7 Site Checklists

This section contains site checklists to help you ensure that your site is prepared for installing the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

System Components Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the systems component considerations have been addressed.

System Components Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Will more than one base rack be installed?

Is the rack installation a new system or an addition to an existing system?

Are all machine racks adjacent to each other?

If the connecting racks are not within the specified proximity, then has the following been done:

  • Asked Oracle Support Services to provide and schedule the custom multi-rack cabling service with the installation?

Data Center Room Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the data center room requirements are met. For information about the data center requirements, see Flooring Requirements.

Data Center Room Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Has the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance location been allocated?

Is there a vacant location for the new equipment?

Does the floor layout meet the equipment maintenance access requirements?

Is there adequate space available for maintenance?

Will the equipment be positioned so that the exhaust air of one rack does not enter the air inlet of another rack?

Have cabinet stabilization measures been considered?

Does the raised floor satisfy the weight requirements for the new hardware?

Can floor tiles be removed without permission to accommodate service?

Are there cable routing channels or cutouts?

Are you providing any additional hardware?

Is the hardware you are providing fully compatible with the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance?

Will the new hardware location require any non-standard cable lengths?

Is the floor to ceiling height a minimum of 3214 mm or 3.2 m (10.5 feet)?

Is the depth of the raised floor a minimum of 46 cm (18 inches)?

Data Center Environmental Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the data center environment requirements are met. For information, see Ventilation and Cooling Requirements.

Data Center Environmental Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Does the computer room air handling meet temperature and humidity requirements?

Does the installation floor layout satisfy the ventilation requirements?

Will the equipment be positioned so the exhaust air of one rack does not enter the air intake of another rack?

Are the perforated floor tiles each rated at 400 CFM or greater?

Do the data center air conditioners provide sufficient front to back airflow?

Is airflow adequate to prevent hot spots?

Can the data center continuously satisfy environmental requirements?

Can more vented floor tiles be obtained if required?

Access Route Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the access route requirements are met. For information about preparing your data center access route, see Prepare to Install Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

Access Route Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Has the access route been checked for clearances of the packaged equipment?

Do all the doors and entry ways conform to the width and height requirements for transportation, including the width of the unpacked unit?

Do all the doors meet the height requirement of minimum 218 cm (86 inches) for packaged delivery?

Does the access route provide sufficient space for transport of the packed devices?

Are there any ramps or thresholds that are of concern? If yes, then provide details.

Are there any stairs or ramps in the path when moving the new hardware?

Have you confirmed that all route incline angles are within the permitted range?

Have you confirmed that the access route is free of any obstacles that would expose the device to shock?

Are all the surfaces acceptable for rolling the new unpacked and packed equipment?

If a pallet jack is to be used, then have you confirmed the following:

  • The pallet jack supports the device weight?

  • The pallet jack tines are compatible with the shipping pallet?

If there are stairs, then is a loading elevator accessible for the equipment?

If an elevator is to be used, then have you confirmed the following:

  • The elevator car is wide enough for the device to be carried into it?

  • The elevator car is high enough for the device to be carried into it?

  • The load limit of the elevator is greater than the device weight?

  • Are elevators available to handle up to 996 kg (2197 lbs) fully-loaded rack capacity?

  • The elevator door meets the minimum height requirement of 218 cm (86 inches) for packaged rack delivery?

Does the path from the receiving location to the designated data center area support the weight of the unpacked equipment?

Is the path onto the raised floor rated for dynamic loading of the server? Refer to Flooring Requirements.

Facility Power Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the facility power requirements are met. For information about power requirements, see Electrical Power Requirements.

Facility Power Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Do you know the required operating voltage and electric current level of the device and peripherals?

Will you be using single-phase (low-voltage or high-voltage) or 3-phase (low-voltage or high-voltage) power?

Are enough power outlets provided within 2 meters (6.5 feet) for each rack?

Do the power outlets have appropriate socket receptacles for the PDU option ordered? Options are low voltage or high voltage, single-phase or 3-phase.

Will optional ground cables be attached to the rack?

Are the circuit breakers for the equipment suitable in terms of voltage and current-carrying capacities?

Does the power frequency meet the equipment specifications?

Are power outlets available for the new equipment at the designated location?

Will system power be delivered from two separate grids?

Is there a UPS to power the equipment?

Do you have the minimum required power sources to support the power load for the new hardware? Use kilowatt (kW) /kilovolt (kVA) to express power load.

Safety Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the safety requirements are met. For information about safety, see Emergency Procedures for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance and Ventilation and Cooling Requirements.

Safety Checklist Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Is there an emergency power shut off?

Is there a fire protection system in the data center room?

Is the computer room adequately equipped to extinguish a fire?

Is antistatic flooring installed?

Is the floor below the raised floor free of obstacles and blockages?

Logistics Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the logistics requirements are met. For information about unpacking and space requirements, see Space Requirements.

Logistics Checklist Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Do you have contact information for the data center personnel?

Is there security or access control for the data center?

Are there any security background checks or security clearances required for vendor personnel to access the data center? If yes, then do you have a recommended agency?

How many days in advance must background checks be completed?

Are there any additional security access issues?

Is computer room access available for installation personnel?

Are laptops, cell phones, and cameras allowed in the data center?

Does the building have a delivery dock?

Is there a delivery/unpacking/staging area?

Is the delivery inside?

If the delivery is not inside, then is the site prepared for uncrating?

Is the unpacking/staging area protected from the elements?

Does the building have adequate receiving space?

Is the unpacking area air-conditioned to avoid thermal shock for various hardware components?

Will sufficient moving personnel be available to install the hardware?

Is union labor required for any part of the delivery or installation?

Are you prepared for uncrating and trash removal?

Is uncrating of cabinet and cabinet trash removal required?

Are there any restrictions on delivery truck length, width, or height?

Does the customer allow cardboard boxes and other packing material in the computer room? If no, then do ground level deliveries require a truck with a side rail lift?

Is there a time constraint on dock access? If yes, then provide time constraints.

Is tail lift required on delivery carrier to unload the equipment at the delivery dock?

Will any of the following be required to place equipment in computer room?

  • Stair walkers

  • Lifters

  • Ramps

  • Steel plates

  • Floor covers

Does the delivery carrier require any special equipment, such as non-floor damaging rollers, transport dollies, pallet jacks, or fork lifts?

Network Specification Checklist

Complete the following checklist to ensure that the network specification requirements are met. For information about IP addresses, see Network Requirements.

Network Specification Considerations Yes No N/A Comment

Did you complete the networking worksheet, which is included in Initial Installation Checklist?

Have you received the site-specific installation template from your Oracle technical representative?

Did you review the installation template and consult with your Oracle technical representative regarding any site-specific changes, if any?

Did you verify that IP addresses in the installation template are currently not in use?

Have you performed the required configuration within your network infrastructure to allow the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance to use the IP addresses specified in the template?

Have you registered IP addresses in the installation template with DNS?

Did you run the required network cables from your network equipment to the location where the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance will be installed?

Did you label the network cables that will connect to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance?

Initial Installation Checklist

This section contains a checklist to help you plan for the initial installation wizard, which walks you through first boot on your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance. Work with your network and site administrators to plan the integration of the appliance into your data center. For initial configuration you can choose either a dynamic network or static network configuration. This checklist contains information for both options, but you only need data for the implementation you choose.

Items noted in the table with an asterisk (*) are required fields for all configurations. Fields marked with a (†) are required for static network configuration, and fields marked with a (‡) are required for dynamic network configuration.

Item Your Configuration Description and Example

Administrator user name and password

The appliance does not ship with a default administrative user account. You create an administrator account during the initial installation.

User names and passwords have a maximum length of 100 characters. Passwords must contain at least 12 characters with at least one of each: uppercase character, lowercase character, digit, and any punctuation character (expect for double quote ('"') characters, which are not allowed).

Appliance Details


Availability Domain*


Your on site Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is considered an availability domain and is assigned the value ad1.

System Name*

Name for your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance that will also be used as the Realm. This attribute has a maximum length of 24 characters. Acceptable characters are "a"→"z", "A"→"Z", "0"→"9", and "-".

Once set this parameter cannot be changed.


Domain name for your system which is used as the base domain for the internal network, and by Oracle Private Cloud Appliance public facing services. This attribute has a maximum length of 190 characters. Acceptable characters are "a"→"z", "A"→"Z", "0"→"9", "-"

Example: us.example.com

Once set this parameter cannot be changed.

Rack Name

Identify the appliance type, for example pca.


Free text field with a 256 character limit to optionally provide a description of your appliance.

Static Routing Network Details    

Routing Type*

Choose static or dynamic routing based on your network topology.

Uplink Gateway

IP address for the uplink switch to the default gateway in your data center. Chose a valid IP address in customer data center subnet that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Spine switch virtual IP

Virtual IP address which acts as the public VIP for the spine switches in your company network. Chose a valid IP address in the data center subnet that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Uplink VLAN

VLAN used to connect to an uplink switch. Chose a VLAN value between 2 and 3899. VLANs 3900 to 4095 are reserved.

Example: 322

Uplink HSRP Group

Assign an HSRP group number to your appliance. Acceptable values are 0 to 255, and the default value is 151. If there are multiple Oracle Private Cloud Appliance racks connected to the same data center infrastructure switches, ensure they use different HSRP groups.

Management node 1 IP addresses and host name*



host name:

Static IP addresses for management node 1 in your company network.

Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Management node 2 IP addresses and host name*



host name:

Static IP addresses for management node 2 in your company network.

Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Management node 3 IP addresses and host name*



host name:

Static IP addresses for management node 3 in your company network.

Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Management virtual IP address and host name*



host name*:

Virtual IP addresses of the management node cluster in your company network. This is the IP used to DNAT to the internal management node VIP. Oracle Private Cloud Appliance DNS will resolve Oracle Private Cloud Appliance endpoints to this IP.

Chose a valid IP address in the data center CIDR.


Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Spine switch 1 IP address*

IP address for the spine switch 1 in your company network. Chose a valid IP address in the data center subnet that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Spine switch 2 IP address*

IP address for the spine switch 2 in your company network. Chose a valid IP address in the data center subnet that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Dynamic Routing Network Details    

Peer 1 IP

Neighbor BGP IP - IP address of customer datacenter router-1 that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Peer 1 ASN

BGP ASN of customer datacenter router-1.

Example: 64512-65533 or 4200000000-4294967294 (Note: Oracle Spine switch default ASN is 136025.)

Peer 2 IP

Neighbor BGP IP - IP address of customer datacenter router-2 that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Peer 2 ASN

BGP ASN of customer datacenter router-2

Example: 64512-65533 or 4200000000-4294967294 (Note: Oracle Spine switch default ASN is 136025.)

Uplink Gateway*

IP address for the uplink switch to the default gateway in your data center. Chose a valid IP address in customer data center subnet that the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uplink switches are attached to.


Oracle ASN

The default is 136025.

BGP Topology

Options are triangle, square, or mesh. The default is mesh.

BGP Authentication

Enter the BGP credentials for your network.

BGP Password

Enter the BGP password for your network.

BGP KeepAlive Timer

The default is 60.

BGP Holddown Timer

The default is 180.

Enable MDA Authentication

The default is false.

Uplink Details


Uplink Port Speed*

All uplink ports must have the identical speed. The options are 10, 25, 40, 100. The default is 100.

Uplink Port Count*

The number of uplink ports per spine switch. Connectivity must be identical on both spine switches to provide redundancy and load-splitting.

For 100G and 40G speeds, valid values are 1, 2 and 4. For 10G and 25G ports, valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. The default for both is 4.

Uplink VLAN MTU*

MTU size determines the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over your uplink connection. The valid range is 68 to 9216. The default is 9216.

Uplink Netmask*

Netmask of the subnet Oracle Private Cloud Appliance is connected to in your data center.


Uplink Port FEC

Configure Forward Error Correct (FEC) for the uplink port. The default option is auto, with on and off as other valid options.

NTP Server Details


NTP servers*

At least one valid IP address for an NTP server in your data center. You can enter multiple IP addresses in a comma-separated list.


Optional Administration Network Details


Admin Networking

Enable or disable a separate Administration network to transport administrative traffic.

Management virtual IP address and host name



host name:

Virtual IP address of the management node cluster in the administration network. This is the IP used to DNAT to the internal management node VIP. Oracle Private Cloud Appliance DNS will resolve Oracle Private Cloud Appliance endpoints to this IP.

Chose a valid IP address in the administration network CIDR.


Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Management node 1 IP addresses and host name



host name:

Static IP addresses for management node 1 in the administration network.

Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Management node 2 IP addresses and host name



host name:

Static IP addresses for management node 2 in the administration network.

Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Management node 3 IP addresses and host name



host name:

Static IP addresses for management node 3 in the administration network.

Provide a valid host name. An appended domain name is used if you don't provide a host name.

Admin DNS servers

IP addresses for 1-3 DNS servers providing name resolution in the administration network.


Admin Port Speed

Port speed options are 10, 25, 40, 100. The port speed of your administration port can be different from the data port speed.

Admin Port Count

For 100G and 40G speeds, valid value is 1. For 10G and 25G ports, valid values are 1 to 4.

Admin HSRP Group

Assign an HSRP group number to your Administration network. Acceptable values are 0 to 255, and the default value is 152. If there are multiple Oracle Private Cloud Appliance racks connected to the same data center infrastructure switches, ensure they use different HSRP groups.

Admin VLAN

VLAN used to connect to the Administration network (only access mode supported). The valid range for users to select is 2 to 3899. The default is 3915, in the Oracle-reserved range.


MTU size determines the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over your administration connection. The valid range is 68 to 9216. The default is 9216.

Admin Port FEC

Configure Forward Error Correct (FEC) for the administration port. The default option is auto, with on and off as other valid options.

Admin Gateway IP

IP address of the default gateway in your Administration network.


Admin Netmask

Netmask of the subnet the Administration network is connected to.

Admin CIDR

CIDR range for which the default route is the Administration gateway IP.

Admin Spine 1 IP

Public IP address of spine switch 1. Needed for HSRP configuration or the spine virtual IP.

Admin Spine 2 IP

Public IP address of spine switch 2. Needed for HSRP configuration or the spine virtual IP.

Admin Spine VIP

Public virtual IP of the spine switches.

DNS Server Details


DNS server 1

IP address for primary DNS server.


DNS server 2

IP address for secondary DNS server.


DNS server 3

IP address for tertiary DNS server.


Appliance Public IP Addresses


Public IP Addresses

A range of customer data center IP addresses can be used for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components that require public IP addresses. Note: In this context, public IP addresses refer to IP addresses that have access to the data center network from the Oracle Private Cloud Appliancesubnet.

You must specify IP addresses or ranges that are routed to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance from the data center. Route tables must be correct and consistent.

Enter a string containing a comma separated list of valid CIDRs.

Example: "","",""

Partial CIDR deletion is not supported.

Object Storage IP address

Valid IP address for an objectstorage endpoint that is outside the public IP range.