is displayed.

Click on the database name for more details about the database. Drill down to the Database Home to see information about the database home.

You can also verify that the appliance is properly deployed by clicking the Appliance tab to see more details.

Step 6 - Networking

Check the network.

You can check the network by clicking on the Network tab on the BUI Appliance page.

You can also create a new VLAN by clicking Create Network and specifying the network information. 

Click on the Create button, then submit the job.

This concludes Lab 1.

Lab 2 - Manage Databases

In this lab, we will create and delete databases in the appliance. We can do this using the command line (CLI) or BUI.

You must complete Lab 1 before starting Lab 2.

Step 1 - Create a new database using the BUI

Uses the BUI to create a new database.

On the Oracle Database Appliance BUI, click the Database tab in the web page. You will see the database db1 created during deployment.

In the upper right-hand corner, there is a Create Database button. Click it. It brings up the Create Database wizard.

Choose Create Database, and click Next. Description of bui_create_database_choose_option.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_create_database_choose_option.png

Specify the DB Name, for example, db2, and if you are creating a CDB, a PDB Name. Also remember to scroll down and enter a password that would in an actual appliance be used for SYS, SYSTEM, and PDB Admin.

When finished, click on the Create button. Click Yes to confirm. Beware of the password complexity checker—“WELcome12##” will pass the test.

This will bring up a link to the job status. Similar to ODACLI, operations on the BUI are asynchronous, and return immediately with a job ID. That job ID can then be used to monitor progress. This allows the administrator to perform other tasks if desired while long running operations complete.

Click the job ID to see the status. In the simulation, the job will complete within 30 seconds. You can see the various steps running, and their status changing to Success as they complete. Click the Refresh button to refresh the screen more quickly.

On an actual appliance, these steps take about 20 minutes to complete.

Once the operation completes, click on the Database tab at the top right of the web page. This should show the newly-created database.

See detailed database information by clicking on the database name, for example, db2. You can also view the newly-created home by clicking on the Database Home link in the left-hand column of the Database tab. 

Step 2 - Delete a Database

This lab uses the BUI to delete a database.

You can also delete a database from the Database tab. Click the Database tab to view the list of databases.

Click the Action dropdown to the right of the db1 database, and then select Delete. Click Yes to confirm, and then close the status box.

The Database list should reflect the delete operation. Click Refresh, if necessary. After the database delete operation, only db2 is left.

Step 3 - View the Databases and Database Homes Using the CLI

This lab uses ODACLI to view databases and database homes.

You can also manage databases from the command line. Go to the command line window. Use the odacli list-databases command to view your databases. Then use odacli describe-database to see the details for a specific database. Be sure to use the database ID shown in the odacli list-databases command, not the ID shown in the example.
$ odacli describe-database -i d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13

Database details
      ID: d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13
            Description: db2
                DB Name: db2
             DB Version:
                DB Type: SI
                DB Role: PRIMARY
    DB Target Node Name: node_0
             DB Edition: EE
 Instance Only Database: false
                    CDB: false
               PDB Name:
    PDB Admin User Name:
           SEHA Enabled: false
                  Class: OLTP
                  Shape: odb1
                Storage: ASM
          DB Redundancy: MIRROR
           CharacterSet: AL32UTF8
  National CharacterSet: AL16UTF16
               Language: AMERICAN
              Territory: AMERICA
                Home ID: a1314be1-2c6f-411f-b2c7-61444449f02b
        Console Enabled: false
  TDE Wallet Management:
            TDE Enabled: false
     Level 0 Backup Day: Sunday
     AutoBackup Enabled: true
                Created: January 8, 2024 1:18:48 AM UTC
         DB Domain Name: example.com
    Associated Networks:


Step 4 - Create a Database with the CLI

This lab uses ODACLI to create a database.

There are many options you can specify when using the CLI to create a new database. Type odacli create-database –h to see the options. Note that only the database name is required. Create a new database and database home named db3 as follows. You will be prompted for a password for SYS, SYSTEM, and PDB admin. To meet password complexity requirements, use WELcome12## for this lab.
$ odacli create-database -n db3 -v

Job details
                     ID:  2051bf5b-4815-4cd2-8d85-e51367ba3269
            Description:  Database service creation with db name: db3
                 Status:  Created
                Created:  January 8, 2024 1:45:49 AM UTC
Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
$ odacli describe-job -i 2051bf5b-4815-4cd2-8d85-e51367ba3269

Job details
                     ID:  2051bf5b-4815-4cd2-8d85-e51367ba3269
            Description:  Database service creation with db name: db3
                 Status:  Success
                Created:  January 8, 2024 1:45:49 AM UTC
Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Validating dbHome available space         January 8, 2024 1:45:50 AM UTC    January 8, 2024 1:45:50 AM UTC    Success
Setting up ssh equivalance                January 8, 2024 1:45:50 AM UTC    January 8, 2024 1:45:50 AM UTC    Success
Setting up ssh equivalance               January 8, 2024 1:45:50 AM UTC    January 8, 2024 1:45:50 AM UTC    Success
Creating ACFS database home               January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM UTC    January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM UTC    Success
Validating dbHome available space         January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM UTC    January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM UTC    Success
Configuring user access to ACFS DBHome base storage January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM UTC     January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM UTC    Success
Creating DbHome Directory                 January 8, 2024 1:45:51 AM
In an actual appliance, this command would run a job in the background for approximately 40 minutes. As with the GUI, you can monitor the progress if you choose, but the Linux prompt returns immediately. Because this is a simulation, you should see your new database and home almost immediately. Verify creation of the new database using the following odacli command:
$ odacli list-databases

ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage Status  DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------
d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13     db2        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM      CONFIGURED a1314be1-2c6f-411f-b2c7-61444449f02b
324a42ea-bba2-477d-8bca-5a26af159f1c     db3        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM      CONFIGURED   ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2


Step 5 - Delete and Recreate a Database

This lab uses ODACLI to delete a database.

You can also use CLI to delete a database. Run odacli delete-database to remove database db2. Be sure to use the ID of your db2 database, which is likely different from the one in this workbook. Note that you can also use the database name instead of the ID.
$ odacli delete-database -i d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13
  "jobId" : "ccde4700-3c1e-423a-8079-477f49f8cd5f",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ {
    "taskId" : "TaskZJsonRpcExt_10048",
    "taskName" : "Validate db d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13 for deletion",
    "taskResult" : "OK",
    "startTime" : " January 8, 2024 01:49:40 AM UTC",
    "endTime" : " January 8, 2024 01:49:40 AM UTC",
    "status" : "Success",
    "taskDescription" : null,
    "parentTaskId" : "TaskSequential_10046",
    "jobId" : "ccde4700-3c1e-423a-8079-477f49f8cd5f",
    "tags" : [ ],
    "reportLevel" : "Info",

$  odacli list-databases
ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status        DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
324a42ea-bba2-477d-8bca-5a26af159f1c     db3        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM        CONFIGURED   ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2

$ odacli delete-database -i d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13
  "jobId" : "ccde4700-3c1e-423a-8079-477f49f8cd5f",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ {
    "taskId" : "TaskZJsonRpcExt_10048",
    "taskName" : "Validate db d1e615c3-5855-4b19-9ad0-40b620ac5f13 for deletion",
    "taskResult" : "OK",
    "startTime" : " January 8, 2024 01:49:40 AM UTC",
    "endTime" : " January 8, 2024 01:49:40 AM UTC",
    "status" : "Success",
    "taskDescription" : null,
    "parentTaskId" : "TaskSequential_10046",
    "jobId" : "ccde4700-3c1e-423a-8079-477f49f8cd5f",
    "tags" : [ ],
    "reportLevel" : "Info",

$ odacli list-databases

ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status        DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
324a42ea-bba2-477d-8bca-5a26af159f1c     db3        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM        CONFIGURED   ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2

Using the CLI, create a new database db4.

$ odacli create-database -n db4 -v

Enter SYS, SYSTEM and PDB Admin user password:
Retype SYS, SYSTEM and PDB Admin user password:

Job details
                     ID:  aa259376-4ac0-474a-8730-8c8e1c8ac504
            Description:  Database service creation with db name: db4
                 Status:  Created
                Created:  January 8, 2024 1:51:50 AM UTC
Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------

# odacli list-databases
ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status        DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
324a42ea-bba2-477d-8bca-5a26af159f1c     db3        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM        CONFIGURED   ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2
deac01db-eaa8-4f4e-a511-aea042be3a18     db4        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM        CONFIGURED   c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468

Step 6 - Create a CPU Pool for a Database

This lab uses the BUI to create a CPU pool.

You can create a CPU pool for a bare-metal database to improve CPU resource management and quality of service for a database.

Click the Appliance tab, then click CPU Pool on the left, and then click Create.

Specify the CPU Pool Name as cpupool1, select CPU Pool Type as Bare Metal, and Number of CPU Cores as 2, then click Create.

You can see that CPU Pool cpupool1 has been created.

Step 7 - Delete a Database Home

You can delete a database home using the BUI or the command line. This lab uses BUI to delete a database home.

Go to the Database tab, then click on the Database Home to see all the database homes. Click on Actions, then click Delete (for example, home1).

You can see that the database home is deleted.

Step 8 - Create Database Backups on Local Disk, External NFS Storage, or on Oracle Cloud

Backing up and restoring Oracle databases on Oracle Database Appliance involves two simple steps: Create a backup policy and attach the backup policy to a database.

To back up to an external NFS storage, you must create an NFS mount point first.

To back up to the Oracle Cloud, you must obtain and create Object Store credentials first. A default backup policy is created but it is not associated with the database unless you explicitly modify the database and attach the policy.

To create a new backup policy, click on the Backup Policy tab and then click Create. Description of bui_create_backup_policy.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_create_backup_policy.png

Then, name the Backup Policy (for example, DiskBackup), Backup Destination (Internal FRA/Local Disk or External FRA/External NFS Storage or Object Store/Oracle Cloud), and Recovery Window in days, then click Create.

To back a database to an external NFS storage, you need to specify a mount point such as /u03/app/oracle/oradata/nfs_backup.

You can see the DiskBackup policy has been created.

Description of bui_backup_policy_created_successfully.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_backup_policy_created_successfully.png

Next, you select the database, for example, db4, that you want to backup. Attach the bakup policy to the db4 database by clicking Modify under Actions. Description of bui_backup_policy_modify.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_backup_policy_modify.png

Assign a CPU pool to db4 at the same time.

Select DiskBackup as the Backup Policy and cpupool1 as the CPU pool for db4, and then click Modify. Description of bui_modify_database_page.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_modify_database_page.png

Once the job is completed, you can verify that the backup policy is listed under Database Information of the database, for example, db4. You can also see that a CPU pool is assigned to db4.

Once this configuration is completed, Oracle Database Appliance will start backing up the database to the disk regularly and produce backup reports. Click on the database name to view the database details and then switch to the Backup Information tab.

You can also click Manual Backup, then click Start to back up a database manually.

You can see the details of the Backup Report by clicking on the Backup Report ID.

In addition to backing up to local disk, you can back up to Oracle Cloud or NFS location. To back up databases in Oracle Database Appliance to Oracle Cloud, you must obtain Object Store credentials first.

Once you have your credentials, click the Object Store tab, then click Create.

Enter the required Object Store Credentials including the name. Description of bui_create_objectstore.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_create_objectstore.png

You can now create a backup policy, specify the Object Store as the backup destination, and attach a database to the policy. Oracle Database Appliance will start backing up the database to the Oracle Cloud regularly.

This concludes Lab 2.

Lab 3 - Patch and Update

If you just completed Lab 2, the simulator should have two databases, db3 and db4.

For Lab 3, you will use the CLI to update the repository and BUI to update the Oracle Database Appliance infrastructure including the server. You will also use the BUI to patch a database home from release 19.21 to 19.22.

Starting with Oracle Database Appliance release 19.11, patching of Oracle Database Appliance is out-of-place. The new Oracle Grid Infrastructure home will be placed on the local system/boot drive, and all new database homes will be placed on Oracle ACFS file system on the data drives. In an Oracle Database Appliance high-availability system, the database homes will be placed on the shared storage.

Note: On an actual Oracle Database Appliance, you may have to update the server repository and the DCS agent before updating the database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure clone files in the repositories. This is release dependent, so check the patching steps in the Oracle Database Appliance documentation first.

Step 1 - Update the Oracle Database Appliance Repository with Latest Patches

You must download the server patch file for Oracle Database appliance release 19.22.

Refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the latest Oracle Database Appliance patches.

The server patch updates the firmware and operating system. You must patch the server before you patch the databases. When patching databases, you can choose to patch a subset, if required. However, it is recommended to patch all databases to keep them current. 

For this lab, we have downloaded simulated release 19.22 patches for the server, Oracle Grid Infrastructure, and database clone files to your simulator. 

You must update the repositories with the latest server patch, Oracle Grid Infrastructure, and database clone files, as well as additional applicable database clone files. For example, if you plan to patch Oracle Database from release 19.21 to 19.22, you must update the repository with the 19.21 Oracle Grid Infrastructure and database clone files first.

Before you start patching the server, you can check the current installed components from the BUI. Go to the Infrastructure Patching tab. Note all the installed 19.21 components. Since you have not updated the repository to 19.22, all components are displayed as up to date. Next, update the server repository. The server patch file is oda-sm-
$ odacli update-repository -f /opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/oda-sm- 

  "jobId" : "b3794603-4fbb-42a4-89ee-791d420e68a6",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : "/opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/oda-sm-",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 8, 2024 06:29:42 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Repository Update",
  "updatedTime" : "January 8, 2024 06:29:42 AM UTC"

For an actual Oracle Database Appliance, you may need to update the DCS agent first, before updating repository with the 19.22 Oracle Grid Infrastructure and database clone files, if you want to create a 19.22 database or patch a database to 19.22. See the Oracle Database Appliance Deployment and User's Guide for your hardware model.

Run the following commands to update the Oracle Database Appliance repository with these patches. You must use the full path for the file names.
$ odacli update-repository -f /opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs- 

  "jobId" : "529141f1-c5fb-42a6-ad1e-0b5540781a71",
  "status" : "Waiting",
  "message" : "/opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 8, 2024 06:32:43 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Repository Update",
  "updatedTime" : "January 8, 2024 06:32:43 AM UTC"

$ odacli update-repository -f /opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-

  "jobId" : "6478c708-bef8-4d5a-83a6-b411fe9b3e7d",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : "/opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 8, 2024 06:33:13 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Repository Update",
  "updatedTime" : "January 8, 2024 06:33:13 AM UTC"

After you update the repository, you can use the web console to see the available component versions.

Step 2 - Update the DCS Agent (If not done already)

The next step is to update the DCS agent on both nodes for a high-availability system with the BUI, before updating the server. Use ODACLI to update the DCS agent.

From the BUI, go to the Appliance tab, click Infrastructure Patching, and click Refresh to check the DCS Agent status. 

  1. In the BUI, click Appliance and then click Infrastructure Patching on the lefthand pane.
  2. Using ODACLI, update the DCS agent:
    [root@oda1 opt]# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/odacli update-dcsagent -v

Step 3 - Update the Server

The next step is to update the server. The server update includes firmware, operating system, and Oracle Grid Infrastructure updates.

Follow these steps to update the server:
  1. In the BUI, click the Appliance tab, and then click Infrastructure Patching on the lefthand pane.

  2. In the SERVER section, view the Component Details. If you just updated the Patch Repository, click Refresh.

    After the patch is uploaded to the Patch Repository, the Component Details on the page are updated with the Installed Version and Available Version for each component.

  3. Click Precheck to run patching prechecks. You must run the patching prechecks before updating the server and other components. Click View Pre-check Reports to view the patching prechecks report. If there are no errors in the report, then click Apply Patch to begin the job to patch the server components. For high-availability systems, when updating the server on the bare metal system, you can select the Node to Update. You can choose the node that you want to update or you can choose to update both nodes.

    When the job finishes, go to the next step. Click View Jobs for the job status.

  4. In the STORAGE section, click Refresh to refresh the Component Details. Click Precheck to run patching prechecks. You must run the patching prechecks before updating the storage components. Click View Pre-check Reports to view the patching prechecks report. If there are no errors in the report, then click Apply Patch to begin the job to patch the storage components. Click View Jobs for the job status.

    For high-availability environment, you can select the Rolling check box to perform rolling patching of storage components.


Patching an actual Oracle Database Appliance will take some time, whereas the simulator speeds up the whole process. The Linux prompt returns immediately, and the patch runs in the background. You can monitor the progress of the patch job by checking the Activity tab.

Step 4 - Patch a Database: Update a Database to point to a New Database Home

Because you may not want to patch all databases at once, first identify which database home corresponds to which database.

You can use either the command odacli update-dbhome or the BUI to update the database homes, and thus the databases, running on the appliance. Each home is updated independently, giving you control over when you patch your databases.

To update the database homes using the BUI, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the Database Home tab.
  2. Select the database home you want to patch.
  3. Select the Patch Version for the database home.
  4. To patch multiple database homes, select each database home to be patched and the patch version for each database home.
  5. Select the Node to Update. You can choose the node that you want to update or you can choose to update all nodes.
  6. Click Patch. Select Precheck to run pre-checks before patching the database.
  7. On the Patch page, for the database to be patched, click Actions and select View Pre-patch reports to view the pre-check report. Fix any errors, and then select Action as Apply to patch the database.
Now, we will use the CLI to patch database db4. The odacli list-databases command displays details about each database, its ID and its database home ID. Those database homes will be the ones we will patch by supplying the database home ID to the patching command. You can also see more information, such as the name of the database home, using the odacli list-dbhomes command. 
$ odacli list-databases

ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status        DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
324a42ea-bba2-477d-8bca-5a26af159f1c     db3        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM        CONFIGURED   ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2
deac01db-eaa8-4f4e-a511-aea042be3a18     db4        SI     false      OLTP     odb1     ASM        CONFIGURED   c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468

$ odacli list-dbhomes

ID                                       Name                 DB Version                               Home Location                                 Status
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------
a1314be1-2c6f-411f-b2c7-61444449f02b     OraDB19000_home2                        /u01/app/odaorahomebase/odaadmin/product/ CONFIGURED
ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2     OraDB19000_home3                         /u01/app/odaorahomebase/odaadmin/product/ CONFIGURED
c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468     OraDB19000_home4                         /u01/app/odaorahomebase/odaadmin/product/ CONFIGURED

$ odacli update-dbhome -i c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468 -v
  "jobId" : "af879f3e-9c50-4dfd-86db-5d380a42f8d2",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : " January 8, 2024 06:59:59 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "DB Home Patching: Home Id is c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468",
  "updatedTime" : " January 8, 2024 06:59:59 AM UTC"
Use the clipboard to copy the DB home ID for db4. Then use the DB home ID with the odacli update-dbhome command to update the home for db4. Verify that the job has completed successfully using the command odacli describe-job.
$ odacli describe-job -i af879f3e-9c50-4dfd-86db-5d380a42f8d2

Job details
                     ID:  af879f3e-9c50-4dfd-86db-5d380a42f8d2
            Description:  DB Home Patching: Home Id is c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468
                 Status:  Success
                Created:  January 8, 2024 6:59:59 AM UTC

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Adding USER SSH_EQUIVALENCE               January 8, 2024 7:00:02 AM UTC     January 8, 2024 7:00:02 AM UTC    Success
Adding USER SSH_EQUIVALENCE               January 8, 2024 7:00:02 AM UTC     January 8, 2024 7:00:02 AM UTC    Success
Verify that database home db4 is updated to the release 19.22. You can use either the BUI or CLI for verification.
# odacli list-dbhomes
ID                                       Name                 DB Version                               Home Location                                 Status
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------
a1314be1-2c6f-411f-b2c7-61444449f02b     OraDB19000_home2                        /u01/app/odaorahomebase/odaadmin/product/ CONFIGURED
ecfa440e-2482-40c1-8ccd-67316cd48ba2     OraDB19000_home3                        /u01/app/odaorahomebase/odaadmin/product/ CONFIGURED
c3c63738-703e-4c1d-98de-95b551b67468     OraDB19000_home4                       /u01/app/odaorahomebase/odaadmin/product/ CONFIGURED

You can also use the BUI to update the database homes by navigating to the Database tab and then selecting the Database Home on the left panel. You have already updated database db4 by pointing to a new home using the command line.

This concludes Lab 3.

Lab 4 - Virtualization: Create Application and Database KVMs

Virtualization provides many benefits to customers such as cost savings through consolidation and better resource utilization, Virtual Machine (VM) isolation that provides better security, and KVM license hard partitioning support.

Kernel-based VM (KVM) is an industry standard virtualization technology that is also used in Oracle Cloud and other public clouds.

You will use Oracle Database Appliance BUI to create an application KVM, called Compute Instance, and a database KVM, called Database System.

Step 1 - Create an Application KVM (Compute Instance)

Understand the steps to create an application KVM.

Before you create an application KVM on Oracle Database Appliance, you must create the following:
  • CPU Pool
  • VM Storage
  • Virtual Disk
  • Virtual Network

You must create a guest operating system (Linux or Windows) ISO image to create the application KVM instance. After that, you must configure the guest operating system, networking (set IP address) so that you can access the VM to install applications. You can also modify and delete an application KVM.

First, create a CPU Pool for the application KVM. In the BUI, click CPU Pool, and then click Create. Enter the following information, then click Create.

You can see the CPU pool cpupool1 is created. A CPU pool is optional and not required to create an application KVM.

Next, create the VM Storage.

Select the VM Storage tab, and then click Create VM Storage.Description of bui_vm_storage_create.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vm_storage_create.png

Enter the following information for vmstor1, and then click Create. VM Storage can be used by different application KVMs. You can see vmstor1 is created.

Next, create a virtual disk vdisk to be used by the application KVM. Select the Virtual Disks tab and click Create Virtual DiskDescription of bui_vdisk_select_option.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vdisk_select_option.png

Select Create Virtual Disk, then click Next.Description of bui_vdisk_create.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vdisk_create.png

Enter the following information for vdisk1, and then click Create. You can see vdisk1 is created.Description of bui_vdisk_created_successfully.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vdisk_created_successfully.png

Create a virtual network for the KVM:

Select the Virtual Networks tab, and then click Create Virtual Network.

Specify the Virtual Network information, then click Create.Description of bui_vnet_create.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vnet_create.png

You can see the virtual network vnet1 is created.Description of bui_vnet_created_successfully.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vnet_created_successfully.png

Create an application KVM (Compute Instance):

Select the VM Instances tab, and then click Create.Description of bui_vm_list.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vm_list.png

Select Create VM Instance, then click Next.Description of bui_vm_create.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vm_create.png

Specify the information for vm1, then click Create. Note the Source Installation path to the Linux ISO image. Note that the VM disk size is 10GB. VM disk is the local system boot disk where the Linux image is installed.

You can see vm1 instance is created.Description of bui_vm_created_successfully.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_vm_created_successfully.png

You can see the detailed information by clicking on vm1

If you want to modify the VM instance, then click the VM Instance tab. For vm1, click the Actions dropdown and then click Modify.

To delete an application KVM, from the VM Instances tab, click the Actions dropdown, and then click Delete.

Step 2 - Create a Database KVM (Database System)

Understand the steps to create a database KVM.

To create a database KVM (Database System) in Oracle Database Appliance, you must first download the DB system image (database VM template) into the appliance, then update the repository so that the database VM template is saved in Oracle Database Appliance.
$  odacli update-repository -f /opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs- 
  "jobId" : "2d45004d-923b-45d9-b27c-cfbda391edb6",
  "status" : "Running",
  "message" : "/opt/oracle/dcs/patchfiles/odacli-dcs-",
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "January 8, 2024 07:45:04 AM UTC",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Repository Update",
  "updatedTime" : "October 26, 2022January 8, 2024 07:45:05 AM UTC"

In the BUI, select DB Systems on the left, and click Create.Description of bui_db_system_list.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_db_system_list.png

Enter the System Information, Network Information, CPU Pool and Database Information, then click Create.Description of bui_db_system_create.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_db_system_create.png

Note the database shape selected will determine the number of CPU cores assigned to the database. A database CPU pool is automatically created, or a database CPU Pool can be selected. A default network is also be automatically assigned to the database, or a network can be selected. Make sure CDB is selected.

You can see that a database KVM dbsystem1 is created.Description of bui_dbsystem_created_successfully.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_dbsystem_created_successfully.png

You can find the details for dbsystem1 by clicking on it.

You can modify the DB System by clicking Actions and then selecting Modify.

You can change the database shape from odb2 (2 cores) to odb4 (4 cores).

Click the DB Systems tab on the left to verify that dbsystem1 has 4 cores now.

This concludes Lab 4.

Lab 5 - Multi-User Access

Oracle Database Appliance Multi-User Access can enhance the security of your appliance and provide an efficient mechanism for role separation.

With multi-user access, you can provide separate access to database administrators to manage databases and create multiple users with different roles that restrict them from accessing resources created by other users and restrict the set of operations they can perform.       

In this lab, you will create two new users, user1 and user2, assign a resource, for example, database to user1, then create a database using user2. You will verify that both users have access to different resources.

Step 1 - Create New Users

Understand the steps to create new users.

Navigate to the Multi-User Access tab in the BUI. Create a new user, user1, and provide a temporary password. The password for user1 must be changed on the first login.Description of bui_oma_create_user.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_oma_create_user.png

Go to the Users tab on the left to verify that the new user, user1, is created.

Create a second user, user2 using the same process.

Go to the Users tab on the left to verify that user2 is created.

Step 2 - Grant a Resource to a User

Understand the steps to grant a resource to a user.

You will grant a resource, db5, to user1. Go the Resources tab on the left, click on Show Advanced Search, select ODA_DB, and click Search. On db5, click Actions, and then select Grant Resource Access.Description of bui_oma_resources_list.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_oma_resources_list.png

In the User Name drop-down, select user1, then click Grant.Description of bui_oma_grant_resource_access.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_oma_grant_resource_access.png

To verify that user1 has access to db5, click on the Resources tab on the left again. Note that user1 now has shared access to db5. Note that this database was originally created by the odaadmin user.

Log in as user1 to verify access to db5.

Specify the temporary password created by the odaadmin user, and you are prompted to provide a new password. You can use a password similar to WELcome12## or create your own.

When you log in with the new password, note that the Current User is displayed as user1. Note that there are fewer tabs on the top for user1.Description of bui_oma_show_all_dbdhomes.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_oma_show_all_dbdhomes.png

Click on the Database tab, and note that user1 has access to db5.

Step 3 - Create a Resource by a User

Understand the steps to create a resource.

Log in as user2, create a database, and have exclusive access to the database. First, log in as user2 with the temporary password created by odaadmin.

A new password for user2 is required. You can use a password similar to WELcome12##, or create your own.

Log in as user2 with the new password.

Click on the Database tab. There are no database available to user2. Click Create Database.Description of bui_oma_database_landing_page.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_oma_database_landing_page.png

Create a new database, user2db1.

Click Create and verify that the database is created.

Log in as user1 to verify that user1 does not have access to user2db1.

You can verify that user1 only has access to db5.

Log in as odaadmin to review resources and user access.

When logged in as the odaadmin user, you can view all the databases.

Click on the Multi-User Access tab, then click on the Resources tab on the left. Use the Advanced Search feature and search for ODA_DB, You can see the Primary Owner of the database and Shared Access users for the databases. The user1 has access to db5, and user2 has access to user2db1.

This concludes Lab 5.

Lab 6 - Monitoring and Resources

Use either the command line or the BUI to monitor Oracle Database Appliance software, hardware, and feature usage.

Oracle Database Appliance also provides security reports, diagnostic information, and context sensitive online help (documentation, FAQ, blogs). An Oracle Enterprise Manager plug-in is available if you want to use Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor your IT infrastructure. This lab will demonstrate how to monitor Oracle Database Appliance with BUI and ODACLI commands.      

Step 1 - Advanced Information, Security Reports, Diagnostics, Online Help

Understand how to view resources in the BUI.

To view the Oracle Database Appliance software components, click on the Advanced Information tab on the Appliance Overview page.Description of bui_appliance_landing.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_appliance_landing.png

To view security-related information, click on the Security tab on the Appliance page.Description of bui_security_landing_page.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_security_landing_page.png

To view diagnostic and log usage information, click on the Diagnostics tab on the Appliance page.Description of bui_diagnostics_landing_page.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_diagnostics_landing_page.png

To view context sensitive in-line help information, click on Help.

You can also click inside the search box on the top right corner to search the Oracle Database Appliance documentation by topics.

To view online help information such as Oracle Database Appliance documentation, FAQ, and blogs, click on the Resources tab on the Appliance page.

Step 2 - Hardware Monitoring and Feature Tracking

The BUI displays Oracle Database Appliance hardware status and tracks feature usage including High Water Marks.

Feature Tracking

The Feature Tracking output displayed in the simulator may not match the display on an actual Oracle Database Appliance. Following is a sample output:Description of bui_monitoring_feature_usage.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_monitoring_feature_usage.png

High Water Marks

The High Water Marks output displayed in the simulator may not match the display on an actual Oracle Database Appliance.Description of bui_high_water_marks.png follows
Description of the illustration bui_high_water_marks.png

Step 3 - Review Appliance Configuration

ODACLI assists in the fast deployment, patching, and easy management of Oracle Database Appliance.

The Oracle Database Appliance command line interfaces (odacli, odaadmcli) are tools that can also be used to install, configure, and interrogate the status of Oracle Database Appliance.

Review the following odaadmcli commands that provide information about Oracle Database Appliance configuration. The sample output displayed in the simulator may not match exactly with the sample output on an actual appliance. For more details, refer to the Oracle Database Appliance documentation library for the latest release.


The Oracle Database Appliance simulator does not support odaadmcli commands. The odaadmcli command examples in this guide are representative of the sample output when running the odaadmcli commands on an actual Oracle Database Appliance deployment.

Command: odaadmcli show server

Description: Displays the server/node status, including Oracle ILOM IP address, firmware version, power consumption, and other details. This is helpful for an at-a-glance view of basic server and node information.
$ sudo odaadmcli show server

         Power State              : On
         Open Problems            : 0
         Model                    : ODA X7-2-HA
         Type                     : Rack Mount
         Part Number              : ODA X7-2-HA
         Serial Number            : 1750XD0003
         Primary OS               : Not Available
         ILOM Address             :
         ILOM MAC Address         : 00:10:E0:DA:CD:66
         Description              : Oracle Database Appliance X7-2 High Availability 1750XD0003
         Locator Light            : Off
         Actual Power Consumption : 302 watts
         Ambient Temperature      : 20.250 degree C
         Open Problems Report     : System is healthy 

Command: odacli describe-system

Description: Displays Oracle Database Appliance deployment status.
$ sudo odacli describe-system                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Appliance Information                                                                                                                                            
                     ID: oda                                                                                                                                      
        Data Disk Count: 9                                                                                                                                        
         CPU Core Count: 36                                                                                                                                      
                Created: January 8, 2024 8:25:14 PM GMT                                                                                                            
System Information                                                                                                                                               
                   Name: oda                                                                                                                                      
            Domain Name: example.com                                                                                                                             
              Time Zone: GMT                                                                                                                                      
             DB Edition: EE                                                                                                                                       
            DNS Servers:                                                                                                                                 
            NTP Servers:                                                                                                                                         
Disk Group Information                                                                                                                                           
DG Name                   Redundancy                Percentage                                                                                                    
------------------------- ------------------------- ------------                                                                                                 
Data                      Flex                      80                                                                                                           
Reco                      Flex                      20                                                                                                            
Redo                      High                      100                                                                                                          
Flash                     Flex                      100  

Command: odaadmcli show processor

Description: This command displays information about the CPUs running in the system.
$ sudo odaadmcli show processor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

      CPU_0 OK     -              SR3AX    P0 (CPU 0) Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CP 2.300 GHz       18        NA                         
      CPU_1 OK     -              SR3AX    P1 (CPU 1) Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CP 2.300 GHz       18        NA   

Command: odaadmcli show memory

Description: This command displays information about the memory.
$ sudo odaadmcli show memory 


DIMM_0 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE021743373400D8 P0/D0 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_11 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174337340065 P0/D1 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_12 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE0217433734000D P1/D0 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_14 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174237318364 P1/D2 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_16 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE0217423731A19A P1/D4 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_19 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174237318394 P1/D7 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_2 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174337340078 P0/D2 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_21 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE0217423731A195 P1/D9 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_23 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174237318365 P1/D1 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_4 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE0217433734007B P0/D4 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_7 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174337340013 P0/D7 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0
DIMM_9 OK - 3A4K40BB2-CTD 00CE02174337340101 P0/D9 Samsung 32 GB 2666 MHz 0

Command: odaadmcli show power

Description: This command displays information about the power details for the appliance.
$ sudo odaadmcli show power 
Power_Supply_0 OK - 7333459 465824T+1647D30456 PS0 Present 135 watts 20 degrees C 42.500 degree C
Power_Supply_1 OK - 7333459 465824T+1647D30762 PS1 Present 146 watts 20 degrees C 51.500 degree C

Command: odaadmcli show cooling

Description: This command displays information about the cooling of the appliance.
$ sudo odaadmcli show cooling 


Fan_0 OK - FM0 35 % 6900 RPM
Fan_1 OK - FM0 34 % 5900 RPM
Fan_10 OK - FM2 32 % 6200 RPM
Fan_11 OK - FM2 31 % 5500 RPM
Fan_12 OK - FM3 32 % 6300 RPM
Fan_13 OK - FM3 31 % 5500 RPM
Fan_14 OK - FM3 32 % 6300 RPM
Fan_15 OK - FM3 31 % 5500 RPM
Fan_2 OK - FM0 36 % 6800 RPM
Fan_3 OK - FM0 34 % 5900 RPM
Fan_4 OK - FM1 35 % 6800 RPM
Fan_5 OK - FM1 34 % 5900 RPM
Fan_6 OK - FM1 32 % 6300 RPM
Fan_7 OK - FM1 29 % 5100 RPM
Fan_8 OK - FM2 32 % 6300 RPM
Fan_9 OK - FM2 31 % 5500 RPM

Step 4 - Review Storage Configuration

Review the following odaadmcli commands that provide information about Oracle Database Appliance configuration.

Command: odaadmcli show disk

Description: This command is helpful for getting a view into the device mapping and current state of the hard disks. The output lists the drives in the ODA X7-2-HA.
$ sudo odaadmcli show disk  

              NAME                  PATH                   TYPE                     STATE                  STATE_DETAILS
              e0_pd_00              /dev/sdbv              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_01              /dev/sdbw              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_02              /dev/sdbx              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_03              /dev/sdby              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_04              /dev/sdbz              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_05              /dev/sdca              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_06              /dev/sdcb              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_07              /dev/sdcc              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_08              /dev/sdcd              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_09              /dev/sdce              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_10              /dev/sdcf              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_11              /dev/sdcg              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_12              /dev/sdch              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_13              /dev/sdci              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_14              /dev/sdcj              HDD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_15              /dev/sdck              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_16              /dev/sdcl              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_17              /dev/sdcm              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_18              /dev/sdcn              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_19              /dev/sdco              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_20              /dev/sdcp              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_21              /dev/sdcq              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good    
              e0_pd_22              /dev/sdcr              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good          
              e0_pd_23              /dev/sdcs              SSD                      ONLINE                 Good

Command: odaadmcli show diskgroup

Description: Lists Oracle ASM disk groups configured on Oracle Database Appliance. 

DATA is where the database data files are stored.

FLASH is where the hot files or small databases can be placed to improve performance.

RECO is where the backups, archive logs, and redo logs of the database are stored.

REDO is where the redo logs of the database are stored.
$ sudo odaadmcli show diskgroup  


Command: odaadmcli show fs

Description: Lists the details of the Oracle Database Appliance X8-2 file systems, including total Space, Free Space, Disk Group, and other details.  

The sample output displayed in the simulator may not match exactly with the sample output on an actual appliance. For more details, refer to the Oracle Database Appliance documentation library for the latest release.
$ sudo odaadmcli show fs  

 Type     Total Space      Free Space  Total DG Space   Free DG Space  Diskgroup Mount Point             
 ext3          30109M          25254M               -               -            /                       
 ext3            476M            405M               -               -            /boot                   
 ext3          60347M          22117M               -               -            /opt                    
 ext3         100665M          72839M               -               -            /u01                    
 acfs           5120M           4625M      112116480M      111977204M       DATA /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore

Command: odaadmcli show raidsyncstatus

Description: Lists the status of the boot disk HW RAID.
$  sudo odaadmcli show raidsyncstatus 

Raid Type  Raid Device      Partitions      RaidStatus Recovery        RecoveryPercentage
 S/W Raid          md0      sdb2 sda2            UU       No                       N/A
 S/W Raid          md1      sdb3 sda3            UU       No                       N/A

Command: odaadmcli show storage

Description: The following command displays the storage controllers and drives.
$ sudo odaadmcli show storage  

==== BEGIN STORAGE DUMP ========
Host Description: Oracle Corporation:ORACLE SERVER X7-2
Total number of controllers: 2
              Id         = 0
              Serial Num = 500605b00d3e88c0
              Vendor     = LSI Logic
              Model      = ORCL-EXT-SAS3
              FwVers     =
              strId      = mpt3sas:3b:00.0
              Id         = 1
              Serial Num = 500605b00d3e8450
              Vendor     = LSI Logic
              Model      = ORCL-EXT-SAS3
              FwVers     =
              strId      = mpt3sas:5e:00.0

Total number of expanders: 2
              Id         = 0
              Serial Num = 50800200022f163f
              Vendor     = ORACLE
              Model      = DE3-24C
              FwVers     = 0306
              strId      = Secondary
              WWN        = 50800200022e41be
              Id         = 1
              Serial Num = 50800200022f163f
              Vendor     = ORACLE
              Model      = DE3-24C
              FwVers     = 0306
              strId      = Primary
              WWN        = 50800200022e447e

Total number of PDs: 24
              /dev/sdaa       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  0  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdab       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  1  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdac       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  2  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdad       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  3  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdae       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  4  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdaf       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  5  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdag       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  6  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdah       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  7  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdai       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  8  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdaj       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot:  9  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdak       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot: 10  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdal       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot: 11  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdam       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot: 12  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdan       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot: 13  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdao       HGST              HDD 9796gb slot: 14  exp:  0   H7210A520SUN010T
              /dev/sdap       HGST              SSD 3200gb slot: 15  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH2SUN3.2T
              /dev/sdaq       HGST              SSD 3200gb slot: 16  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH2SUN3.2T
              /dev/sdar       HGST              SSD 3200gb slot: 17  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH2SUN3.2T
              /dev/sdas       HGST              SSD 3200gb slot: 18  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH2SUN3.2T
              /dev/sdat       HGST              SSD 3200gb slot: 19  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH2SUN3.2T
              /dev/sdau       HGST              SSD  800gb slot: 20  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH4SUN800G
              /dev/sdav       HGST              SSD  800gb slot: 21  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH4SUN800G
              /dev/sdaw       HGST              SSD  800gb slot: 22  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH4SUN800G
              /dev/sdax       HGST              SSD  800gb slot: 23  exp:  0   HBCAC2DH4SUN800G
==== END STORAGE DUMP =========

Step 5 - Review Network Status

Review the following odaadmcli commands that provide information about Oracle Database Appliance configuration.

Command: odaadmcli show network

Description: Displays the MAC address, health status, and temperature of the network ports.
$ sudo odaadmcli show network  

        Ethernet_NIC_0 OK     -              NET0     i210    INTEL        00:10:E0:DA:CD:62  no (em1)      N/A            
        Ethernet_NIC_1 OK     -              NET1     BCM57417Broadcom     00:10:E0:DA:CD:63  yes (em2)     N/A            
        Ethernet_NIC_2 OK     -              NET2     BCM57417Broadcom     00:10:E0:DA:CD:64  yes (em3)     N/A            
        Ethernet_NIC_3 -      -              NET3     X540    INTEL        00:0A:F7:CF:36:38  yes (p1p2)    -              
        Ethernet_NIC_4 -      -              NET4     X540    INTEL        00:0A:F7:CF:36:30  yes (p1p1)    -      

This concludes Lab 6.