Using the Compute Web UI

The Compute Web UI is the graphical interface to the Compute Enclave. You can use the Compute Web UI on its own or with the OCI CLI to complete tasks. The Compute Web UI provides the same core functionality as the OCI CLI; however, the OCI CLI has some additional functionality.

This section provides instructions for logging into the Compute Web UI, navigating the dashboard, and working with resources using resource type and resource detail pages. Within the rest of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance User Guide you learn how to use the Compute Web UI to complete tasks within the context of the step-by-step procedures.


You access the Compute Web UI using a web browser. For support information, please refer to the Oracle software web browser support policy.

Logging In

Before you log into the Compute Web UI, make sure you have the Private Cloud Appliance system and domain names, the tenancy name, and your user name and password. If you do not have these details, ask your administrator. If you have access to the Service Web UI, you can locate the tenancy name and the system and domain names for your Private Cloud Appliance.

To log into the Compute Web UI, complete the following steps.

  1. From a browser, enter the URL for your Private Cloud Appliance.

    For example, where pcasys1 is the name of your Private Cloud Appliance and is your domain.

    The Compute Enclave Select Tenancy page is displayed.

  2. Enter your tenancy name and click Continue.

    The Sign In page is displayed.

  3. Enter your Username and Password, and then click Sign In.

    The Private Cloud Appliance dashboard displays with quick action tiles.


    If you are prompted to change a temporary password, see Setting Your Password.

Navigating the Dashboard

When you log into the Compute Enclave, the dashboard is displayed with quick action tiles for common tasks, such as viewing compute instances, block and file storage, and VCNs. There is also a quick action tile to create a virtual machine instance.


The dashboard is static and not configurable.

You can click on or tab to the dashboard tiles and the navigation menu. The navigation menu (the three lines to the left of "Oracle Private Cloud Appliance") is a list of services. When you click on a service, the sub-menu expands and displays the resource types for that service. When you click on a resource type, a page is displayed that contains a tabular list of resources related to that resource type. The following table provides the Private Cloud Appliance services and their respective resource types as they are displayed in the navigation menu.

Service Resource Types in Sub-Menu


  • Instances

  • Instance Exports

  • Instance Imports

  • Instance Configurations

  • Instance Pools

  • Autoscaling Configurations

  • Custom Images

For more information, see Compute Instance Deployment.

Block Storage

  • Block Volumes

  • Block Volume Backups

  • Boot Volumes

  • Boot Volume Backups

  • Volume Groups

  • Volume Group Backups

  • Backup Policies

For more information, see Block Volume Storage.

File Storage

  • File Systems

  • Mount Targets

For more information, see File System Storage.

Object Storage

  • Object Storage

For more information, see Object Storage.

IP Management

  • Reserved Public IPs

For more information, see Reserving a Public IP Address.


  • Virtual Cloud Networks

  • Load Balancers

  • Network Load Balancers

  • Dynamic Routing Gateways

For more information, see Networking.


  • Kubernetes Clusters (OKE)

For more information, see the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Container Engine for Kubernetes Guide.


  • Zones

  • Steering Policies

  • TSIG Keys

For more information, see Networking.


  • Users

  • Groups

  • Dynamic Groups

  • Policies

  • Compartments

  • Federation

For more information, see Identity and Access Management.


  • Tag Namespaces

For more information, see Creating and Managing Tag Namespaces.

Using Resource Type and Resource Detail Pages

Resource type and resource detail pages are what you use to work with resources in a tenancy or other compartment. A resource type page displays a list of all resources of that type and also contains the service's sub-menu. When you click on a resource in the list, its own detail page is displayed. Every resource detail page has some general information about the resource, such as its OCID, when it was created, the compartment it is in, and any tags associated with it.

About Resource Type Pages

A resource type page contains a list of resources in table format, one resource per row. The rows of the table are in alphabetical order by the name of the resource.

Columns in a resource type table include the name of the resource type, State, Created, and Actions, as well as columns that are specific to that resource type. The Actions column contains the Actions menu (three dots) for the resource, which contains options such as View Details, Edit, Delete, and Copy OCID, as well as options that are specific to that resource type.

To the left of the table is a menu that shows all resource types available for this service. Click a different type to show the page for that resource type.

Above the table, you can select Auto Reload, Refresh, and Filter by Tags. The Compute service instance resource type page also has a Filter by Status option.

The number of resources in the table is displayed above and below the table, along with page navigation buttons if the list of resources is longer than one page.

At the top of the page is the compartment menu, which enables you to view resources of this type in a different compartment. Click the name of the compartment to view a hierarchical list of all compartments in the tenancy.

The top of the page also has a button to create a new resource of this type.

Each resource listed on a resource type page has its own page with more detail about the resource. See About Resource Detail Pages. To view the details page for the resource, click the name of the resource, or select View Details from the Actions menu.

The remainder of this section describes information in resource lists that is specific to each resource type.


The following compute resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements


Status or Filter by Status - Allows you to see the status of an instance or filter by the instance state:

  • Creating Image

  • Provisioning

  • Running

  • Starting

  • Stopped

  • Stopping

  • Terminated

  • Terminating

Shape - The shape of the instance, which determines the number of CPUs and the amount of memory allocated to the instance.

Fault Domain - The name of the fault domain (a grouping of hardware and infrastructure) the instance is running in. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware.

For more information, see Working with Instances.

Instance Pools

Lifecycle State - The current state of the instance pool:

  • Provisioning

  • Scaling

  • Starting

  • Running

  • Stopping

  • Stopped

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

Target Instance Count - Number of instances in a pool.

Instance Configuration - The name of the instance configuration associated with the instance pool.

For more information, see Working with Instance Pools.

Custom Images

Status - The current state of a custom image:

  • Provisioning

  • Importing

  • Available

  • Exporting

  • Stopping

  • Disabled

  • Deleted

For more information, see Managing Custom Images.

Block Storage

The following block storage resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements

Block Volumes

Status - The current state of a volume:

  • Provisioning

  • Restoring

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Faulty

Size - The size of the volume in GBs.

Backup Policy - The name of the backup policy.

For more information, see Managing Block Volumes.

Block Volume Backups

Status - The current state of a volume backup:

  • Creating

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Faulty

  • Request Received

Total Size - The size used by the backup, in GBs, which is typically smaller than size of the block volume depending on the space consumed on the boot volume and whether the backup is full or incremental.

For more information, see Backing Up Block Volumes.

Boot Volumes

State - The current state of a boot volume:

  • Provisioning

  • Restoring

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Faulty

Attached to Instance - Displays Yes if the boot volume is attached to an instance and No if it is not.

Size in GB - The size of the boot volume in GBs.

For more information, see Managing Boot Volumes.

Boot Volume Backups

Status - The current state of a boot volume backup:

  • Creating

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Faulty

  • Request Received

Total Size - The size used by the backup, in GBs, which is typically smaller than size of the boot volume depending on the space consumed on the boot volume.

For more information, see Backing Up Block Volumes.

Volume Groups

Status - The current state of a volume group:

  • Provisioning

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Faulty

Total Size - The aggregate size of the volume group in GBs.

Source Volume Group - Specifies the source for a volume group which can be a volume group backup ID, a volume group ID, or a volume ID.

For more information, see Managing Volume Groups.

Volume Group Backups

Status - The current state of a volume group backup:

  • Creating

  • Committed

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Faulty

  • Request Received

Backup Size (in GB) - The aggregate size of the volume group backup, in GBs, which is typically smaller than the size of a volume group depending on the space consumed on the volume group.

For more information, see Backing Up Block Volumes.

File Storage

The following file storage resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements

File Systems

State - The current state of the file system:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

Utilization - The number of bytes consumed by the file system, including any snapshots. This number reflects the metered size of the file system and is updated asynchronously with respect to updates to the file system.

For more information, see Managing File Systems.

Mount Targets

State - The current state of the mount target:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

  • Failed

For more information, see Managing Mount Targets and Exports.

Object Storage

The following object storage resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements

Object Storage

Default Storage Tier - The storage tier type of Standard or Archive assigned to the bucket. A bucket is set to Standard tier by default, which means objects uploaded or copied to the bucket will be in the standard storage tier. When the Archive tier type is set explicitly for a bucket, objects uploaded or copied to the bucket will be stored in archive storage.

Visibility - Whether or not this bucket is read only. By default, a bucket is not read-only. A bucket is set to read-only when it is configured as a destination in a replication policy.

For more information, see Managing Object Storage Buckets.


The following networking resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements

Virtual Cloud Networks

Status - The current state of the virtual cloud network:

  • Provisioning

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

  • Updating

CIDR Block - The list of IPv4 CIDR blocks the VCN uses.

DNS Domain Name - Name of the associated DNS domain.

For more information, see Managing VCNs and Subnets.

Dynamic Routing Gateways

Status - The current state of the dynamic routing gateway:

  • Provisioning

  • Available

  • Terminating

  • Terminated

For more information, see Connecting to the On-Premises Network through a Dynamic Routing Gateway.


The following DNS resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements


Status - The current state of the zone resource:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

  • Failed

  • Updating

Zone Type - The type of the zone which must be either Primary or Secondary.

For more information, see Managing Public DNS Zones.

Steering Policies

Status - The current state of the steering policy:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

Policy Type - The type of steering policy which is either Load Balancer or IP Prefix Steering. Load Balancer policies allow distribution of traffic across multiple endpoints. Endpoints can be assigned equal weights to distribute traffic evenly across the endpoints or custom weights may be assigned for ratio load balancing. IP Prefix steering policies enable customers to steer DNS traffic based on the IP Prefix of the originating query.

For more information, see Managing Traffic with Steering Policies.


Status - The current state of the tag signature key:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

  • Failed

  • Updating

Algorithm - The type of algorithm used for the tag signature key:

  • hmac-md5

  • hmac-sha1

  • hmac-sha224

  • hmac-sha256

  • hmac-h384

  • hmac-sha512

For more information, see Working with Transaction Signature Keys.


The following identity resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements


Status - The current state of the user:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

Email - The email address assigned to the user which does not have to be unique across all users in the tenancy; multiple user accounts can have the same email address.

For more information, see Creating and Managing User Accounts.


Status - The current state of an identity provider:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

Type - The type identity provider service or product which is either Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 protocol or Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).

Redirect URL - The identity provider-provided URL that enables a service provider to get required information to federate with that identity provider.

For more information, see Federating with Microsoft Active Directory.


Status - The current state of a group:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

For more information, see Creating and Managing User Groups.


Status - The current state of a policy:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

Statements - The number of statements attached to a policy.

For more information, see Managing Policies.


Status - The current state of a compartment:

  • Creating

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

For more information, see Creating and Managing Compartments.


The following governance resource types have additional information in their resource list.

Resource Type Resource-specific Elements

Tag Namespaces

Status - The current state of a tag namespace:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Deleting

  • Deleted

For more information, see Creating and Managing Tag Namespaces.

About Resource Detail Pages

A resource details page has a section of general information about a particular resource, such as its OCID, when it was created, and the compartment it is in. Tags associated with the resource are shown on a separate Tags tab in the general information section. Some resources have other tabs as well. For example, instance details pages have separate tabs for Configuration and Networking information.

Above the general information section is the name of the resource and often one or more buttons that enable you to perform operations similar to the operations on the Actions menu on the resource type page.

To the left of the general information section is a box that shows the status of the resource.

Below the resource status box is a Resources box that lists resources that are associated with the resource that is named at the top of this resource details page. For example, on a VCN details page, the Resources box includes subnets, route tables, and security lists.

Click on a resource type in the Resources box to list all the resources of that type that are associated with the resource named at the top of this page. These resources are listed in a table that is very similar to the tables on resource type pages described in About Resource Type Pages. The resource tables in a Resources section have similar rows and columns, including an Actions menu for each resource, and have a compartment selector and usually a create button above the table.

One difference between resource tables on a resource type page and in the Resources section of a resource details page is that the column headings of resource tables in a Resources section have arrow buttons that enable you to sort the rows of the table by the content in that column. You are not limited to sorting the table only by the name of the resource. For example, you can click the arrows to sort an IP address table by the private or public IP address or by the create date of the resource.

Click the name of a resource in a Resources section table to display the details page for that resource.

The following table shows you some of the tasks you can only do from a resource's detail page.

Task Resource Detail Page

Create a volume group clone

Volume group

Create a schedule for a backup policy

Backup policy

Create file system export

Mount target

Create file system snapshot or create file system export

File system

Upload an API key


View or configure policy statements


View or create a tag key definition

Tag namespace

Attach a DRG to a VCN

Dynamic routing gateway

View or add the following for VCNs:

  • Subnets

  • Route Tables

    View or add route rules from a route table's detail page

  • Internet Gateways

  • Local Peering Gateway

  • DHCP Options

  • Security Lists

    View or create ingress or egress rules from a security list's detail page

  • NAT Gateways

  • Network Security Groups

  • Service Gateways

  • Dynamic Routing Gateway

Virtual cloud network

View or create DNS zone records


View or add attached domains page

Steering policy

Locating Tenancy and Profile Information

For many tasks in Private Cloud Appliance OCI CLI, you need the tenancy OCID, which you can find on a tenancy's detail page in the Compute Web UI. You can find this page by clicking your user name in the top menu bar and selecting Tenancy or using the OCI CLI after you have installed and configured it.

A tenancy detail page provides you with some general information (which includes the OCID), object storage settings, and any associated tags. Within the Compute Web UI you cannot make any changes to a tenancy; rather, this is done by an administrator of the Service Web UI. For more information about tenancies, see Understanding the Tenancy.

Every user in the system has an associated profile. The information in a user's profile can be found in the user detail pages. Users with administrative privileges (or through group membership or policies) have access to all user profiles.

You can find your profile page by logging into a tenancy for which you have access, clicking your user name in the top menu bar and selecting Profile. From your profile page, you can view general information and your OCID, view any tags associated with your profile, and view, add or delete API keys. You can also see which groups you belong to; however, you cannot change any of your group assignments unless you have administrative privileges.

For more information about user profiles, see Creating and Managing User Accounts.