Features Released in Software Version 3.0.2-b819070 (March 2023)

Fault Domain Enforcement for Compute Node Evacuation

When evacuating a compute node, you can specify the behavior you want if some instances cannot be accommodated in other compute nodes in the same fault domain.

  • If strict enforcement is disabled, instances that cannot be accommodated in the current fault domain will be migrated to other fault domains if possible.

  • If strict enforcement is enabled, instances that cannot be accommodated in the current fault domain will be left running in the current compute node.

See "Migrating Instances from a Compute Node" in the chapter Hardware Administration of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator Guide for more information.

New Upgrade Guide

The instructions to upgrade an appliance were included in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator Guide. That content is now moved to a separate Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Upgrade Guide.