Delta Pools

The delta store is the collection of delta pools. As the Recovery Appliance receives backups from protected databases, it indexes them and stores them in delta pools. A delta pool is the set of data file blocks from which Recovery Appliance constructs virtual full backups. Recovery Appliance automatically manages delta pools so that it can create a virtual full backup that corresponds to any incremental backup ever received.

Each separate data file whose backups are sent to Recovery Appliance has its own separate delta pool. For example, data file 10 from prod1 has its own delta pool, data file 1 from database prod2 has its own delta pool, and so on. As shown in Figure 2-6, the delta store contains all the delta pools for the databases protected by Recovery Appliance.

Figure 2-6 Delta Pools in Delta Store

Description of Figure 2-6 follows
Description of "Figure 2-6 Delta Pools in Delta Store"