4 Known Issues with Oracle Database Appliance in This Release

The following are known issues deploying, updating, and managing Oracle Database Appliance in this release.

Known Issues When Deploying Oracle Database Appliance

Understand the known issues when provisioning or deploying Oracle Database Appliance.

Changing the CPU core count after provisioning appliance fails

On a newly-provisioned Oracle Database Appliance system, changing the CPU core count fails.

An Oracle Database Appliance system is provisioned with all CPU cores enabled by default. You can change the CPU core count after provisioning the appliance with the command odacli update-cpucore -c count. Changing the CPU core count fails in the following provisioning cases:
  • If you provision an Oracle Database Appliance system with Oracle Database Appliance release 19.5, and change the CPU core count as a postinstallation task, then the provisioning fails with the error message:
    Apply one-off fix for Bug 30269395 on both nodes in order to update CPU cores. Please refer to Release Notes.
    1. Download and apply the patch for bug 30269395 available on My Oracle Support:


    2. After the patch is successfully applied, change the CPU core count with the command odacli update-cpucore.
  • On a new Oracle Database Appliance system, that is not yet provisioned, changing the CPU core count fails with the following error message:
    ODA system needs to be provisioned with full CPU cores before updating CPU cores. Please refer to release notes.
    1. Provision the system with Oracle Database Appliance release 19.5.
    2. Download and apply the patch for bug 30269395 available on My Oracle Support:


    3. After the patch is successfully applied, change the CPU core count with the command odacli update-cpucore.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30313635.

Deleting single-instance or Oracle RAC One Database on remote node fails

Deleting single-instance or Oracle RAC One Database on remote node fails.

The following error message is displayed.
Missing arguments : required sqlplus connection  information is not provided.

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance hardware models with Flex diskgroup


Delete the single-instance or Oracle RAC One Database on the local node.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30498134.

Error when running ORAchk

Running the command tfactl run orachk -a fails.

The following error message is displayed.
ORAchk is not able to determine Oracle Database Appliance Hardware type.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Instead, run the command orachk -a.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30454351.

Only one network interface displayed after rebooting node

After rebooting the node, only one network interface is displayed.

When both nodes reboot or power on simultaneously, only one of HAIP interfaces is used and Oracle ASM may not be able to start. The netstat command returns only one of two interfaces.
# netstat -nr | grep 169     U         0 0          0 eth0
Ensure that the ora.cluster_interconnect.haip is ONLINE on one node before rebooting (or powering on) on the other node.
# /u01/app/ stat res -t -init|grep -A1  
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details     
Cluster Resources 
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       <hostname>            STABLE 

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance hardware models baremetal deployments on X4-2 and X7-2. X5-2 and X6-2 baremetal deployments with Infiniband Interconnect are not affected.


If both nodes are already rebooted simultaneously and only one interface is configured for high-availability, then stop crs on both nodes and start crs one by one.
  1. Login as root in any node and stop the cluster with the -all option.
    # /u01/app/ stop cluster -all
  2. Stop crs on both nodes.
    [Node 0] 
    # /u01/app/ stop crs 
    [Node 1] 
    # /u01/app/ stop crs
  3. Start crs on each node, one by one.
    [Node 0] 
    # /u01/app/ start crs 
    [Node 1] 
    # /u01/app/ start crs 

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 29613692.

DCS-10045:Validation error encountered: Error retrieving the cpucores

When deploying the appliance, DCS-10045 error appears. There is an error retrieving the CPU cores of the second node.

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X7-2-HA


  1. Remove the following directory in Node0: /opt/oracle/dcs/repo/node_0

  2. Remove the following directory in Node1: /opt/oracle/dcs/repo/node_1

  3. Restart the dcs-agent on both nodes.

    cd /opt/oracle/dcs/bin
    initctl stop initdcsagent
    initctl start initdcsagent

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 27527676.

Error encountered after running cleanup.pl

Errors encountered in running odacli commands after running cleanup.pl.

After running cleanup.pl, when you try to use odacli commands, the following error is encountered:

DCS-10042:User oda-cliadmin cannot be authorized.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models for bare metal deployments


Run the following commands to set up the credentials for the user oda-cliadmin on the agent wallet:

# rm -rf /opt/oracle/dcs/conf/.authconfig  
# /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/setupAgentAuth.sh 

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 29038717.

Accelerator volume for data is not created on flash storage

The accelerator volume for data is not created on flash storage, for databases created during provisioning of appliance.

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance high capacity environments with HDD disks


Do not create the database when provisioning the appliance. This creates all required disk groups, including flash. After provisioning the appliance, create the database. The accelerator volume is then created.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 28836461.

Error in provisioning Oracle ASM Database on FLASH storage

On Oracle Database Appliance High-Availability systems with High Capacity storage, Oracle ASM Database creation on FLASH storage fails.

This issue occurs because the FLASH disk group is not mounted.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance high-availability hardware models with High Capacity storage configuration


Provision the appliance without creating the database, and then create the database.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30309798.

Database creation fails for odb-01s DSS databases

When attempting to create an DSS database with shape odb-01s, the job may fail with errors.

CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.test.db' on 'example_node' failed
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.test.db start" encountered the following
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X6-2-HA, X5-2, X4-2, X3-2, and V1


There is no workaround. Select an alternate shape to create the database.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 27768012.

Known Issues When Managing Oracle Database Appliance

Understand the known issues when managing or administering Oracle Database Appliance.

iRestore, recovery, and update operations on a database fail

iRestore, recovery, and update operations on a database fail, if the ObjectStore Container used by the database already has a copy.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


When performing iRestore, recovery, and update operations on a database, ensure that files are not copied to the ObjectStore Container.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30529607.

Error when creating a backup network using the Web Console

Creating a network of type Backup using the Web Console fails.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models


Log out and log into the Web Console and try the operation again.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30535375.

Missing DATA, RECO, and REDO entries when dbstorage is rediscovered

Running the odacli update-registry command with -n all --force or -n dbstorage --force option can result in metadata corruption.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models bare metal deployments


Run the -all option when all the databases created in the system use OAKCLI in migrated systems. On other systems that run on DCS stack, update all components other than dbstorage individually, using the odacli update-registry -n component_name_to_be_updated_excluding_dbstorage.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30274477.

Incorrect Aura8 firmware value displayed

The Aura8 firmware version displayed in the components list is incorrect.


Oracle Database Appliance X8-2S and X8-2M



This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 30340410.

The odaeraser tool does not work if oakd is running in non-cluster mode

After cleaning up the deployment, the Secure Eraser tool does not work if oakd is running in non-cluster mode.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance Hardware bare metal systems


After cleanup of the deployment, oakd is started in the non-cluster mode, and it cannot be stopped using "odaadmcli stop oak" command. In such a case, if the Secure Erase tool is run, then the odaeraser command fails.

Use the command odaadmcli shutdown oak to stop oakd.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 28547433.

Issues with the Web Console on Microsoft web browsers

Oracle Database Appliance Web Console has issues on Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer web browsers.

Following are issues with Microsoft web browsers:
  • Oracle Database Appliance Web Console does not display correctly on Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer web browsers.
  • Advanced Information for the appliance does not display on Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.
  • Job activity status does not refresh in the Web Console on Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.
  • After configuring the oda-admin password, the following error is displayed:
    Failed to change the default user (oda-admin) account password. 
    Status Code: 500 DCS-10001: DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: User not authorized

    Workaround: Close the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser session and open another browser session.


All Oracle Database Appliance Hardware Models bare metal deployments


To access the Web Console, use either Google Chrome or Firefox.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bugs 27798498, 27028446, 30077007, 30099089, 29887027, and 27799452.

Disk space issues due to Zookeeper logs size

The Zookeeper log files, zookeeper.out and /opt/zookeeper/log/zkMonitor.log, are not rotated, when new logs are added. This can cause disk space issues.

Hardware Models

All Oracle Database Appliance hardware models for bare metal deployments


Rotate the zookeeper log file manually, if the log file size increases, as follows:

  1. Stop the DCS-agent service for zookeeper on both nodes.

    initctl stop initdcsagent
  2. Stop the zookeeper service on both nodes.

    /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh stop
  3. Clean the zookeeper logs after taking the backup, by manually deleting the existing file or by following steps 4 to 10.

  4. Set the ZOO_LOG_DIR as an environment variable to a different log directory, before starting the zookeeper server.

    export ZOO_LOG_DIR=/opt/zookeeper/log
  5. Switch to ROLLINGFILE, to set the capability to roll.

    Restart the zookeeper server, for the changes to take effect.
  6. Set the following parameters in the /opt/zookeeper/conf/log4j.properties file, to limit the number of backup files, and the file sizes.

  7. Start zookeeper on both nodes.

    /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start
  8. Check the zookeeper status, and verify that zookeeper runs in leader/follower/standalone mode.

    /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh status
    ZooKeeper JMX enabled by default
    Using config: /opt/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
    Mode: follower
  9. Start the dcs agent on both nodes.

    initctl start initdcsagent
  10. Purge the zookeeper monitor log, zkMonitor.log, in the location /opt/zookeeper/log. You do not have to stop the zookeeper service.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 29033812.

Error after running the cleanup script

After running the cleanup.pl script, the following error message appears: DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Fail to start hand shake.

The error is causes when you run the following steps:

  1. Run cleanup.pl on the first node (Node0). Wait until the cleanup script finishes, then reboot the node.

  2. Run cleanup.pl on the second node (Node1). Wait until the cleanup script finishes, then reboot the node.

  3. After both nodes are started, use the command-line interface to list the jobs on Node0. An internal error appears.

    # odacli list-jobs
    DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Fail to start hand shake to localhost:7070

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X7-2-HA


  1. Verify the zookeeper status on the both nodes before starting dcsagent:

    /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh status

    For a single-node environment, the status should be: leader, or follower, or standalone.

  2. Restart the dcsagent on Node0 after running the cleanup.pl script.

    # initctl stop initdcsagent 
    # initctl start initdcsagent

Error in node number information when running network CLI commands

Network information for node0 is always displayed for some odacli commands, when the -u option is not specified.

If the -u option is not provided, then the describe-networkinterface, list-networks and the describe-network odacli commands always display the results for node0 (the default node), irrespective of whether the command is run from node0 or node1.

Hardware Models

Oracle Database Appliance X7-2-HA, X6-2-HA, X5-2, X4-2, X3-2, and V1


Specify the -u option in the odacli command, for details about the current node.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 27251239.