Getting Started with the OEDA Browser-based User Interface

The OEDA application server is available for Linux, OSX and Windows.


The OEDA Web-based user interface does not support Oracle SuperCluster. Instead, use the command.

The Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) Web-based user interface is available starting with the October 2018 OEDA release. The OEDA Web-based interface can import previous OEDA XML configuration files created with the Java-based version of OEDA.


The OEDA Web-based interface is supported only on Chrome and Firefox browsers.

To set up the OEDA application server and start the Web-based user interface, perform the following steps.

  1. Download the latest OEDA release from My Oracle Support note 888828.1 and copy the archive to the system where you want to run the OEDA application server.

  2. On the system where you want to run the OEDA application server, extract the contents of the downloaded compressed file. The extracted contents is written to a directory based on the operating system, such as linux-x64, macosx-x64, or windows-i586. This is referred to as the OEDA_HOME directory.

  3. Launch the OEDA application server (located in the OEDA_HOME directory).

    • On Linux, OSX, and UNIX run: [-p port-number] [-g]
    • On Microsoft Windows run:

      installOedaServer.cmd [-p port-number] [-g]

    In the command:

    • -p port-number — optionally specifies the port number for the OEDA application server.

      If not specified, the default port number is 7072. However, you can specify any unused port number. It is not recommended to use port numbers less than 1024.

    • -g — optionally specifies that the OEDA application server accepts connections on all available network interfaces.

      If not specified, the OEDA application server only listens on the localhost interface (

    You can run the installOedaServer program using a non-privileged OS user account. You do not need to be logged in as an OS administrator.

    When you run the installOedaServer program, previous OEDA application server instances are stopped and removed before starting the latest OEDA application server version.

  4. Access the OEDA Web-based user interface.

    After you start the OEDA application server, you can access the Web-based interface by opening a browser and entering the following URL:


    In the URL:

    • host-name is the application server host name.

    • port-number is the network port number that you specified when starting the installOedaServer program. For example, 7072.

    If you did not specify the -g option when starting the OEDA application server, then you must run the browser on the same host as the OEDA application server and specify localhost as the application server host name.