Ensuring That the Site is Ready

Before ZDLRA Rack is delivered to the site, the following tasks must be performed to ensure the site is ready:

Task 1   Review Site Requirements

Review the site requirements in this chapter to understand the requirements for ZDLRA Rack.

Task 2   Understand the Networking Requirements and Options

Review Preparing Your Networks for Recovery Appliance to discern the networking requirements and configuration decisions that you must make.

Task 3   Run Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA)

Run OEDA to create the necessary configuration files.

See Using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant.

Task 4   Configure the Network

Configure the network using the files from OEDA. This includes registering the networks in the Domain Name System (DNS), assigning IP addresses, and configuring data center switches and firewalls.

Task 5   Prepare the Site Based on Requirements

Prepare the site based on the requirements, such as, install the network cables and power supplies, prior to the arrival of ZDLRA Rack.

Review the procedures in unresolvable-reference.html#GUID-42CADEBB-E412-4374-9C11-9A7E6E685F04